Author Archives: Andrea

I want to begin each year healthier than the last

I ended 2013 two pounds heavier than I began it, but I ended 2012 ten pounds lighter so I’m still ahead. It’s easy to maintain my flexibility and weight by daily yoga and keeping my fat grams under 60 a day, which I do. It’s easy to stay fit and toned if I work out every other day, which I… well, don’t… always.  But I have found what works for me food wise.  It only takes about a week to stop sugar cravings, since my sugar comes from bread. Last July, I began eating bread several times a week. Bread keeps an extra 4 pounds on me. So I can’t judge friends who say they’d like to get healthy and slim down then post high calorie recipes on Facebook.  I find myself biting my tongue when they post pics of the delicious, huge high fat treats they’ve made their kids. The same reason I will not overfeed my pet, I don’t want them set up to develop health problems later on. I stay mum unless someone asks for my opinion. Continue reading

My new year’s eve 2013

What was going to be a quiet night home turned into a flurry of activity out and about. A crisp, clear night sky, no moon/new moon, stars bright as the fireworks at midnight. Yes, I took a sip of beer but I was drunk on Love.

What do you get when you pair one recluse with another?

raccoonsNew def: A racc-luse is a raccoon who stays in its own wooded lot.
Wiki: A recluse is a person who lives in voluntary seclusion from the public and society. There are many potential reasons for becoming a recluse, including: a personal philosophy that lives outside consumer society; a mystical religious outlook that involves becoming reclusive.

Love me, love my mission

on a missionSo lucky to have a mate who doesn’t mind when I get messages and texts at all hours – love me, love my mission! I was gonna write “occupational hazard” but it’s not a hazard at all, I love what has become my life’s work. It’s true, we don’t find our mission, our mission finds us. We send a thought out into the Universe to stick us where we’ll be of value and the mission creates itself and calls us to it.

They wish you happy new year

hope yr okTalked to Marie, they were concerned you never called after learning of CD’s heart attack earlier this year. They have not heard from your wife.  They hope you’re okay, they wish you happy new year.  I told them you’re at your dad’s.

I’ve added zoning info to the post about my land for sale 30 minutes south of Daytona

Neighboring property

Neighboring property

After visiting the area, I’ve added the zoning and land use info to the post at Florida Land for Sale just 30 Minutes South of Daytona.  I have two 2.5 acre parcels of undeveloped land in Volusia County, Florida for just $6,000 each. It’s between I-95 exits 231 and 244. It looks like you can put a trailer on it, start a group home, a church, raise worms and horses and sell temporary campsites for three days before, during and three days after any regularly scheduled racing event at the Daytona Beach International Speedway for Speedweeks, Biketoberfest, the Pepsi 400, and Bike Week.  See both lots  shown here on this map in yellow.  The full post is at Florida Land for Sale just 30 Minutes South of Daytona.  The lots are land locked, so you would go through the process to apply for an easement to gain access and for use.

Assessing The Now: Factoring in residual heat and past momentum

I had a lesson in cooking this week.   For me, everything in life is a metaphor for my own personal growth. I’ve been buying frozen french fries and cooking them in my new oven.  The directions on the package says 450 degrees for 20-24 minutes.  Each time, when I checked a few minutes ahead of time, I saw they were beginning to get golden.  Two minutes later they’d be burnt.   The third time, I put them in at 425.  At 16 minutes they would begin to get golden. At 18 minutes they were burned. I tried again, this time removing them from the 425 degree oven at 16 minutes. They looked too beige. They didn’t look golden enough. But by the time I took them into the kitchen to plate them, they were perfect. Ah, I forgot about residual heat! A good lesson to me. Remove them from the oven when they still look uncooked. If I wait until they looked cooked, the residual heat will burn them up. Looking back, I recall times I did that with people as well: giving them the heat they asked for, not factoring in past momentum I wasn’t privy to. I learned that sometimes I’m the marshmallow, sometimes I’m the flame and why we’re cooked faster by some people than others.  It’s all just a dance as we get our personal energy under control. It’s all about Kundalini Management 101. Knowledge is power. When new friends appear before you, assume their cooking process is already underway, more so than any of you know. Be gentle with the heat. No matter how much they ask for.
We cannot know how courageous someone else is by looking at the outside

RELATED: Tie Up Loose Ends
Your misdeeds affect your loved ones
Building momentum
Riding Out Past Momentum
Factoring in past momentum
Creating Momentum To Move In A New Direction
The process to gather momentum and amplify attraction power
Turn your attention elsewhere and stop creating more karma
When your karma visits your loved ones, you can help them by cutting out your nonsense and cleaning up your past
If you’re being blocked, look for unresolved issues to clear
When you’re doing all the “right” things and still get hit by karma, that’s past momentum
You destroy the chance for your future by not clearing up your past

Right your wrongs and start the new year fresh

As the year ends, think of making it right with anyone you wronged this year. Even small slights. This time last year, a friend and I were having friendly closure after disagreement. There’s such a release and relief with closure. Bless those strong enough to offer and accept it. To judge those unable to do it would only toss you outa your happy vortex. Start 2014 with nothing unresolved. Your world will change for the better.

RELATED:  Make peace with your past to quelch the fire
Come clean and see what the Universe rewards you with
Put only kindness in motion from this point forward
Her effort to clear up the past gave her a clean slate
Deal with the monster under the bed

I just expanded my territory even more

IMG_0195 east gardenI love having my privacy but I also love having space between my molecules. I just pruned back a few miles of coleus, ligustrum and arbicola from the front yard. I cut everything down low so I can see the street from my room for the first time in years. It makes it feel as though I have so much more space! I still have privacy from the street but can see everything. I even took down the drapes, blinds and blackout curtains.  Right now I see the neighbors on their sundown walk and the raccoon family wobbling out of the east woods. I positioned the outdoor lights so they fall on the critter path, so we can watch the nightly procession.  Across the street is a privacy fence, so no one else is in view. I love living in the midst of a neighborhood yet apart in my own little jungle of gardens and trails. Only in Paradise is Christmas week a sunny 80 degrees, lows of 55.