Author Archives: Andrea

Troubled ones cross your path because they need your Light

A friend just wrote that her new neighbor knocked down all the trees in his yard, piling them on her chain link fence and bending it. She was going over to tell him to remove them and repair the fence. She wrote, “I disliked him for ripping out all the trees now I know I don’t like him!”  I reminded her, “He’s just ignorant and knows no better. He must have had a hard life to know so little about respecting things and people. The Universe had him do that so you could connect with him and gently let him know to move it. He needs your Light right now is why it’s happening. I know I’m preaching to the choir here!”
We all forget what we know from time to time. I sure do. Then we remember and shine the Light we came here to shine.
Kryon on Being a Lighthouse

Restaurant owners and managers: Know the service dog laws before one walks in the door

They do not all wear a harness or a vest

Not all service animals  wear a harness or a vest

On Facebook, a friend posted: “This afternoon, (a local restaurant) denied access to a visually impaired woman and her guide dog while she was there for lunch.” The diner called the police to the scene to explain the law to the owner. I wrote. “Very uncool but it can be difficult if someone does not “look or act impaired.” A very obviously blind friend had a guide dog and for years we were questioned at every new location. We simply carried around extra copies of Florida Statute 413.08 that is referenced in the sign on their door.  And with all due respect, I do not know her but went to her FB page. She not only does not look remotely impaired, she’s photographed with a gun doing pretty well at target practice. The venue should know the law.  You cannot know someone’s disability by looking at them. But I understand the owner’s concern.”  Continue reading

A spidey sense hit and I get a handful of $50 and $100 bills

We are always where we’re supposed to be! I had an eventful morning.  I hadn’t planned on going anywhere except the bank to drive through a deposit. On the way home I realized I had my car loan file with me, so I stopped at the credit union see what my payoff amount is.  Forgetting I had my pajama top on under my hoodie, I unzipped it as I chatted with the woman behind the counter.  When she smiled, my spidey sense kicked in and I had the knowing that she had the same pair of pajamas at home!  When we finished, I asked, “You have these pjs, don’t you?” and she laughed and said she did. It was her spontaneous emotion as she smiled that gave me entry into her thought. The spidey sense rides in on their emotion. Hint: The more emotions of your own you have going on, the less accurate your spidey sense will be.  Continue reading

Challenged kids? Spend time with them. Too heavy and out of shape? Cut the sugar and move. This isn’t rocket science.

got the powerSorry, do it THEN talk about it. In 2014, I will not offer sympathy for those who say they want to improve their health, yet continue to eat massive sugar, drink, smoke and stay inactive.  The same with those who talk about what challenges their children have, yet they don’t stay home with them enough to give them useful life tools.  You can either talk about that what’s you want or you can make it happen.  You’ve got the power.

Gaining Legal Access to Landlocked Property

I just learned my Property For Sale 30 Minutes South of Daytona Beach falls under a un-recorded subdivision, so it is landlocked. This means there is no deeded right of way so you would go through the process to apply for an easement to gain access and for use.  My pal Tod McNeal Google searched: “how to gain access to landlocked lots in Florida when no access is deeded” and below are links to all the info.  So the reason each 2.5 acre lot is priced at only $6,000 is so I don’t have to deal with all the paperwork. Continue reading

I don’t need to snoop, I don’t need to know everything

I blew it! The bf left his phone in my car and I returned it without taking it out of his jacket. That was my chance to snoop and spy to my heart’s content!  But I’ve learned to never snoop because the seen cannot be unseen.  Plus I’ve always got so many things queued up in my head awaiting thought time that it’s just not a priority. I like a man who keeps some mystery about himself. I don’t need to know everything.