Author Archives: Andrea

Wow, that’s the fastest a prayer ever worked!

prayer worksI know prayer works but wow, that was fast!  (See my process below.)  I came in the office at 8:00am after five days off. I turned my flip desk calendar to today and found my stack of “bills to be paid”. The stack looked pretty hefty since I paid all my property taxes last week. That’s the nature of my business: there are times when we squeak for a few days between billing and bank deposit.  We’ve never NOT paid something on time, so my experience is that it always gets done by the time it needs to get done. That’s pretty much all I need to know about that.  I did, however, goof and saw my car payment was due from Wednesday. Hmmm. So I said a prayer that it would be taken care of and almost immediately the office phone rang. Continue reading

A successful first quarterly psychic fair at Book and Bead Outlet in Merritt Island, FL

It was an awesome psychic fair today at Book and Bead Outlet in Merritt Island, FL ~ thank you to the awesome Ed Mondazzi for producing it! It was good to see Morgana StarrJeanette WaddingtonLeslie MarlarDaena CroghanTeketa ShineKathleen Skutka WaddingtonRobert andJanet BuckDiane StephensKathryn FlanaganTod McNealEileen A. Jacobs and everyone else. There were Angel Messages with Morgana Starr, Rune Readings with Daena Croghan, Crystal Readings with Teketa Shine, Astrology with Leslie Marlar, and I did tarot readings.  Each of us was busy nonstop from 11:00am until 3:00pm and it was a very fun group.  I saw many friends and met several Facebook friends in person for the first time. They’ll have these fairs every 90 days – I’ll keep you posted.

When your karma visits your loved ones, you can help them by cutting out your nonsense and cleaning up your past

How funny to go to a sick friend’s Facebook page and see a “supportive” comment to her by a woman who has does nothing but malign her (and a dozen other “ex” friends) behind the back. She used to know that her self talk determines her future outcome and that it’s all related, but if you really understand that, you don’t forget it. You can’t be one way in front of someone and another way behind their back.  The Universe sees that. You can’t disrespect people and lie and be arrogant and purposely hurtful and steal and gossip without knowing that it will come back on you. Sometimes it returns by coming down on your closest loved ones. When they suddenly see trials and plagues, you can help them by cutting out your nonsense and cleaning up your past. That’s not what you want to contribute to their life. Ignoring it and not addressing it simply leaves the energy back where you left off with it – angry, jealous and unresolved.  She clearly doesn’t honor herself enough to stop her hatefulness, perhaps she actually loves her (troubled and sick) partner enough to stop bringing karma down on them both.  By their fruits do we know them.

RELATED:  It’s all related – everything
our self talk determines your future outcome

RELATED: Tie Up Loose Ends
Your misdeeds affect your loved ones
Building momentum
Riding Out Past Momentum
Factoring in past momentum
Creating Momentum To Move In A New Direction
The process to gather momentum and amplify attraction power
Turn your attention elsewhere and stop creating more karma
When your karma visits your loved ones, you can help them by cutting out your nonsense and cleaning up your past
If you’re being blocked, look for unresolved issues to clear
When you’re doing all the “right” things and still get hit by karma, that’s past momentum
You destroy the chance for your future by not clearing up your past

Channelling restless energy into researching food as medicine

It had to happen.  I moved the laptop back into the bedroom.  I have this great nook in there for it, but I haven’t used the laptop for months. I mostly use the iPad for Facebook in the bedroom. Now that my room is once again a cozy haven, I want a spot to do some serious writing. I like an old school external keyboard and mouse, for speedy navigation in my constant research. I’ve got the laptop set up on the tabletop of 3 tiered corner desk. The two shelves above are the bedroom altar, with red lamps shining upon the sacred images and murtis, incense holders, candles, sacred salts, ash and crystals. The plush bed is behind me, matching nightstands on either side. A landmark. Something I’ve never done in this room: made room to give another person equal space.  It’s not as painful as I thought it might be. I hung White Tara above the bed, known for compassion, long life, healing and serenity. A comfy chair faces the east garden. Sipping hot tea this 54 degree morning, I watch the sun rise through the trees. As it does, the squirrels and birds wake up and begin to play for me.  Continue reading

I know you don’t know how bitter you sound in your FB posts

stop complaining72To a few beloved friends: yes, you’ve been dragged through the mill. You’ve been played, betrayed, lied to, cheated on, stolen from, disrespected, mocked, underpaid, undervalued and left for dead. But look how strong you are, you made it through and it’s over. The only way it can continue is if you keep bringing it to mind and talking about it. Making all your Facebook posts be about the job and coworkers you teddy bear bandagedhate and all the men who are players and the women who are gold diggers makes you sound bitter. Even your humor is cutting and sarcastic. That gets old. That makes friends keep a distance from you. I know you’re not angry and bitter all the time.  Let everyone else know it as well.  At the end of this year, put the past behind you once and for all.  You were a victim once, we get it, you’ve drummed it into us for years. You’re not anymore. Get down off the cross. It’s a new day. Your new beginning starts now.

RELATED: Stop telling that story to stop living that life

Ping Pong Hearts – the holiday back and forth begins

ping pongThis is a common theme during holidays. For many it’s a stressful time, and people can tend to bonk out. The sentimental season can draw us to familiar people who we might be better off without.  Since it’s a Universal pattern I see each holiday time, I share this here.  A galpal heard from an ex she’s ready to be done with, and wrote: “So… big conversation… some emails… and silence. Is this the ebb and flow of a “I need to feel safe and in control” return? (Sheesh…)”. I responded, “It’s some of that and some of “I don’t know what I want and until something else peaks my interest, I’m gonna toss random balls into your batting cage since it’s familiar and I need comforting right now.” There’ll likely be enough back and forth over the holidays to keep you hopeful yet irked and another disappearing act for January. I see another man at holiday time, any time now in fact. But it’s still not over… Whether that’s good news or bad news, don’t take score too soon.” And remember if  you’ve got your attention filled with the wrong one, there’s no room for the right one to come in.