Yearly Archives: 2015

In human years, Ben is 24 and Yin is 120

Benny and Yinnie on the bedcouch 2-14-15Benny the Cat and YinYang have been getting along, eating at the same station and sleeping at opposite ends of the couch.  No one has ripped anyone’s face off yet.  It took them a year to get to this point.  Ben is 2, which makes him 24 in human years.  Yinnie is 14, which makes her 120. Here’s a chart to figure cats’ ages.  When Benny first came on the scene, YinYang wanted nothing to do with him.  After several years of being one of 3-5 cats in the family, she’d gotten to be “the only cat” for a year and liked it that way. Suddenly a fumbling, frisky spirit entered her quiet world and she was zen no more.  But isn’t that always the way?  Folks drop in from out of the blue to rock the boat and take us out of familiar territory. Like the Coyote in the Animal Medicine Card, they make us question where we are and why we’re there? Sometimes the coyote is simply the silly, playful, clueless one and that’s the type Benny is.  He’ll run up on her on the driveway and want to play, and she’ll freeze him out with a glare.  It used to be a glare and a growl and a hissy fit.  Now they walk back and forth past each other with little reaction. She had to slowly get used to his energy, to his vibe.  They’re not always on the same page but at least they’re not always at each other anymore.  Small steps!

Medicine Cards: Coyote: The Trickster

Coyote medicine card In the Navajo and some other cultures, it is an insult to refer to someone as coyote.  Greed, thievery, gluttony, and being obsessed with roadrunners are all part of the shadow medicine of Coyote nature. This person may prove to be a teacher for others but he will do so by negative example.  Robert Oakes writes in Coyote Medicine: Coyote often talks either backwards or in riddles.  Coyote is about waking people from their slumber; shocking them if that is what is necessary to get them to open their eyes.  Coyote Medicine is about stopping people from acting out of habit.  All too often we follow tradition to the point where it loses meaning and significance.  According to Coyote nothing is sacred and all things are sacred; all teachings are inherently wrong and inherently right. Coyotes are teachers, but not in the straightforward way that most people expect.  Coyote teaches us by his folly and misadventure.  Coyote is the mirror that shows us our shadow and makes us laugh at the same time.   Continue reading

What I attracted today by not paying attention

I’m batting 1,000 today in miscommunication! First, I attracted a 50% overcharge by not clarifying the price of a job ahead of time. Then I went to edit a client’s file for a second time and found my first edits had not been saved. Then I edited an odt file in Open Office, periodically clicking the icon to save. It showed it saving as an html file. Afterward I wanted to save it as a Word doc and did. Now the html edited file is nowhere to be found.  LOL I see today I’ve got Mars, Venus, Uranus and Chiron all ganged up in my 12th house, aspecting my natal 12th house Venus, Mercury, Sun, Jupiter, Ascendant and 6th house Neptune, Moon and Saturn. Today is either going to be a party or a clusterf*ck. I’ll love it no matter what it is.  I did get a fun bit of entertainment. Being an “A” name, often I’m No. 1 in my friends’ phone list, so I get their butt dials. I just got to hear an illuminating 8 minute conversation between two friends in a car about other friends we know. Wow.

The best valentine — don’t make him choose

Valentine 2015The topic of advice queries this week seems to be “let’s give the boyfriend/husband an ultimatum — it’s me or work.” Whether you’re together 5 years or 50, let each partner spend time doing what gives them the most fulfillment. Don’t pout if they don’t choose you, even on so-called holidays. That doesn’t mean they don’t care. They’re just loving their work or hobby so much all else fades into the background. Find something for yourself that does the same for you.

Six months same as cash? Make sure your payments are applied correctly so you don’t get charged that interest!

dollars in handMake sure your payments are applied correctly so you don’t get charged that interest! You buy an item your fave store and choose the 6 months as cash option. Then you buy another items and choose the 9 months same as cash option, then another at a 6 months same as cash option. You get your statement and make one payment thinking it will be divided between them all. IT WILL NOT. I just noticed Best Buy is still not applying my payments correctly, despite me sending separate checks for separate promotions and detailing on the check exactly what promotion I am paying toward.  It does not matter.  Best Buy will apply payments to the first ending promotion first.  Govern yourself accordingly.

Friends of the World Gathering in Yoga Shakti Mission Palm Bay, FL on March 29, 2015

Ma Yoga Shakti invites you to join us at the Annual Friends of the World Gathering at Yoga Shakti Mission on Sunday March 29 Noon to 4pm. Anyone wishing to have a booth please contact Shyama at or 321 725 4024. Free admission. There will be a variety of cultural dances, music, drama, international food and vendor booths. We hope to provide an atmosphere of openness and genuine appreciation of each other’s special talents and cultural heritage, thereby promoting understanding and friendship of all races and cultures.

Lawyer Argues Police Have No Right To Stop You At DUI Checkpoints

Photos and video at  
At any checkpoint, most people will silently roll down their windows, and willingly hand out their license and registration and allow themselves and the inside of their car to looked upon with unknowing eyes. But, not Attorney Warren Redlich, he claims that police officers cannot lawfully do anything but tell you to have a good night if you present your driver’s license at the window.  Have you ever been pulled over at one of these “DUI” checkpoints, even if you had not been drinking? Probably! Most of the tickets handed out at the checkpoints do not even have anything to do with drinking!  Warren Redlich and Jason Osborn have found a way around the law by holding a sign that read, “I remain silent. No Searches. I want my lawyer,” and his license and police let him pass without asking any questions.  Continue reading

What is the “energy shift” anyway?

ask believe receiveI have to smile when people talk about the energy shift as if it’s something new and happening outside ourselves. My experience is all that’s happening is that whoever is experiencing the shift has finally reached another level of awareness about That Which Is and Has Always Been. We think it’s new because it’s new to us. We’re just finally more able to hold our dial on the higher frequency is all. Ask to be expanded, ask to see the bigger picture, the higher view. Then relax into it no matter how it appears.