Author Archives: Andrea

A lazy, rainy Thursday

97% humidity, 72 degrees, it’s cozy inside, eating hot bowls of potato and roasted pepper soup for lunch while watching the rain fall in the garden and drip off the leaves. The MiniCow is in her basket on the little round table.  I couldn’t be more content.  Thank you to Whoever made that happen. And yes, I know I helped.

I take a day off to lounge in bed. Well, almost.

I rearranged the master bedroom Tuesday night.  I didn’t set out to.  I was vacuuming when I decided to wash the window sheers and the several wall hangings I use to make up my Arabian Nights harem canopy for the bed.  I moved the bed around, moved three chairs out of the room, moved one back in, night stands out of the shed and placed on either side of the bed, a variety of lamps and lighting: red, amber, 25w and 60 watt white. I’m mega sensitive to light so I like to have choices.  The room measures 15 x 20 and the bookcases lining the walls have my astrology, tarot and divination books in them. This is a good room to study in. There are now lamps at each sitting station. I like to keep my room as my sanctuary, it’s the only room in the house I am not reminded of the office. I often feel as though I’m on vacation when I spend time in my bedroom.  It reminds me of being at a hotel the day before a conference, relaxing, skipping the opening night dinner to catch some alone time. It feels deliciously self indulgent. Continue reading

I move my furniture a lot because I like changing it up

I have a habit of rearranging the furniture pretty often. A friend mentioned that constantly rearranging furniture is known as an obsessive compulsive disorder trait, a way to avoid confronting problems and facing anxiety and fear head on. That may be, except I’m not aware of any problems or anxieties. I think I do it as part of my process of changing things up to keep my mind engaged and the energy flowing.  I Googled to see what was being said to see if it applied to me.  Not really.  I don’t do it to restore order and symmetry, I do it to freshen my environment and keep the energy flowing. The nature of my work is that I speak with many people each day and walk beside them through troubled times. I always do a cleanse and release after each session to wipe the slate clean so to speak.  Changing up the furniture is great for doing that. I also think of it as a relaxing activity, like when my partner plays the piano for a little while each day, just to have fun doing it. So,  OCD? Nah, I just like keeping myself on my toes.

I dreamed I got calls from a Craigslist ad and got them the next day

I dreamed two nights ago that someone put my cell phone number on a phony Craigslist ad and I began getting harassing calls. Yesterday I get a text from a guy in Muskegon, MI asking the height of the chairs I have for sale on Craigslist. Their area code is 231, mine is 321.  I called the number today using a 231 area code and got the guy who placed the ad.  I told him I’d gotten a text and to check his ad.  So how did I get the info a day ahead of time that it was going to happen? And see how the brain incorrectly translated the info since it was going through my own subconscious filters?  Someone mentioned Craigslist just two days before. I’d had harassing calls earlier this year. I didn’t think it was related. I went to forward the text to him and my phone kept correcting the number and sending it to me at my 321 area code.  The phone clearly thought I was typing it wrong.  I had to create a new contact listing for him before the text would send to him and not me.  I can’t help but wonder if there’s more to the story.  I’ll keep you posted.

RELATED — LINKS TO MORE DREAMS:      Continue reading

I try to open files from the wrong program…

I went to open the January magazine and I couldn’t find the file.  Not only could I not find that file, I couldn’t find any of my Adobe InDesign magazine files. None of them.  I could see all the pdf files, but my main files were not listed. WTF? I decided to open it from the external drive.  It wasn’t there either!  None of the files could be found, none of them.  I was surprisingly calm, considering I’d have to create the entire January magazine from scratch. But I could do it in one afternoon. As soon as I realized how easy it would be, I realized that I was in the wrong program.  I was not in Adobe InDesign, I was in Adobe Photoshop. I didn’t see the entire list of files on the drive because it was showing me only those files I could open in Photoshop, my jpgs and pdfs. I had to laugh.  As soon as I realized there was no problem, my awareness expanded and I immediately saw clearly what I’d done. Continue reading

Typical Florida

1-11Mid-November and while it’s a balmy 77 degrees, it’s 86% humidity so the a/c just went on.  Gotta love living in the sub tropics.

No kids = no holiday hassles

Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up, looking forward to them this year = my bf has no kids. Yep, I lucked out and found the holy grail, yo!  A galpal reminds me that for some, kids ARE the holy grail 🙂  To each their own.

Opening the view and letting in the Light

This week I’ve been using my hedge clippers to trim the eleagnus bushes that surround my screened in porch and make up the privacy hedge in my front yard. Also called silverthorn, it’s a large sprawling bush that gets very dense when left on its own. This is the first time I’ve used the hedge clippers on it and it was surprisingly easy.  The past couple of years I’ve let my yard become overgrown under the shadowy tree canopy. Since summertime I’ve been opening it all back up to the sunlight, cutting hedges shorter, trimming them close in so they are more lacy and less a dense wall.  I’ve so severely pruned back the giant philodendron outside my office window that it’s completely opened me up to see the entire courtyard and the street.  It’s a huge view in front of me that I never had before.   I can see the entire southern sky as well.  I feel as though I just gained two acres of front yard. My world is expanding in leaps and bounds. The more exposed and transparent, the less hidden I become, the freer I feel. Thank you God for this life and these realizations.

I set my dining room up restaurant style, complete with menus

I realized last night there’s no longer a need to have 9 chairs and 6 pillows in the living room as if we have a houseful anymore.  I decided to rearrange my living areas to reflect what I actually do every day now: a comfy place to relax after work and dine with my partner. I moved a tall file cabinet out of the dining area and into the back office. I moved a 48 x 60″ table into the dining room, right next to the kitchen as a service table for the toaster oven, convection oven and coffee maker. The wide table surface is a great staging area as well.  I love staging areas… Next to it is the water cooler and beverages. The entire dining area is now set up like restaurant seating with a self service beverage bar where I keep teas and coffees and cups and plates stocked. The dining table includes menus as well! Continue reading