Yearly Archives: 2015

Yay – I got my new Samsung Galaxy S5 purchase and phone plan transfer over before Mercury went retrograde on May 18

Samsung-Galaxy-S5-unicorn-caseI’m such a commitment phobe. Buying a phone brings up my issues. I asked my computer guy which phone I should buy and he suggested the Samsung Galaxy S5. I spent a few weeks doing research for price and phone plans. I didn’t want to pay more than $50/month for unlimited talk, text and data. Especially since Walmart’s Family Mobile plans start at $29.88 for unlimited TTD.   I hated to be tied to a phone contract after the last several years with Virgin Mobile, but two years goes by quickly.  I had to buy a phone NOW as my trusty HTC One V no longer held a charge and I cannot replace the battery.   I bought the Samsung Galaxy S5 at Best Buy. I learned you cannot get a Verizon contract unless you’re an existing customer or it’s on their Edge plan. The Edge plan breaks the cost of the phone into 24 payments, with no interest and no finance charge. I went in expecting to pay the advertised $99 for the phone and get on the Verizon plan. What the ad did not say was that I did not qualify for that special as it was for existing Verizon customers only. That’s cool. Their price for the phone was competitive, it was in stock and I got an automatic 24 months to pay. I’m in!  Continue reading

Drama – When friends automatically assume the worst

A galpal asked me to look at something on a friend’s Facebook page and I reported back their timeline looked empty to me. “WTF?” she asked? “Did he block you? Are you two fighting? You’re powerful to make someone do that.” I laughed at her readiness to read drama into it, her first response was to assign roles and blame. He didn’t block me since it showed we are still friends. I don’t know him well enough to fight with him. My first thought was he makes posts he lets only “real” friends see. Her first thought was “someone is doing something against you.” We all know people like that. I don’t take things personally. People are entitled to share with me or not and if they want me to know the reasons why, they’ll tell me. Not everything is a giant soap opera. When we stop contributing to the personality dramas around us, we begin to tap into that inner world where our guidance lies. The more we tap in, the more we’re guided to focus on things that bring real emotional fulfillment. Yes, the emotional highs and lows in personality drama can be addicting and some people thrive on it. If it’s getting less entertaining, step back from it. Don’t talk about it with anyone. That will let you begin to vibe in a new place, to tune yourself to a new channel. As a kickstart, spend a few minutes in nature allowing the trees to absorb your stress. Ask to be guided to more appealing pursuits, people and circumstances. Some friends will go with you, others will not. Close your eyes and breathe in the fresh air. Exhale slowly and fully. Do that a few more times. Nothing beats the emotional high of seeing more of the world as it is. And all it takes is moving your focus off everyone else’s drama. If you find yourself obsessed with it, take time to examine internally why you have the fascination and ask what you can learn from it.

When you get called on your stuff, work it out, don’t punish the ones who won’t believe your lies

A friend thinks she is trying to help a family member deal with anger over an injustice. In this case, I have info she doesn’t have and he’s not given her the real story. If you are who you say you are, the truth will set you free. His story is he was falsely accused and ended up with an overly harsh sentence. Rewrite history all you want, at the time I made calls to bondsmen and court officials and over the next 6 months a very different story began to unfold. It’s public record. When asked to explain his activities in the months prior to the arrest night according to the witness, this angry personality came on. I later learned that was his automatic response each time he got caught in a lie. This after so much discussion about karmic implication and wanting to talk openly and honestly and develop spiritually. A friend does not allow friends to waste time trying to help when he hasn’t told them the whole story. When you take responsibility for how you perceive life and how you react to it, doors open and the way is made clear as never before.

Everyone wants to be successful until they see what it actually takes

ballet shoes successYou’ll find if you let your passion lead the way, you don’t mind the blisters, the strained muscles and stubbed toes, it’s enough to keep you on your feet moving toward your goal. When earlier this year I began walking 2+ miles a day, I hurt any ankle, my knee, my shins hurt, the nerve on the ball of my foot inflamed, but I woke up wanting to walk so I was led by my passion and the sore feet were a small price to pay. I figure it’s the cost of doing business. (insert image of ballerina feet)


I love the new rocker paw tip for my trekking pole

trek pole rocker pawI love the new rocker paw tip for my trekking pole. I tried it out this morning at Turkey Creek Sanctuary. I first walked the Turkey Oak Trail, then wandered off trail to see where I ended up on Malabar Road — across from Acorn Storage — then took the Sand Pine Trail back to the boardwalk. The rocker paw was big enough to not get stuck between the boards — yay — and the angle of it is perfect for my stride. I prefer walking the bare ground of the trails rather than the boardwalk. I wore my Asics sneaks today rather than my GoWalk2’s. I saw three people on the trails. I wasn’t goofing off, I had to make a bank deposit and the park is right on the way back and only took me 20 minutes.

Liars are a friend’s worst – and most popular –disappointment

“In looking back, what in the past have you been the most misguided and/or angered or frustrated about? I’ll have to think about misguided, but I’ve in the past been most frustrated with loved ones who give unsolicited advice on how to fix something I’m not having a problem with. Or who have critical comments about everything.” I posted that on Facebook and most of the responses had to do with lying. One FBF wrote, “It is frustrating to learn that people you thought were nice were really big liars, lying about everything because they are unhappy with their life, so they pretend to be to be one way with one person, another way with another person, and so on. It is really sad for them, but the frustrating part is being fooled, and also finding out that when you are yourself and always speak the truth, the chronic liar acts friendly and nice, but secretly harbors resentment that festers and finally becomes ugly. I try to avoid liars but they are not always so easy to spot…”    Continue reading

Imagine the person you would ideally love to become

Imagine the person you would ideally love to become. If you don’t know what this is, start by imagining this ideal self. And I mean ideal self, not what you think is possible given your (perceived) limitations, but what you ideally would like to be, without compromise. Ideally feel the feelings of being that person and as you’re walking along the street, project the energy of that person out in front of you, to the sides and behind you – imagine this in your mind and begin to feel the sensations of your ideal self. Now imagine yourself in-front of you, watching yourself as you approach you and watch what great things you attract into your life. Wayne Coleman

Roadblock? Do you gripe about it or slink past it on to your next good thing?

roller coaster familyA roadblock has been thrown up and you’ve had a disappointment. Do you rail against the perpetrator, point fingers and tell everyone you know all about it? Or do you quietly acknowledge that the Universe has your best interest in mind and, the sooner you stop whining about it, the sooner you can get on to your happier and better tomorrow? Wanting to give the other party heck is just keeping you in a place of resistance. Acknowledge that you may not now understand what is happening. Trust and expect that you will always end up in a better place. Then find something to be happy about.

woman-mirrorRemember that in any confrontation everyone involved is only you mirroring yourself back to you. Have compassion and reflect on the mirror you see before you.