Author Archives: Andrea

I set my quick texts for the No Texting While Driving Law

No-Texting-While-DrivingThe next no texting while driving law goes into effect tomorrow.  These are the quick texts I’ve set on my cell phone to answer quickly whatever comes in. In an android phone, go to “Compose a new message” and the drop down menu will show your “Quick Texts” and you can “Edit” them to say what you’d like. Mine say:
1. Whatcha doing?
2. Can’t pick up, text me please.
3. Driving, will text you in a few minutes
4. I’m heading back, will text ya when I arrive.
5. Going to Publix, need anything?
6. Going to WalMart, need anything?
7. Driving now, info is on the website
8. I adore you
9. You are gonna get it when I get home

Transplanting loquats

I woke up early Saturday morning with a goal: swap out a loquat tree I’d given a friend with another one. It was the perfect time in the lunar cycle, it rains every day and both trees have a good, tight root ball.  I tossed shovels in the car, tarp, trees, it took me 10 minutes exactly.

One who understands relationship, nature and man

“He came out into the entrance court and contemplated his bonsai. Early sun gold-frosted the horizontal upper foliage of the old tree and brought its gnarled limbs into sharp relief, tough brown-gray and crevices of velvet. Only the companion of a bonsai (there are owners of bonsai, but they are a lesser breed) fully understands the relationship, There is an exclusive and individual treeness to the tree because it is a living thing, and living things change, and there are definite ways in which the tree desires to change. A man sees the tree and in his mind makes certain extensions and extrapolations of what he sees, and sets about making them happen. The tree in turn will do only what a tree can do, will resist to the death any attempt to do what it cannot do, or to do it in less time than it needs. The shaping of a bonsai is therefore always a compromise and always a cooperation.  Continue reading

How can you be sure if you had an argument?

I think we just had an argument but there was so much laughter and rough housing throughout I cannot really be sure… How can you be sure? I am such a tomboy I think the only way to work it out is to wrestle it out. It worked at 16 and it works at 61.

Who’s with me on this?

So what do you with a boyfriend who is always freshly showered, smelling like soap and toothpaste? Doesn’t it make ya want to get him all sweaty and feed him onions?

Killer roasted veggies in the convection oven

roastedvegA cornucopia of fresh veggies to choose from for roasting later in the new convection oven: Japanese eggplant, peppers: red, orange, yellow and green; yellow squash, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, a fat onion and… wait for it… brussels sprouts!  I cut everything about the same size and drizzle it well with a good olive oil.  I add dried basil, mustard seed and tarragon with fresh springs of thyme and rosemary, and a lemon cut into 6-8 wedges.With rice in the rice cooker and hummus already made, dinner will be a breeze.  And a feast!

A killer roasted veggies and vegetarian wine mushroom gravy recipe here

Casper asks about ghostwriting

casperCasper writes: I have a question. I have an opportunity to ghostwrite.   You have done some ghostwriting. I’ve gotten an interesting range of pricing looking at sites and reading articles on the Internet. What do you charge and how do you do your pricing? I’m trying to be prepared.
Andrea replies:  Greetings!  I ghost for a few friends since 1992. Mine is without royalities or credit, with non-disclosure agreement signed, etc. I lucked into doing it via publishing connections, so I’ve never had to query. The pricing is kinda wacky, sometimes a set price for the project at this point.  Most of the “work” I’ve done has come out of writer friends and I emailing back and forth just ideas or sometimes readings on personal matters. Continue reading

Turn your insomnia into an hours long mindfulness session

When I entered menopause at age 42, my sleeping patterns began to change.  Like everyone else, at first I fought it and tried everything to keep me asleep for my previous 8 hours at a stretch.  Years later I thought, let me just go with it instead of fighting it, and see what my sleeping patterns morph into.  Now I use the occasional sleeplessness to do a few hours of mindful nostril breathing for breath meditation, creative visualization and prepaving for future projects.  That time I say I never have? This is when the Universe is giving me extra time! Or you can always contact Gary Leggett the hypnotist who got me to sleep.  See links below for more sleep info.   Continue reading