A dream? An out of body experience?

floating falling by Andrea de MichaelisI had a most vivid dream this morning. In it I was lying in bed thinking of getting up when, shoulder first, my body began to lift in a slow, twisting motion. I felt my head drop and loll, yet I still felt the pillow under my head and my hand under the pillow. It didn’t feel like an OOBE lift out, easy and light, but rather more slow and deliberate. I’ve done enough OOBE exercises that I’m able to quickly relax into it as it happens and take the observer role. There was a slight taffy-like feel to the lifting up as when, during energy work, you draw congestion out of the body. I was able, in the dream, to alternate my attention between the one on the bed and the one rising, depending on where I focused. Both were “asleep” and unanimated, but both “awake” enough to observe what was happening and I was able to access to their thoughts.  

So as the one lifted up and away from my body on the bed, I felt as if an energetic congestion was being slowly sucked out with it. It was a very slow and gentle process, none of this was harsh. Tendrils hung on a bit as if wrapped around my arms and I felt them being pulled out as if they were roots deep inside my wrists and sinuses. The urge to sneeze was at once unbearable and enormously pleasurable. The vacated space felt just the slightest raw. Immediately came to mind the Pranic healing process of clearing the space then energizing it. I used the shakti energy of the almost-sneeze to flood the raw insides and my entire body with healing prana. As I lie on the bed asleep in the dream, I could feel my physical body rejuvenating, as when I drink hot soup during a cold. As I basked in the physical sensation of the body buzz, I fell into dreamless sleep. I’ll spend time in meditation contemplating this dream.