Yearly Archives: 2015

It’s time to organize the home library

bookcase 2-12-08I seriously need to organize my library! Hmmm, by author name or topic?  After reading Sonia Choquette’s Walking Home, about her pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago, I searched my library for Shirley MacLaine’s 2001 The Camino, when she walked it. I figured it would be with all my MacLaine books. There are like 10 books and I couldn’t find any of them last night. I just now checked all the smaller bookcases in all the rooms and found them with the astrology books. The Camino was not with them. Time to organize the books.

RELATED: A list of my library books, dvds and cds

Despite what you’ve been told, yes, you ARE soliciting

No soliciting-soliciting isJehovah Witnesses in the neighborhood! I made a new sign for my door. I added the definition since I’ve had girl scouts and church ministries ignore it and say they are not soliciting.  They have been told this by “those in authority.” They may think what they’ve been told is true.  With all due respect, if you are knocking on anyone’s door asking if they want to be involved in anything that requires their time or money, that’s soliciting..

Ugh — overnight guests when you work from home

you-don-t-have-to-go-home-but-you-can-t-stay-hereSome loved ones just left, they were only here two days, but I was chomping at the bit! I love my family and friends but you have to not make me the first choice for a crashpad when you’re on vacation. I work from home. My work requires focus, solitude and quiet. While a guest is here, my business is on hold. It doesn’t matter if they’re in the other room or in and out on daytrips. It’s an interruption. It doesn’t matter how courteous, it doesn’t matter how much I love ya and wanna see ya, having a guest interferes with my work. You don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here. I know you understand.

Don’t pet a dog you don’t know

A friend got bit in the face by a dog. It broke the skin but does not need stitches.  A neighbor was walking two dogs and my friend bent down to pet them — she’d petted the big one before, but this time it bit her. Her last tetanus shot was over 10 years ago, remembering the helpful review I read on tetanus, I insisted she go to the doctor for one. I cleaned the bite and put Neosporin on it and bandaids over it to keep it clean until she could get to the doctor a few hours later.  She also got a round of antibiotics.   In 2007 I got bit by a neighbor’s dog. I wrote about that here so I knew we had to contact Brevard County Animal Services at 321-633-2024.  The dog owner walks them around my block about 8:00 each morning the next day I was going to ask her for her contact info.  Except she didn’t walk by the house the next day.  I took a walk around the block and didn’t see her, so I got in my car and figured I’d drive the route she likely takes the dogs on their walk.  I didn’t see her but asked another dog walker if he knew where she lived.  He did, so I knocked on her door.  Continue reading

I reclaim my back porch as living space

I just cleaned up the back porch, which I’ve been using as a gardening shed the past year. I let yard tools, work boots and overalls turn it into the mud room — until now. I moved the black wrought iron table and 3 chairs to the east side near the chimenea. I moved the rocker and one chair to the west side and made a reading nook for myself and a place for the tabletop charcoal grill. There’s a great breeze and now that I’ve been clearing my woods on either side the house, I have a new view of them. Now that I’ve reclaimed the back porch as living space, it might be time for new porch furniture. A love seat maybe, something to nap on. My uncle built this home for me 30 years ago, and it never gets old living here.

How I process fresh loquats without sugar

loquats-sliced1 nutrition-and-youdotcomThere are tons of loquats on the trees right now.  I’ve processed 3 gallons already and that was just from the bottom branches! I wash them, cut the stem off, score in half to remove the seeds and then store them in a gallon freezer bag. I spread them out on a baking tray so they freeze in one layer. That makes it easy to break off a chunk for a smoothie when ya want.

I prune my mulberry tree and it blossoms!

mulberry inside tree72Last night I emergency pruned the mulberry tree. When the tree cutters cut it back radically in January, it shocked the north half of the tree. The south half was heavy with new branches, blossoms and fruit. The north half appears dead. I wanted to lighten her load while she recovers. the next day, a raccoon family helped themselves to the mulberries on the branches I cut! I hadn’t moved them from under the tree, so it was all piled up like a buffet for them. I snuck out front and cut 2 gallons of ripe loquats and tossed them onto the trail they would head back on. My gift to them!  Four days later, the entire tree blossomed into blossoms and fruit.

A dream about feeling stranded and no one can help

A deep sleep and a dream about trying to get home but no one has a phone I can use and mine has been taken, along with my clothes. I have a long white button down shirt to mid thigh and my wallet which is stuffed with dollars. It began when I went to tip the woman who cleaned my hotel room and another housekeeper pointed her out to me and handed me two twenty dollar bills to give her. I gave them to her then went to find the one who gave me the bills to pay her back and she was nowhere to be found. Then the trek began. I was somewhere with a river to the left of me and one to the right so I figure it was Merritt Island.

RELATED — LINKS TO MORE DREAMS:    Continue reading