Yearly Archives: 2015

YinYang terrorizes Benny til he runs outside. Hours later he comes in and the first thing he does is go to the recliner where she’s sleeping, and sits up like an otter watching her until she opens her eyes and sees him, then he jumps into his high perch on the couch. WTF? Why not just come in and quietly go to your spot?

Outlaw kitty Black Tom peeked in the back porch and Yin Yang saw him and went ballistic. He ran away and Benny hopped onto the back porch and touched noses with Yin Yang and came inside.

Be Careful Who You Ouija with

Ouija board 1920 design by Wm FuldI’m careful who I ouija with, since we’re opening doors to astral nonsense that can freak out people unfamiliar with it. Plus so many fake it, not trusting in their own abilities to draw communication forth. Once I sat with people I trusted. I asked the ouija board to give me one DO and one DON’T to give to everyone I came in contact with. At the time I was talking to 40-60 clients a day working the Psychic Friends Network. Stop laughing. I told it I wanted something I could give to everyone. It spelled out “meditate daily cease criticism.” Well done!

RELATED:  The origin of the Oujia Board
RELATED:  The Ziriya Message Board

foxesA beautiful walk this morning, everything washed clean with the overnight rain. I didn’t feel like walking but headed out anyway, 2 blocks away I got into it and took a new route. when I drive these streets, I watch the road. When I walk them, It’s a new adventure since I’m looking at the grass by the road, the grasses and flowers growing there — lots of spanish needle — watching squirrels and birds in the trees, seeing critters in the woods I’m passing.  My FitBit says the walk around these 3 blocks is 2989 steps and 1.33 miles.

I review A Smokey Mountain Mystery by Steve Demaree

I’m researching dynamic beginnings to mystery novels. A Smokey Mountain Mystery by Steve Demaree has a great first five pages, asking compelling questions he makes me want to know the answers to. In a story, you have to catch me quickly from the beginning. many a novel and movie I leave mid way thru if the story and characters don’t compel me to know what happens next. You can read a bit here –>  I wrote a review on Amazon.  Book Reviews are not easy for me to do, I am studying how to do it properly.   Continue reading

It’s never too late — Frieda Lefeber is 100 years old

.... Frieda Lefeber age 100

…. Frieda Lefeber age 100

Frieda Lefeber, who recently turned 100, is celebrating her first solo art exhibit opening this week at Rosemont College in Pennsylvania. Frieda began taking art classes at age 76 and earned a degree from the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts at age 83. “I had no idea I could paint,” she says. “It keeps me young.” Frieda published her autobiography at age 88, exercises five mornings a week, and still drives. She lives with her daughter, cooks dinner for the family and cleans up every night.  My friends in their 50’s and 60’s and 70’s, please stop talking about how you are near the end of life. This woman wrote a book and got college degree in her 80’s and first solo art exhibit at 100! Cultivate an interest, keep yourself busy, stay in motion so your bones and muscles keep working for you, eat right so you fuel your body, not slow it down. Get out with people, volunteer, there is so freaken much still to do, plan for it by staying fit and in motion.

Wow, when you’re in the flow, you’re in the flow! A friend is putting together an event and asked if I could contact a few possible sponsors and vendors. Eight out of ten committed on the spot and made advance payment. I drove out and bought a lottery ticket while I’m riding this wave of Everything Going My Way.

Talk about vibrational matching! In doing the technical editing for a friend’s new book, I’ve been reading a lot of action scenes. Out of the blue, I hear from an author I worked with seven years ago who’d like some help pumping up the action in some of her new scenes. And by out of the blue, I mean I attracted it by virtue of my focus the last several weeks being on reading and appreciating stories with action and intrigue. I’m stoked.

A&E’s new show 8 Minutes is about offering sex trafficking victims a chance to get out of the life

Yesterday I watched 8 Minutes, a reality series where a team offers resources to those in the sex trafficking trade, if they want out of the life.  It’s a cool show, I’m sure I attracted it since the heroine in the mystery novel I am editing for April Rane goes after sex traffickers. An example of law of attraction at work.

I slept 10 hours in a row and woke up sleep stoned

Had a mega busy day yesterday editing a story that was so good I didn’t notice it was 7:00pm before I finished. Asleep by 9:15, I woke up at 7:00am. It’s been years since I slept 10 hours in a row! I dreamed I was on a boat and trying to find provisions in the galley to make lunch. All I could find were slabs of ribs, birthday cake and gin. I see why people wake up groggy after sleeping all night. I was still barely awake after I’d walked my one mile route. I’m used to waking up bright eyed and bushy tailed. Maybe that’s cuz I only surface sleep. I also see why folks gulp caffeine first thing and don’t want to be talked to until they’re not groggy. This reminds me what a drug coffee is, and most people take this drug every day.