Author Archives: Andrea

Are crystals just metaphysical nonsense?

crystalsA pal asked, “A friend made a disparaging comment about someone they just met and their interest in “Metaphysical sh*t”. Are crystals and collecting them something that could be labeled as a metaphysical based activity?”  I replied, “Meta-physical means going beyond the physical to intuit and experience the subtleties of the non-physical world. Not everyone is psychologically and emotionally prepared to do that. It’s not easy to find irrefutable science that collaborates their efficacy, just as it is for reiki, therapeutic touch, anything that requires the component of interaction with human consciousness, focus and belief. For those who want to disbelieve, no proof will suffice. For those who believe, no proof other than their own experience is needed.” Belief in a higher power would also fall under the heading of metaphysical sh*t, as would wearing a cross or other symbol of faith. When critics call it pseudo-science, remember that the Bible is pseudo-history. A belief in it and any perceived power behind would be the placebo effect. That makes it no less effective in working to change and heal lives. 

Masaru Emoto: Using conscious intention produces measurable effects

Coconut oil is anti-viral, anti-bacterial and far more effective at fighting and preventing tooth decay than toxic fluoride

Extra Virgin, Certified Organic

Extra Virgin, Certified Organic

(NaturalNews) If health authorities are going to remain insistent upon lacing the water supply with additives to thwart tooth decay, then they really should be using all-natural coconut oil rather than fluoride chemicals, based on the findings of a new study. Researchers from the Athlone Institute of Technology (AIT) in Ireland have found that coconut oil effectively inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria that can cause cavities and mouth infections, without causing any harmful side-effects.  Enzyme-modified coconut oil was found to fight all sorts of bacterial strains without triggering any negative side-effects, or promoting the development of antibiotic-resistant “superbugs” like antibiotic drugs do. Continue reading

THE END OF DEATH AS WE KNOW IT What The Crossing Over Experience Was Like, As Reported By Those Who Made The Transition

Waiting to break free - aren't we all?

What a caterpillar calls death, we call a butterfly

We see it on tv all the time; violent death and painful trauma on the way to it. Movies are filled with it, it’s on tv all day and night, and our generation and our kids grew up with it. No wonder the thought of death strikes fear in most of us! But as usual, what’s shown in the media isn’t necessarily how things are; it’s just what sells tickets. This article is excerpted from a compilation of personal case histories of people I’ve read for. I wanted to share it because I’ve witnessed many times where those who did not believe in an afterlife were surprised with messages from loved ones, although they had been brought up to believe otherwise. I love watching someone experience the dawning of a new understanding as their former, limited belief system crumbles. Continue reading

Read, write, reflect

“If you read one hour, then write for two hours, and reflect for three hours. This is the proportion … to cultivate the power of reason.” Paramahansa Yogananda

Our mere silent presence can comfort and heal

I read a study once, where it was determined that physical pain can be lessened simply by the presence of another person, even if the subject is not interacting with the person.  In the study, the subject sat alone in a room with his feet in ice water.  He would signal the researchers when the pain became too much to bear and he was ready to stop.   The amount of time the subject was able to go without unbearable pain more than doubled with the introduction of another person at the far end of the same room.  They did not speak nor make eye contact.  Simply the presence of the other person was enough to make it possible for the subject to bear their pain for almost twice as long.

Communication is the key

Just turned on VH1’s Couples Therapy. I like this type of show, seeing how different personalities react to working on their stuff. It’s going on seven months with the bf and no red flags, no ripples, no arguments, no disagreements. We don’t always see things the same way but it’s never an issue. I’ve been blessed in my life to have compatible partners and to remain friends after parting. There are about a dozen of them on Facebook, going back to high school days. It’s cool to watch everyone evolve and grow, even if we are no longer together. I’ve been very lucky with very conscious men. Communication is the key. Life is what you make it.

It has never hindered me that I didn’t go to college

I wrote on Facebook, “Tell something about yourself that most people do not know and may be surprised to learn. For me, I barely made it through high school and have zero college. I’ve never found that a disadvantage, ever.”  I got some great comments.  Then I had half a dozen friends message me to not tell I don’t have college, that it will make people look at me a different way. I don’t think I need to know those people. I did 22 years on someone else’s clock and 22 years self-employed. I don’t care what it looks like on paper, I am someone who can make a dollar if I need to.