Yearly Archives: 2016

I dream a female politician has a stroke

Had the dream again, the news reporting a female politician had a major stroke, and this time Donald Trump was watching from the hospital where he was awaiting surgery or recovering from surgery. He was gleeful over the news and there was a giant vein running across his head that got so big it looked like a snake about to rupture. Someone said “he’s having an aneurysm” and then the ceiling sprinklers rained down into the room. I don’t even watch this stuff in the media, I prefer not to dream about it either.

Learn to say No

say no quoteIt’s hard to say no but you have to learn to do it, for your own sanity. Just talked to a friend who is feeling overwhelmed with family responsibilities. She feels everyone is grabbing at her and not giving her a moment to breathe. She feels she is obligated to be the caretaker, the bank, the therapist. I’ve been there and learned that I do a disservice to loved ones when I agree to take on something I am not qualified to take on. I have no sense of guilt or shame about turning down someone’s request if I know it is not in the best interest of either of us. I asked her if the money did not matter, would she say yes? I asked her if the money did not matter, would her loved one be even talking to her? For one, she wanted to have her son and his wife evicted from her home since they would not leave.  (As an aside, eviction was not the remedy. What she needed to do was to file for unlawful detainer. If you find yourself in this situation, and many do, learn your rights, pay for legal counsel to know what your rights are. Here’s a good article   I am not saying do not help those who ask, her situation has been long standing for years with several family members taking serious advantage of her. She is not the type to speak up mostly because she is made to feel guilty and ashamed for “not helping enough.” It has drained her physically so that she now has several chronic ailments. It has drained her emotionally and mentally so she can no longer hold a job. You must learn to say no, your life depends upon it.

Friends of the World Gathering in Yoga Shakti Mission Palm Bay, FL on March 6, 2016

dancersIndian72All are invited to the Friends of the World Gathering to be held in the Pavilion at Yoga Shakti Mission on Sunday March 6 Noon to 4pm.   Free admission.  There will be a variety of cultural dances, music, drama, international food and vendor booths. We hope to provide an atmosphere of openness and genuine appreciation of each other’s special talents and cultural heritage, thereby promoting understanding and friendship of all races and cultures.   Philippine, African, Middle Eastern, Indian, Hawaian  and English dancers are expected to perform as well as bluegrass and Russian and Irish singers.  Indian and western vegetarian food will be sold &  local entrepreneurs will display their wares.  All welcome. No admission charge. Please spread the word. Yoga Shakti Mission,  3895 Hield Road, NW, Palm Bay, FL 32907.  321-725-4024 Email

A better gift than a $22,294 guitar

A better gift than a $22,294 guitar

A better gift than a $22,294 guitar

A friend and I planned an outing to Orlando to a favorite guitar store. There are two big stores, there is Sam Ash Music on highway 50, which is where Pho88 a favorite Vietnamese restaurant is right down the street on the way home. We’ve pretty much seen everything Sam Ash has. The better store with a bigger collection selection is The Guitar Center in Orlando on Orange Blossom Trail. So yesterday my friend suggested we go to Sam Ash instead of the Guitar Center. ??? I’d gotten the impression from earlier conversations that the Guitar Center was where we should go next since there was so much we hadn’t seen and played with yet. I asked “Are you sure?” He said whichever you want, let’s flip a coin. Whatever I want as far as a guitar store? As I flipped the coin, I realized he was suggesting Sam Ash specifically so that I could have my favorite most favorite tom yum soup of all time for lunch on the way home! How sweet was that? I thanked him but I suggested the Guitar Center because I wasn’t attached to what I had for lunch (that day!) and Guitar Center was a much bigger, cooler place to shop and be a spectator. I like watching him from a distance since I miss most of his gigs. He can pick up anything and play it like a pro. He’ll look up and there will be someone standing there just watching him as he plays one after another. I like to hear all the techy conversations he gets into with the other musicians. It’s a side of him I only get to experience when we’re in the store, and The Guitar Center is a fun place to be a spectator. What a sweet considerate thought for him to minimize his entertainment experience so he could maximize my dining experience. Now that’s a real friend.




A Justice Scalia dream

Sleep restful by pinoAnother political dream last night. In a courtroom with what seems like hundreds of files laid out on a table. All of them have Judge Scalia’s signature on them and all the cases are being re heard and re voted on. A banner over the dias where it usually says like In God We Trust, says Common Core Math. There is argument in the court itself but celebration on the courthouse lawn and it looks like a block party going on. I do not know political process and I certainly don’t know Common Core math. But I figure whatever happens, it’s always God’s will and if we’re in the midst of God’s will, how can we not rejoice?

Yet another Bernie Sanders dream

Sleep restful by pinoI had the dream again last night, Bernie Sanders was president. He was talking on a stage and I was in the press box and taking photos with a Polaroid camera. I dreamt that I woke up and still had the photographs in my hand and then when I really woke up I couldn’t find them

RELATED: I dream Bernie Sanders is president
Another Bernie Sanders dream
A Justice Scalia dream
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