Yearly Archives: 2015

A busy day of work, fun, and synchronicity with friends

tub out shower tile clean72Yesterday a friend and I hit the floor running at dawn to tackle my master bath. I’d seen water leaking through the wall after a shower and Tod said he’d take a look at it. By the time he got here, I’d decided to remove the tub I installed in 1988 and go back to the original tiled shower stall. I removed the tile and wallboard that had water damage, as well as the little wall I’d built around the tub, then tiled. Most of the tiles were salvageable. I hauled load after load of tiles and drywall out of the bathroom. I Tod tub72cut the caulk around the tub to begin loosening it. I did all this last week. So, by the time Tod and I went to work on it this morning, we had a clear working space. The first thing we did was pull the tub out and set it on the patio outside the master suite, where I’ll create an outdoor spa. Tod took on the task of cleaning up the shower stall using bleach and then Lime Away. Even with the fans on, the chemical smell was strong. I was stunned at how spotless he got the tiles using a scrub brush and a Paul Bunyan sized arm of elbow grease.  Continue reading

We attract out of customer service who we are

I’ve had to spend time each of the last few days on the phone with customer service for several companies and utilities. These are calls I used to dread and put off as long as I could. I’d listen to everyone else’s horror stories of customer service nightmares and forget that I am in charge of attracting my own experience to me. Their experience doesn’t have to be my experience. I can attract a different result with a little pre-paving ahead of time. Since I had to call several, I first got each file in front of me and reviewed it and got clear on my reason for calling. This was how I spent the days while Mercury was retrograde. That means I was prepared when Mercury went direct, and I made the calls. Each one went smoothly, everyone was helpful and pleasant and each call only lasted a few minutes. Yay to me for being in vibrational harmony with ease and joy. We attract out of customer service who we are. And luckily we’re in charge of that.

Zanda Gutek wins last night’s psychic game on Facebook

17We played a fun psychic game on Facebook last night. I posted “I’m thinking of a number between 1 and 20. Guess the number and give me the title of a book from my library –> link here  if you guess the correct number, I’ll send you the book. And I do have three copies of Entering the Castle by Caroline Myss.” Zanda Gutek is first to comment: “17” which is the correct number, but she doesn’t name a book title. Someone else guessed 17 but named a book not on the list (but which is next on my buy list.) Interestingly enough, Zanda was on the scene from the humble beginnings of Horizons Magazine and we’ve just recently reconnected on Facebook. I love how the Universe works.

RELATED:  Some books and CDs I have in my library

I didn’t sleep Tuesday night, I read Mickey Singer’s Surrender Experiment overnight. I like reading about people I know and how they got to where they are. I deep-slept today from 5:00-10:00pm. I love it when I sleep so deeply that I don’t know what day/night it is when I wake up. When I can lose track of time, that lets me know I’ve let myself fully relax.

So which is it?

So which is it? Do we surrender, let go and let God, or do we take steps to create our own reality? I find the Path is never one way or the other, it slips in and out of lead and follow, surrender and envision. Often it’s more a wave to surf than a path to trod.

Just noticed my walking has helped lift and shape my bottom

Me sideways at front walk thru screen72Today I tried to take a full length sideways selfie but the screen door got in the way.   It’s just as well since it brought full attention to my backside.  I realized the new walking routine and exercise bike is lifting my bottom. A friend couldn’t believe I put this less than flattering pic up on Facebook, but I have no shame. Yay to me for going to the gym and yay for squats. I’ve crashed my right knee but my butt looks stellar. Knees heal. Keep squatting!
In addition to amping up my workouts to daily, I got an exercise bike a month ago and began walking two months ago. My bottom is definitely lifted from the last time I obsessed over it. Partially, perhaps, because I’m 10 lbs heavier here, so I have to be careful. A bubble butt can get out of hand as it reaches maximum density…  it can go from JLo to Shamu in no time flat.  FBF Janet commented: “This is how my butt looks after practicing Esther Gokhale Method for walking. I also was surprised to see mine had changed shape and lifted as well, by using the proper muscles to support my body in movement. Yay for strong butts!”  Here is a good video about the Esther Gokhale method of walking –>
As I watch, I realize I am aware of engaging these muscles as she suggests. When my knee began acting up, I got more mindful of every step, aligned with shoulder and foot.   At 63, my primary goal is having a body that is healthy and strong for the next 40+ years. It’s a bonus if it looks good, too. I was pleasantly surprised seeing my backside in this photo. I’ll lose some mass when the pounds drop but I’ll keep the lift as long as I keep up the exercise. And despite the obvious sway back, thanks to yoga I’ve got a strong back and have never had back problems.