Author Archives: Andrea

Don’t complain about the government if you don’t vote and you hide income

A friend complains loud and long about the “unfair” government and “unaffordable” ACA health insurance, yet if they had their income ON the books, they would qualify for a giant credit and it would cost them about $30 a month. Don’t complain about the government if you don’t vote and you work off the books to hide income.  There are legal ways to pay less taxes — don’t go to extremes by assuming that you have to cheat and lie about income. If you really want to get out of debt and make money, you need to be as honest as possible.

RELATED: It’s all related
Keeping Your Dollar Karma Clean by Being Honest on Your Taxes

LEARN FREE:The Secret2Dollars. No cost, no kidding.

So we were looking at rings today…

moon ring blue dolphin Mood rings, that is! I got this one with a dolphin on it.  I’ve always liked these quirky rings, and now I know how they work.  I thought you might like to know as well.  I got it at The Herb Corner for $1.50 when I went in for some  En-Balance Hormone Balancing Blend capsules for the hot flashes. I want to see what color it turns when I flash!  How do mood rings change color?  Liquid crystals are the secret to the mood ring’s changing array of colors. The clear glass stone in the ring is either filled with the liquid crystals or sits directly on top of a thin layer of the substance that has been adhered to a sterling setting. Continue reading

The magic of making amends with those you have unclean energies with

Armand Della Volpe "If you don't release your garbage, it will stink up your house and you will dump it on others."... yogi armandananda

Armand Della Volpe
“If you don’t release your garbage, it will stink up your house and you will dump it on others.”… yogi armandananda

Armand Della Volpe writes, “While pondering the possibility that every day may be my last, I wrote 5 people love letters that each contained some apologetic amends. These were the only 5 people in the world that I was conscious of having unclean energies with. Most of them responded within 12 hours. I received some of the most loving, appreciative and forgiving responses. It felt so good to be cleaner and clearer with myself and others. This morning I became more aware that God had written to God and God had responded. The more I surrender to Oneness and Humility, the more kind and loving my reflections are. There truly is only 1 of us.  I am aware that as I release samskaras, more may show up. I don’t pretend to say I have healed everything with everyone. LOL” The fact that he acknowledges this and takes responsibility sends a huge signal to the Universe.  The details are irrelevant and no one else’s business. Continue reading

I wonder what good they have for me today, and I for them?

check legal settlement,jpgSo today I get a check for partial distribution for an investment that went belly up in 1992 and has been in litigation for 22 years.  I thought it was gone forever. A good reminder to never say never.  Getting excited about the good that is on its way to you brings it faster.  I wonder how many more dollars from an unexpected source the Universe will provide me with this week, this month, this year.  I won’t even wonder where it might come from. I’ll just be excited knowing it’s coming. I’ll look at everyone and everywhere wondering “I wonder what good they have for me today, and I for them?”

Find the others


Find the others!

Everyone carries a piece of the puzzle.  Nobody comes into your life by mere coincidence.  Trust your instincts. Do the unexpected. Find the others …  Timothy Leary

You come forth in clusters with intentions to enhance one another experiences… and when you meet up with your cluster, it is really, really fun. Abraham-Hicks

You destroy the chance for your future by not clearing up your past

If your life is a little bit rocky or seems to be falling apart right now, all that means is there is a little bit of past momentum you have to clear up before you can move ahead into your easy future. How soon you do it is up to you. We do not enter the kingdom of heaven without having forgiven.  We come to the altar having mended the past. When we do that, the kingdom of heaven is right here, right now.

If you can’t face it, you can’t heal it.
Don’t deny there is a problem.
Face it and mystically the healing
process begins. The soul loves the truth.
” Denise Linn    Continue reading

Go with the flow and accept change and the Universe will upgrade you to the extent you believe it can

HillbillieI watched Clash of the Ozarks today, a reality show depicting a 100+ year feud between the Russells and the Evans. This show about feuding hillfolk reflects something I see every day in the city, too.  People would rather stayed stuck to the old and go down in flames rather than step into a new direction.  The current battle is over Russell’s land that will soon be going to auction due to unpaid taxes. Evans stands ready to purchase it. Russell stopped paying because “times are hard” and Russell is old school: he’s used to used to living off the land and moon-shining.  “One hundred years ago you could self-sustain off the land and it was a great life. But with all the taxes and rules and regulations now it is outrageous.” Russell is opposed to change, so he’d rather instigate trouble rather than take personal responsibility for creating a new source of income. He’d rather spend his time rehashing old feuds rather than take a serious look around to see what other money making opportunities he might be overlooking.  “That’s what is wrong with America now.” Evans said, “We don’t take care of ourselves anymore. We expect others to.” Continue reading

Seeking Fairy House Building Materials for Faerie and Earth Festival May 17, 2014 (vendor space available, too)

fairy house www.lizagardnerwalsh.comJohn Springer writes:  On May 17, we are co-hosting a WNC Faerie And Earth (FAE) Festival at the Highland Lake Cove Retreat Center; 215 Rhett Drive; Flat Rock, NC; 28731, where we had originally intended on having a fairy house and gnome home building competition.  However, we have changed our minds about this and plan to have an craft area set aside for the purposes of building these Fae Houses and Homes.  We are now requesting natural materials from all around the country to be sent to us. Natural Materials may include:  acorns, sea shells, sweet gum balls, pine cones, Spanish moss, dried grasses, dried flowers, crystals, flat marbles, broken pottery, sycamore bark, maple winged seeds, seed pods, modeling clay, bamboo, snail shells, deer moss, thistle heads, feathers, clay beads, sparkles, mirrors, chimes, colorful sticks, hickory nuts, snake skins, brushed animal hair (dog, cat, horse, sheep, etc), old bird nests, mica plus many other possible natural materials found or gathered.

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