Author Archives: Andrea

If you knew your power right now, you’d flip

backflip72You know what?  If you think you can’t make money doing what you know now how to do, and with the people you now know, you have, in the words of Don Juan DeMarco  a limited and uncreative way of looking at the situation. If you really grokked how much power you have right now, you’d flip. And yes, this applies even if you’re “just” a stay at home mom raising her kids.

To Those Who’ve Bloomed

gardenia two in vase72 0094Every true lover knows that the moment of greatest satisfaction comes when ecstasy is long over and he beholds before him the flower which has blossomed beneath his touch.
Don Juan DeMarco

The gardener knows his job is to tend to the toil and dirty work and help the seedlings grow into flower and fruit. No matter that the fruit will grace the table of another and he gets not one sweet bite.  The gardener’s job is to prepare and maintain the space to grow and bloom. His satisfaction comes in knowing others have been fed by what he’s made it a daily spiritual practice to provide and tend, and it is his supreme honor to do so.

Conscious Coupling: Having Resolved the Past is How We Stay Conscious In the Now

sisters pastels72I’ve been talking to two “sisters-in-law” as we resolve legal matters involving all of us.  I call them sisters-in-law but they are really current wives of former husbands. I learned early on that when my ex has a new wife, she’s not my competition, she’s my sister.  Staying conscious keeps us all one big happy family.  After a particularly long day, we laughed at supper over our situation, knowing that for 3 others, untangling real estate and dollars might be a nightmare, but for us it’s business as usual: “She” is “me.” Have respect. Do what I’d want done to me.   Do what I want returned to me. Period. It’s how we’ve done it for 28 years. Our husbands would be proud. Continue reading

Who would do such a thing? God would!

“The next time the unconscious voice in your head notices an abusive, tragic or heartbreaking behavior and says…”who would do this?”, consciously say “God would.” This will help free you from the illusion of separateness.”….yogi armandananda — feeling God everywhere. Spiritual brother Armand Della Volpe wrote this on Facebook and I loved the thread. One friend wrote, “The whole reason this came up was because I was sharing some deep pain with Armand and Angel regarding someone who has hurt me deeply and for a long time. I was judging when I said “who does that?” (With tears rolling down my face). And Armand said “God does!” I immediately went from judgement to compassion. I saw this person as the beautiful expression of the Divine instead of judging the behavior that was causing me pain. I still choose not to be close relationally to this person because of the patterned behavior… but in that moment… seeing her as God released my pain. Period. It doesn’t have to work for anyone else. It worked for me. I think I’ll continue to play with it and I’m sure new understanding and insight will continue to come.”  I commented: What an absolute truth. When I’m stuck in my ego, I’m in the illusion and think “they” are doing something to “me.” In reality, I am showing myself to myself so I can hone myself back to who I really Am. It can take hours or it can take years, it depends on how much I truly recognize my part in attracting it and how much I want peace.
MORE BY ARMAND: Knowing it’s more important to remain loving than to be right

I’m in the flow, if you’re reading this, you’re near the flow!

I’ve really been in the flow with good business this year, and friends and clients tell me they’ve noticed the same thing. If you’re not in the vibe right now, you reading this means you’re close to the vibe! You might even come up with an unexpected, new source of income this year. This might be the year you find your niche, your passion, something to really set your cork afloat. Hang on for the ride.  We’re in the flow!

Sample Breakup/Uncoupling Scripts: When you can’t find the words

Conscious partners seek to make relationship transitions harmonious, and use honest words to convey the truth they want to convey, with no mistake and no wrong impression. Your uncoupling should be as conscious as your coupling. “My partner doesn’t hear what I say!” This is a typical complaint. When callers ask for guidance, I have them tell me their situation and then together we find the words that convey what they mean yet are respectful and not accusatory.  I got a lot of response to Staying Conscious When Intentions Change: How to survive changes when lovers morph into platonic friends and asked for help with break up language.  I tend to think it can be as easy as “I wanted it to last, I wanted you to be the One. Now my mind is focusing on things other than relationship and I don’t want to do the boy/girl thing anymore.  Can you let me know how we might do this so we can stay friends?”    Continue reading

Stephen Jepson: Never Leave The Playground, Consistent Movement is Imperative to Age Proofing the Brain and Body

At age 72, Stephen Jepson is living proof of his philosophy of lifetime fitness called Never Leave the Playground.  Become smarter & sharper now.   He rides a unicycle, juggles while balancing on a bongo board, throws knives and plays jacks with both hands, walks a tightrope and more. He knows the secret is to “just keep moving” through constant play, not exercise. He’s developed toys for all ages and degrees of physical fitness to use throughout our daily lives so we never have to leave the playground no matter where we are or what we’re doing.  Playing in physical ways like this not only keeps muscles and bones strong, it grows brain cells, paves neural pathways, increases balance and coordination, cause you to be more creative, cause you to be more excited about life, improves your memory.  Here –> is an interesting, fun video of him at his home. No matter how impaired the body has become through neglect or disease or aging, consistent movement is imperative to regain and maintain balance, stability, coordination and growth. He calls it “age proofing the brain and body,” and it can begin at any age or any condition of the body.

Now I Know Why People Stay In The Trauma Drama Cycle

Recently, a pal and I went through a natural disaster together. While we were good friends before, undergoing a challenge like that together helped us bond in an even deeper way.   In 2004, Hurricanes Frances and Jeanne came through our area. During each one, I was without power for over a week and stayed with a group of friends.  Gas lines, food shortage, we survived mostly during that time with Chinese takeout.  Ok, so it wasn’t a REAL hardship, mostly just an inconvenience for everyone for two weeks, but it bonded us all closely.  I met three of my lightning struck tower copymates while we worked together on their legal cases.  Sitting daily, talking about dashed expectations, broken promises, who’s wronged who, bonding over mutual hope and comfort, looking forward together, seeking justice, redemption. That creates a strong astral glue, a strong emotional bond. You can feel this with people you may not even like and have nothing in common with other than being brought together by disaster. Continue reading

Don’t push them up the mountain if they can’t appreciate the view. No one chooses the hard way on purpose

Sisyphus pushing rock up mountain copyYour friends and family are not always meant to see what you see. While you see several ways, they may only see one way. No one chooses the hard way on purpose. It’s just that they can’t see any other way from where they stand. Don’t try to push someone up the mountain with you if they can’t appreciate the view.  I lived in a valley once and loved it.  I lived on a mountain once and loved it. There is benefit everywhere. There is no higher or lower, just different plateaus of comfort we accustom ourselves to until we’re ready to move on.

I’m not always fun in bed

SleepwalkingbedhogI admit it: I’ve been told I’m not always fun in bed. I snore, I mumble, I hog the bed. Since I also sleepwalk, I have chimes and knockers on the doorknobs so the doors can’t be moved without sounding. That’s fine for keeping me from walking down the street at 3:00 a.m. but a little loud for anyone in the household trying to sleep.  I typically sleep for 3-4 hours at a stretch, then I’m up for a few more hours, then back to bed a few more. I have 6 foot tall wind chimes in the meditation area of the living room, and also outside in the courtyard. It’s especially fun when I accidentally hit one of them while the household is asleep. Never a dull moment.

RELATED: Sleep Walking, Sleep Working
I thought my sleepwalking days were over
I Sleep Tossed My Eyeglasses Into The Trash
The Weirdest Things I’ve Done While Sleepwalking
My Wacky Sleep Schedule is Part of My Spiritual Practice