5-26-08 email from F:   So Let me make sure I have this right I can burn up bad karma by doing right things and make more karma by gossiping, lying, stealing etc.  My experience is what it is is that the momentum of your good works in the Now will slowly begin to compensate for your selfish or unconscious works of the past.  So If a person meditates quietly it will burn up karma also. because it is being at one with you and God at that moment?

Good question. No, it is that as you meditate and your mind begins to settle down, you will begin to receive guidance as to how to proceed in a different way, what subtle changes to make in your life or your behaviors or your thinking or the people around you, etc.    

Some people only meditate to guided visualizations and that is good to relieve stress, but it’s not really meditation. so to speak.  Roy Eugene Davis has excellent writings about meditation, see Center for Spiritual Awareness: Meditation.  He is not a glamorous writer but knows how to get the job done.  He talks about meditating to the state of superconsciousness, and that is subjective for everyone.

Meditation is not  a passive activity, there is lots going on in the darkness inside you and once you get attuned to it, it becomes very alive for you and begins to direct you.  All you have to do is get the ‘inner cinema’ dark and quiet enough for the ‘movie’ to begin.

How do you end karma with a person you have gone back and forth lifetimes with and just want to end the lesson or karma?

Oh that’s easy, just work it out with them, otherwise you’ll keep getting different people with the same basic lesson over and over and over. And over. And over.



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