Author Archives: Andrea

The February 2014 Smoothiefest Debacle

smoothiesWe decided to make smoothies the other day. Our friend Vicki Murfin always has delicious vegan treats on hand and one fave is her frozen fruit smoothie snacks. She keeps them in little glass jars in the freezer, so we were going to make a batch. We go to the store, we buy orange juice, organic fruit and a dozen 4 oz jars with lids. I decide it’s too big a job for the Magic Bullet, which is my mini blender, so I pull out the regular Osterizer blender. I check make sure I got all the parts, I put everything together, blender disasterput in my fruit, the juice, I plug it in and push the button… and orange juice splatters everywhere. Somehow the base has swirled itself loose from the glass jar part of it. My hero saves the day, we transfer the fruit and juice into a large pitcher while I clean the  kitchen. I know anything with one drop of orange juice on it can attract an ant, so I wiped down every surface. Ten minutes later, we pull out the Magic Bullet as we were going to do in the first place and begin again.  Now we’ve got a freezer full!  Basic recipe for a dozen 4 oz snacks, we used 3 bananas (because he ATE the 4th one!) a cup of frozen blueberries, a quart/4 cups orange juice.  Fill jars 2/3 full, screw top on lightly and put in freezer. A healthy frozen snack!

I don’t care if you have sex with a coworker — I do care if you can’t keep your emotions under control and focused on work

As an employer and someone who knows how energy works, I would never make it a rule do not have sex with a coworker, because that’s going to happen regardless of rules. I can however make it a rule to have your emotional body under control during all your interactions with coworkers so there is never a conflict that takes away from the work. If you do, then you need to learn how the emotional body works and how to keep control over it.  If you can’t keep it in your pants, keep it in your heart and keep it courteous and respectful or keep it out of my business.  Given time, almost everyone is going to have sex with almost everyone else, so don’t waste anyone’s time legislating that. But if you can’t keep your emotions under control and maintain mindful focus enough to handle yourself professionally in a business environment, I love ya but you’re fired.

Kundalini Management 101
The Chakras, a 101 Primer
Sexuality on the Spiritual Path


Knowing it’s more important to remain loving than to be right

Armand Della Volpe

Armand Della Volpe

I have more love and deep respect for my bride than ever. Recently we had a conversation with a friend. During this deep sharing, the friend expressed pain over something they claimed Angelina did. Angelina and I both knew it was not factual. When I asked Angelina why she didn’t call them on it and stand up for herself, she said this. “That’s not what they needed from me right then. It didn’t matter what inspired the pain, the pain was valid and they needed compassion, not accuracy. It really isn’t important for me to be right, it’s important for me to remain loving.” OMG, I bow to the Goddess.  <feeling humbled, again!> Armand Della Volpe
Here is Armand and Angelina on Facebook

My current awakening as reflected in my current astrology

I’m going through another layer of realization and personal growth.  I said that 20 years ago through a veil of challenge. Yay for being on the other side of that. I know it’s a result of having learned to work on my stuff as it comes up, so that I don’t have to repeat the same lessons.  As I dropped baggage at every new realization, it became easier to move forward without struggle until today is nearly a cake walk. I’ll share my lesson below, but first for you astrology buffs, my awakening is reflected in my astrology transits as well. The astrology is below in blue, skip it if it’s of no interest to you and this is a much quicker read.   Continue reading

Happy almost one year anniversary of being dead, I miss ya

Wally Smith tribute copyI’m missing my friend Wally Smith this week. He passed almost a year ago. Wally was my best friend and confidante since I was 7. He was always there. He knew my entire history.  I’m not sentimental.  I’m someone who enjoys walking through life on my own and unpartnered, but I feel his absence. Yes, I have a boyfriend now and couldn’t ask for a better one, but there’s a special bond with someone I’ve shared my entire life’s history with.  Ah, it will pass. I observe the emotion when it moves through me, and I stay quiet until it passes.  And it passes.  “The cycle of grief has its own time table. Until that cycle is honored and completed we are moving along life’s path with an anchor down.” ~Ann Linnea, Deep Water Passage.
RELATED: Rest in peace, Wally
Grief is a new emotion to observe
 The end of death as we know it

Respect is our language. If it isn’t said with respect, we can’t hear it.

Respect is our language. If it isn’t said with respect, we can’t hear it. This is why nagging is ineffective and self defeating. This is why statements made in sarcastic tones, or with rolling eyes, will never be received well. We have a filter in our brains, and a statement made in disrespect will be filtered out like the poison it is. Matt Walsh

What you just experienced isn’t what I just experienced. When we talk about it, we know that and get over it.

Armand Della Volpe

Armand Della Volpe

The driver who cut you off in traffic?  The neighbor who lets his dog into your yard? The friends and family who won’t pull their weight or just seem out to get you? Things are not always what they seem.  We see something and get an idea in our head what it all means. Sometimes what we think it is is not what it really is at all. What you just experienced may not be what I just experienced. If we don’t speak about it and hear each other out, we don’t know that.  Spiritual brother Armand related a story that is a great example. He wrote: “We recently allowed a friend to stay in our home for 2 months while we were away. She offered to take care of our home, mail, kitty and even give us some money to cover the utilities. She was told that if she ever needed help, our regular house and kitty sitter could come and help her and she would have to pay her. This was all agreed to.” Continue reading

What Happens When Mercury Goes Direct Again?

October 10, 2015: Happy Mercury Goes Direct Day! Everyone who gets nervous each time Mercury goes retrograde can relax for while. After tomorrow,  Mercury retrograde ends and Mercury goes direct again.  That means enough of the drama and mis-communication of the last few weeks.  After  Mercury goes retrograde is the time to slow down to notice changes you’d like to make, but you’ll wait to correct them after Mercury has gone direct.  During the retrograde, your time is best spent looking back in review – not looking forward.  Mercury direct, however, is the time for new beginnings, setting the record straight, for making plans and commitments.  It’s the time for clearing up any disputes you’ve had the past few weeks.  It’s time for getting everything out in the open and making plans for the future.  It’s a time to take steps toward financial self-sufficiency and to deal realistically with your debt. Continue reading

Everything is relative. Coming in late and answering the wrong question.

Last month, I saw an interesting segment of Judging Amy, wherein juvenile judge Amy Gray‘s mother, Maxine, who is a social worker for Dept of Children & Families, is in an anger management class. The class is led through a visualization where they are instructed to “imagine themselves in their happy place” and to see their anger as a red hot ball coming toward them, getting smaller and smaller, and cooler and cooler each time it passes. Afterwards, a small marble is passed around the circle and each classmate, when the marble comes to them, names something that ignites their anger. “My anger is ignited,” one man says, “when drivers don’t signal before they turn.” The next woman says, “My anger is ignited when eating a 2 pound box of candy adds 5 pounds to my hips.” Another says “My anger is ignited when my husband talks loudly and leaves his socks on the living room floor.”

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Staying conscious when intentions change: How to survive changes when lovers morph into platonic friends

We make promises we mean in the moment.  “I’ll love you forever” means, “in this moment I feel such love for you that I want this feeling to last forever.”  Why don’t we say that instead?  Because we have no role models to “uncouple” in a conscious way. We’ve not learned to identify what emotion it is we are experiencing, nor yet discovered why we are feeling it.  When we take the time to learn those simple yet vital skills, our relationships with others become easier and more fluid. No, you don’t stand around talking about your emotions, but what you do is be honest and open at every stage about involvement in the relationship with each other. That way there are no surprises when it’s time to transition into another phase of being.  Continue reading