Author Archives: Andrea

Oh, how we resist change and create more work for ourselves

A week ago, I got a new computer with Windows 8 on it. I’d heard the horror stories about how hard Windows 8 was to learn and navigate and I discovered that it was not.  The same thing happened this week as my iPad updated itself to the new operating system IOS7. I saw several complaints on Facebook about the system, yet as soon as I saw it had a different look about it, I Googled for articles that explained it.  I immediately went into my settings, gave it a dark wallpaper, and moved off the main screen the icons I never use.  It took all of 20 minutes, about as long as it took me to get used to Windows 8.  I’ve learned the more I embrace change, the easier and more fun my transitions can be.  And I’m all about easy and fun!

I took the weekend off and watched my bamboo grow

I took the rare weekend off.  Friday night I craved Applebee’s oriental chicken salad and learned they have a yummy off-menu veggie patch pizza on a toasted tortilla, made vegan by omitting the cheese. Their single portions make two full meals.  I took a walk around the yard for the first time in a week, and saw that the bamboo has been going crazy growing in the rain, last week knee high, this week 20 feet tall.  Don’t tell me you can’t hear bamboo grow, it is right outside my bedroom window.   Continue reading

Unsolicited advice; who is my target audience? It’s a meaningful life, it just takes practice

Recently I went to my favorite restaurant for lunch. The owner complained nonstop to me about how bad the economy is.  He typically does that and we’ve had “the talk” (about how we attract what we focus on) but often he’s busy so he doesn’t have time to talk to me.  He asked why he hadn’t seen me in a more than a month.  I told him the truth, I’ve been busy and I’ve been cooking.  The only reason I was taking a break from going there in the first place is that I don’t eat where people are complaining.  So yesterday, when he began to settle in for a long talk, I asked for my order to go.  I knew that I was going to discard it once I got home.  He prepared it in his unconnected mindset, so I wasn’t going to ingest it.  I tipped him $7 on a $13 check and politely split.  Continue reading

Her ex feeds candy to their ADHD kids

A friend writes that she limits the sugar intake of her two kids because they get very wired when they eat it. They are both falling behind in school because of inability to stay focused.  Her ex has visitation every weekend and gives the children chocolate and soda. He says their behavior and short attention span is unrelated to sugar, despite studies that show some ADHD kids are “turned on” by sweet stuff.  She’s experimented and has seen that they focus better without sugar and processed foods. He won’t listen. She is open to suggestions.

I feng shui my office


A friend walked in my office for the first time and said, “You, the one who gives me heck about feng shui and THIS is your office???”  I love when friends call me on my stuff, they are my greatest teachers.  I spent several hours moving furniture out, moving furniture in, unplugging everything and untangling the cords.  Making secure all the connections and arranging the cables in an orderly way.  Continue reading

Finally, no more competition!

A friend asked if it irked me that someone new in town began a blog because I have a blog, and began doing psychic readings and astrology because I do it.  I told her if she thinks it was done because of me, then I feel grateful and honored to have inspired someone. There’s no reason for it to irk me. There’s plenty to go around and there’s no competition. No one does exactly what I do just as I don’t do exactly what anyone else does.  I don’t compare apples and oranges. She’ll attract the ones she’s in vibrational harmony with and I’ll do the same.  Back in the psychic fair days of the 90’s, I’d do readings at big hotels on the beach and there’d be up to 8 readers.  Lots of walk-in traffic since we were on the billboard on AIA during a holiday weekend. With 200 people coming in for readings, you’d think each reader would get 25 clients but not so.  Some had a line waiting for hours and others did maybe 10 readings the entire weekend.  We each attract what we are in vibrational harmony with, despite mathematical expectation. I’m never in competition with anyone for anything, anywhere. Continue reading

YouTube demystifies Windows 8 for me

I got a life lesson when YouTube demystified Windows 8 for me last week.  Like standing before any other formidable guide and teacher, I was at first intimidated by the new desktop.  Nothing looked familiar. I’d been told nothing worked the same.  Concern began to set in.  But YouTube let me see past the exterior, it let me focus on the similarities rather than be intimidated by the differences.  Worry and doubt left as my perspective changed due to the evolution of my consciousness.  Just like encountering the unfamiliar in Life!  I bought a new computer last week and left it yesterday to have the programs installed. In the meantime I have this laptop, which has everything except the business records and bookkeeping files on it. That means I couldn’t work if I had to without the main computer! It will have Windows 8, which I’d heard horror stories about.   Continue reading

A rainy, lazy, bicycle Sunday. We exchange vowels. I buy my first convection oven.

bicycle suncruiser pinkHere’s my cushy Moonbeam Pink Sun Retro bicycle with her newly inflated tires, 40psi please. With her new front light – she’s legal!  I pulled her out of the shed where she’s been for a couple of years, and I polished her up.  She has 2 baskets and she’s ready to cruise.  Saturday night I missed kirtan to stay in the office to finish final layout on the October Horizons Magazine.  I got my chant on while I worked. Afterward, I took a ride around the neighborhood on the bike.  Earlier in the afternoon, I bought an Oster convection oven which can roast lots of veggies at once, an entire eggplant along with peppers, onions and squash.  I tried it out last night. Continue reading

Just ride past and keep moving toward the Light

It’s a lovely day bike riding in the neighborhood! Nothing says Sunday morning like hearing a screaming match from the neighbors while the barking hits 9 million decibels. Who let the dogs out? I may have to pass by stuff like that but I don’t have to live in it. Move along, now, nothing to see here… Look, shiny sparkles over there!