Author Archives: Andrea

I just mowed my neighbor’s yard for her

girl_mowing_grass_girlI just mowed my neighbor’s yard, since I share the view. It’s been 3 months since it was last mowed. When I saw the Code Compliance truck driving by, I thought, heck, let me just do it for her right now.   It took all of 30 minutes. Now the yard is done and may not need it again until March.  I figured she could use a break, it’s been a hectic year and she’s had no help at home. Then I remembered it’s her birthday, so to honor her solar return and in the name of fresh new beginnings, I chanted a cleansing prayer and a blessing around the property as I mowed, to clear old energy and make way for the new.  Blessed be, indeed. You’re welcome.  It’s my honor, for rizzle.


what you loveHeavenly Father/Mother God, thank you for whatever I did to deserve the good You’ve blessed me with in this lifetime.  I have no regrets whatsoever.  If I died this moment, it would have all been worth it. I love and am loved.

I know the power of my attention, do you?

Most of us have no idea of the power of our attention. Whether an object, a person or a situation, my attention to it breathes life into it, it activates it, it expands it, it amplifies it. When I gain power over my attention, I can be very powerful indeed.  Life improves the more connected and allowing I can be. As I attune myself to the finer frequencies, and train my senses to be more acute, more aware, able to pick up the subtle nuances of energetic flow, my life gets easier and I am more in the flow with many good things.   It’s all a matter of focus and attention. And I’m the one who is in charge of where I maintain my focus, how intensely and for how long.  You know that friend you have who always is so happy to see you, who gushes over you and makes you feel like the most loved person on the planet? The power of their attention causes you to expand into more of who you really are. Their attention causes your beliefs to stretch and become flexible, to allow in other possibilities, to access greater potential.  Or that furry friend that greets you morning and night, always thrilled to see you, delighted by your attention! Seek out the people who activate and expand you and test it for yourself.  Let the ones who contract you fade into the background. Then turn your attention back to the people around you, and know the power you have when you turn your positive attention on them.

My spidey sense lets me intuit proximity

I don’t always get to choose which psychic impressions I get.  With some friends, the spidey sense is heightened and being in the same proximity activates it – whether we want it or not, like when paranormal activity is triggered by the unfocused energy of children and pets. Most recently, 2011-12 was a year of spidey sense and synchronicities. A friend and I became very in tuned with each other psychically. I could predict a day ahead of time the changes in his work schedule and when particular people would knock on the door the next day. It was a weekly occurrence. I’d know via coffee and cigarette cravings when he was stressed. I don’t drink coffee nor smoke cigarettes, so those were not my cravings.  As a psychic medium, part of the job is deciphering what is mine and what is not.  Often it is the client’s emotional response and their cravings and bodily aches I feel during our session. I can feel the energetic tension of connection between us.  When the person is gone, the bond would fade. I’d feel free of it.  It’s tangible. I wrote in 48 Hours I Think I Got My Wish that “a friend has been wanting a new home and I’ve been holding that vision for him.  My spidey sense tells me he found it.”  I could tell because when I pass his house, the energetic tension is suddenly gone. Although we’d not talked for 6 months, I was still aware of his vibe simply because of his location. Nothing had changed from outward appearance, but there’s no longer a feeling of connection as I drive past.  I feel free of it. That’s always a clear indicator for me. I’m happy for him, I’m happy for me, to know the spidey sense was strong between us when he lived close, and to know that I won’t be waking up craving coffee and cigarettes anymore. Everybody wins!
If I want to be free of a situation, I must first love it as it is
Ah, just like old times ~ with an upgrade
A peaceful end to a roller coaster ride

You don’t need to invoke Kali to fight a foe, simply send out what you want to receive back

kali-indian-goddess-face-23609647Hmmm a friend said they “invoked the wrath of Kali” to “get back” at someone… WTF? Isn’t it easier to take responsibility for what you attract, and for the consequences of your previous actions? Isn’t it easier to stop reacting and only send out what you want to receive back? If you did nothing else but that your entire life, oh how wise and what a fun life that would be.  Spiritual brother Jesse Rogers wrote: I am sure Kali was thrilled to be invoked, she was probably just sitting around doing nothing just waiting for the opportunity to go off on someone for the benefit of a single individual who can’t take care of things themselves. People really need a good dose of what symbology actually is, they take things to heart way too much and never truly understand that most things are just place holders for your own personal emotions and energy.
Andrea: I usually first invoke my own memory if I can’t immediately realize what is coming back to smack me and why. It seldom takes long Continue reading

48 hours I think I got my wish (I did!)

abstract rainbow transparent designhappy danceI’ve had a cold for a few days and it’s finally shaking off. I’m feeling suddenly free and expanded and I don’t think it’s just the cold. This is the first I’ve had a chance to sit down and recall that I wrote at Saturday 4:00pm I’ll see what surprise blessing I have that I’m doing an experiment from  E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality by Pam Grout and within 48 hours, I expected to have a surprise blessing from the Universe.   A friend has been wanting a new home and I’ve been holding that vision for them.  My spidey sense tells me they found it. (Update, they did!) Happy dance for everyone! Continue reading

I take 100% responsibility for being unkind and unloving in the past by Michael CleanFoods Sage

It’s so liberating to reach that point in your life when you look back at behaviors of the past and have realizations about them that help you in the Now.  A friend recently wrote: “I love looking back at old relationships and to see my part in things. I really wanted my ex wife to breast feed, because I heard it was better for our babies. Back then I was a very lost soul and thought like many there was a right and wrong way. She was against it, she was completely distant from her own body. Sex was the worst I ever had, but I, in my mind thought that meant being more virginal, she would make a better mom, hard to believe my thoughts looking back. We had sex maybe 50 times over a 18 year relationship. She was taught that sex was something you have to do for your husband out of obligation. So I pressured her into trying to breast feed our son, which was just an awful thing to do now looking back. This is a woman who wanted to keep her shirt on during sex. I just had the story in my mind it was so important to breast feed, that I would have done it if I could.” Continue reading

Releasing old programming during this retrograde by going on a journey of discovery within my own memory

I told Facebook that I love riding around at night under the stars when it’s quiet.  A friend commented that he’s a crazy bike rider and has been hit numerous times. “Good grief,” I said, “I don’t ride anywhere but around the hood and I get off the road if a car comes.” That’s a habit I’ve had since childhood. If I am walking or bike riding somewhere alone and a car approaches, I get out of the street.  When I was a kid, my dad would tell me to get out of sight when a car approaches so they don’t take me, to duck behind a tree and stop moving so they don’t see me.  When I was 15, the daughter of someone he knew was kidnapped so I grew up being on alert for it.   With that belief system, I attracted my share of stalkers and such.  When I realized what was happening, I morphed my belief system to cut it out. When I know better, I do better.  I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting during this Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio, which takes place in my 7th house of relationship.  That means all my unresolved relationship issues are laid out before me saying, “peek at me? visit me? resolve me?”  Coming out of the Sun square Pluto earlier this month and several squares and oppositions with Uranus, I thought that meant I’d be arguing with my partner.  Happily that’s not the case. He’s a chill guy, so the astrological “challenge” appears instead as me having old emotional issues surface in my mind and me working through them as they come up. Continue reading

Just because it’s easy doesn’t mean you’re not growing in leaps and bounds

I had a headcold Thursday that had me sneezing all day and by Friday it had morphed into a cough as well.  Today I pulled out the Mucinex so I could breathe. When I am feeling overworked, my body pretends it’s having a cold. Whether I treat it or not, it lasts a few days.  “With breathing difficulties, your body is signaling that you want to take on too much and you will not admit any limitation, even to yourself. You want to seem strong. You want things to be done your way, and when that doesn’t happen, a cold is just the excuse you need to not be strong as you seem. The internal approach of ‘taking on too much’ is poisoning and suffocating you. Liberate yourself.” I found it interesting since while yes, I do work a lot, I don’t feel there’s any area of my life that things are not being done my way, nor that I need to be liberated from anything.  I’m riding a happy wave with work, personal life, health. Continue reading