Yearly Archives: 2015

Facebook friends can be a Round Table of support

I had a session last night with someone I could relate to. She is a bit of a solitary person altho married with adult children. She reads a lot and journals for her spiritual path work, and relaxes on Facebook. She is criticized by family and friends for giving so much time to superficial “relationships” on Facebook while not spending in person time with “real” people. Yet she spends her time doing what she finds most enjoyable. Her “superficial” friends don’t continually give unsolicited advice telling her what she should be doing instead of what makes her happy. Her “superficial” friends are just in the moment with her and maybe gone the next moment onto the next happy thing. If it makes her happy to be happy, I support her being happy. It can be aggravating when it’s a loved one who knows your physical schedule limitations and they still give you heck for not making time. Arguing about it whenever it comes up is not away to get someone to make time for you. Honor their wishes to do what needs to be done and stay on happy topics when you do spend time together. That’s what ensures more time together. Friend and artist Jane Delaford Taylor said, “Facebook relationships vary, but at their best, if you have a nice group vibe with your friends it can feel like a real Round Table of support, and that’s really valuable and not something to dismiss lightly.

Whether you are praising or criticizing, you are telling the Universe, “more of this please”

Every time you praise something, every time you appreciate something, every time you feel good about something, you are telling the Universe, “more of this please.”  Also, every time you criticize something, every time you feel ticked off about something, you are telling the Universe, “more of this please.” It doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not. You get more of what you focus on. You see evidence of it in your life right now and there no evidence to the contrary.

The Guide to Strong Boundaries

Do you ever feel like people take advantage of you or use your emotions for their own gain? Do you ever feel like you’re constantly having to “save” people close to you and fix their problems all the time? Do you find yourself sucked into pointless fighting or debating regularly? Do you find yourself faaaaar more invested or attracted to a person than you should be for how long you’ve known them? In your relationships, does it feel like things are always either amazing or horrible with no in-between? Or perhaps you even go through the break-up/reunion pattern every few months? Do you tell people how much you hate drama but seem to always be stuck in the middle of it? Do you spend a lot of time defending yourself for things you believe aren’t your fault? A good article here about that

I’d need to know what Adam Sandler said before I agree with those who found it offensive

In An Open Letter to the Native Actors Who Walked Off Adam Sandler’s Set By Apache Writer,  there are complaints about racist “humor.” I can’t comment until I see what was said that was offensive. Adam Sandler isn’t my type of humor, I see him as a new millenium Mel Brooks type and I’m not into slapstick or bathroom humor. Ignorant people need to be adequately schooled in what is and isn’t “racist,” just as Bible thumpers could use some schooling in comparative religious studies. We don’t know what we don’t know if we don’t know it. And we’re not going to learn it from the people who taught us the narrow stance.  The letter is here:

I’m rediscovering Twitter

Wow, I’ve never been much for Twitter since I find Facebook is the fun place to play AND get new biz. An author friend turned me onto it since it helps book sales. I just signed on and had 68 notifications and figured out Twitter is where increased blog hits and donations are coming from. Cool!

I love my new Skechers GoWalk3 Hypo walking shoes

Skechers GoWalk2 Hypo

The new Skechers GoWalk3 Hypo and SoftSole socks

I just bought these Skechers GoWalk3s and some cool artsy socks. The shoes are like walking on clouds, I got size 10 bcz they’re wider. Afterward I went to Menchies for frozen yogurt. I’d never been to one but saw it in an Undercover Boss episode. I had a squirt each of carrot orange sorbet and pecan praline, topped with chopped kiwi and strawberries.  It was good but I’m not much for sweets.

Don’t be too shy to ask to be shown how to use the machines at your gym

As soon as I woke up this morning, I walked a mile up and down the street to psych me up for the gym. It didn’t really psych me up but I went anyway. On days like this, I tell myself to just go and walk the treadmill until I wake up then I can leave if I want. That always tricks me into doing at least one lap around the machines while I’m there. It’s not easy being your own coach but, like anything else, it works if you work it. I’d posted this on Facebook and a FBF wrote that she only walks the treadmill, that she’s afraid of the machines because she doesn’t know how to use them and is too shy to ask. I told her the first time I went to Planet Fitness I asked them to show me the machines and give me a basic routine to do using them. Like the arm machines, I had to start out using the lowest weight settings and I did just 3 repetitions of 15 at each machine. The same with the leg machines and the tummy crunch machine, the waist twist machine, etc. Even now I don’t do all the machines and some I haven’t tried at all. But I don’t care, I do what I can and found it fun once I got into it and stopped being self conscious. A galpal yesterday said next time we meet for breakfast, we can go to a place near Planet Fitness so she can get a work out in first. After I work out, I’m a sweaty mess, so that’s a no.

I bought a Kindle Paperwhite

The Kindle Paperwhite

The Kindle Paperwhite

I’ve been doing more reading so I just bought  a Kindle Paperwhite. I have to get used to it. At first the small screen kinda freaked me out, but it is easier on the eyes than the first generation iPad I have. It certainly weighs pounds less. The man has an iPad Air which is mega lighter than mine. It reminds me of the first mobile phones vs. today’s mobiles.  It’s very easy to read, is very lightweight and small enough to slip into my purse.  Yay, no more carrying pounds of books in the car with me, in case I get a moment to read.

Happy Earth Day

I celebrate Earth Day all year long by recycling paper, aluminum, glass, and plastic, using dish cloths to clean instead of paper towels, using cloth napkins at home and fewer paper napkins when out dining, buying products with less packaging and giving worn items away rather than discarding them.

Cancer Cured in 3 Minutes – A Video Presentation by Gregg Braden

Cancer tumor on left, cancer gone on right after the technology was applied

Cancerous tumor shown on the left, the cancer is gone on right after the technology was applied

When we have a feeling in our hearts, we’re creating electrical and magnetic waves inside of our bodies that extend beyond our bodies and into the world around us, many, many kilometers beyond where our physical heart resides. You’ll see in the video at how, when many, many people get together with one feeling it can change the world and you’ll see the result for yourself.  It’s only “a miracle” until we understand the science. Then it is no longer a miracle, it becomes a technology, a powerful, internal technology. This film was created in a medicine-less hospital in Beijing, China. It shows a women who’s been diagnosed with a 3″ diameter cancer in her bladder and Western doctors say they can do nothing. So she went to this medicine-less hospital in Bejing, where they think differently, and the doctors there applied this technology from the ancient wisdom. What you will see is this: there are 3 practitioners trained to feel just the right feeling, to feel a precise feeling in their hearts, They create the feeling as if the woman is already healed. We will look inside her body through a sonogram. Through ultrasound, we can watch her cancer disappear in three minutes in the presence of the language that heals.

The Video: Cancer Cured in 3 Minutes