Yearly Archives: 2015

I am freeing my pot-bound self

pot-bound-roots-textI am freeing my pot-bound self. If I want to be more than I am now, I need to give myself more room to do that. I know me, I will expand to fill whatever space I find myself in. I need to leave a lot of empty, white space for the Universe to delight me with the filling of. I’m freeing my pot bound self, my roots long to reach and stretch.
Pot bound definition: having roots so densely matted as to allow little or no space for further growth.

Even a little bit of sugar activates a craving for it

I’m not a sweets eater.  I don’t add sugar to anything. When I want something sweet, fruit is usually sweet enough for me. I bought vanilla yogurt the other day, Dannon Light and Fit Greek with just 7 grams of sugar, as opposed to 27. I ate spoonfuls of it for two days. Just eating that little bit of sugar for two days made my body crave sugar just now. I’m out of the bread and sugar cycle for several weeks now so it makes it easy to notice it. It will fade in 3 days.

I had to uninstall and reinstall Firefox twice to remove something from the cache

I was working on a friend’s website and kept getting a repeating error message in Firefox saying “This account is suspended.” It was obviously stored in the cache since earlier this morning when I edited the name of the server. I cleared the cache, including cookies, and rebooted several times. Then I began getting the error message when I went to the site on my phone as well. I had to uninstall and reinstall Firefox twice. I know now it was the DNS propagation process

A rapid manifestation

altar table topI’ve been moving furniture around again.  I rearranged the living room to have a sitting area, a yoga-stretching-dance area and an area for the rebounder, exercise bike, HealthRider and hand weights. I have one rather large table I needed to reposition to give me enough room, but I had nowhere to put it. I never seem to have in this house a place where two people can sit facing each other to have a conversation.  Before, the entire south wall — the fireplace area — was the altar area.  All seating faced south.  When Benny the Cat began traipsing thru the altar items set up in the fireplace, it was time to move them to higher ground.  But where?    Continue reading

I just had a big go round with a friend’s website. A year ago on my old web server at Lypha, his site and mine were the only ones hacked out of my more than a dozen sites –> My blog gets hacked.  Mine came right back up, however his kept having a problem. Last month I changed servers and thought that was the end of it. It wasn’t. Long story short, my bestie fixed it, so is back up. If you need a website guy, Gary Leggett is your man.

Had the most fun with a new friend in the market today. She was visually impaired and needed a little help finding some things. I ended up giving her a ride home a few blocks away and her house number was synchronistically 108. She enjoys walking to the store 3 blocks away, but it means she has to cross 6 lanes of Malabar Road. The crosswalk is right at her house but she said people don’t pay attention. Let’s pay attention.

I’m having fun bouncing on my Marcy cardio rebounder

rebounderI’m having fun bouncing on my Marcy cardio rebounder. I can run myself out of breath several times a day without my knee acting up. I like working out at night and especially like not having to leave the house to do it. I like the rebounder better than the treadmill and studies show it burns more calories. I don’t care so much about calories as I do about getting quality aerobic time in and keeping myself strong. Aerobic = activity intended to improve the efficiency of the body’s cardiovascular system in absorbing and transporting oxygen. I’m all about improving efficiency!

I go to Middle Eastern Aromas to buy canned stuffed grape leaves

Grape-Leaves-DolmadakiaI waited a year for Publix to restock the Sultana Stuffed Grape Leaves (dolma) and they never have, so Ifinally got to Middle Eastern Aromas on Babcock Street by FlaTech where they have four different brands and dozens of cans.  The Sultana are my fave canned, I drain them and run hot water thru the can to remove the oil. Most are packed in soy oil. I don’t care for cold rice, so I heat them slowly, which releases more oil I drain off. Then I add a dab of good olive oil, salt, pepper, coriander, cumin, lemon juice. The heat brings out the flavor, even if you’re just heating to take the chill off. Then I take a pita, slice it into 8 pie slices, and wrap each one around a stuffed dolma to eat by hand.

Boy, it is a different world when I wake up at 11 o’clock rather than 4 a.m. I can go right out and do things and not have to wait 5 hours for everyone to get into work.