Yearly Archives: 2013

Does anyone enjoy a smart ass? Anyone?

It’s interesting how people choose to talk to their coworkers, striving for clever quips rather than seeking to get the job done. I watched part of Bravo’s reality show Below Deck, which follows the doings of crew members aboard a charter yacht. In real life, the upstarts would be canned at first back talk, but that would not make for a good tv show… It appears one star might be the jealous and conniving Sam Orme. At least in the episode I saw, she wins the prize for vocalizing the most insecurity. Perhaps this is her first “real” job and she just doesn’t know how to act. MeOW!

I am a writer. I feel compelled to write down my thoughts.

I’m a writer, I enjoy writing down my thoughts.  Writing is also my process for personal growth.  Writing is my wind down, my trigger for relaxation.  Putting my thoughts to paper is for me to write more than for anyone else to read. When the words are flowing, they will stay in my head until I type them.  They won’t wait until morning. It’s easier to jump up and type them down so I can go back to bed or back to work or whatever else I was doing.  That can be a curiosity for new people. When we spend extended time together, I take a computer break every few hours to jot a few notes down.  I don’t share everything I write and I don’t write everything I think. But what I do write and what I do share is for the sole purpose of learning who I am and bringing myself to wholeness.  For me, alone time for contemplation and typing into the computer every few hours helps me do that.

Happy Birthday Wally!

Today is the birthday of my childhood friend, Wally (Walter Clarence Smith.)  He and his family lived down the street from us during our childhood years.  We were the best of friends.  We attended school together from elementary through graduation at Hialeah High in 1970.  We kept in touch as we grew older and moved apart.  Our last visit was a month before he passed on March 12, 2013.  I join with his loving sister, my dear beloved Linda, in celebrating his being-ness today.  Always one to chose his own destiny, it was Wally’s choice when to drop his earthly robes for his final walk.  You’ll be missed, my brother.  There will never be another like you. We’ll meet again.

The tide recedes but leaves behind bright seashells on the sand.
The sun goes down, but gentle warmth still lingers on the land.
The music stops, and yet it echoes on in sweet refrains…..
For every joy that passes, something beautiful remains.

It’s fun what I attract when I (through willpower, discipline and replacement thoughts) keep myself centered and happy

Three solid months of continually even, mellow, convivial daily interaction.  No disagreement, no harsh words, no surprises, no moods, no fires to be tended to.  Only loving attention, fun adventures, animated conversation – light and deep, giggly and profound – and a seeming unending bank of mutual interests and curiosities. When I think that sounds too good to be true, I remind myself that’s what I attract by staying centered. By knowing what’s important in my life – peace of mind and joy – and focusing only on that. Continue reading

If you’d like a 3 month future predictive astrology report

Paypal $28 to me at and email me your birth date, time and location of birth. I love the interpretations given in these reports, they tell me what to expect and how to manuever easily through it.  Like right now I am going through a real critical phase. Knowing that I am allows me to have the thoughts arise and not feel I have to share them. I see it as an opportunity to discipline myself to keep my thoughts to myself unless it is helpful, kind and true. When the thoughts and feelings arise, I observe them as they were expected visitors, but I do not let them take me over.

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Relaxing after a busy week, the weekend is for play

It was so good Friday night to relax after a busy day and productive week. I usually let the end of each day unfold with no plans: grabbing protein snacks from the fridge, checking Facebook and personal messages, crashing in my recliner until evening sessions begin.  When I’m going to dine with friends, I rearrange my eating schedule a couple of meals ahead of time.  I’d eaten chicken salad at 2:30pm, so at 8:00pm I wanted something light: summer rolls! Had I re-read this post first, I would have had tighter wraps.  Continue reading

Synchronicity and spidey sensing with Andi at Tires Plus

After a couple of days of slacking and sleeping, I woke up this morning raring to go.  I left the office at 7:15 am and headed to Walmart to get my oil changed.  There was a line, so I left and headed toward Melbourne to deliver the September magazines.  I stopped in at Tires Plus on Babcock Street just south of Palm Bay Road, since it was next to the Jiffy Lube I’d gone to for years, now closed.  I met Andi there, a bright smiley face behind the counter.  Before I left, I was guided to hand her a Horizons Magazine.  I hesitate to do that to new people, since it’s not to everyone’s taste. It turned into a very synchronistic meeting and we exchanged contact info.  I love it when that happens!  I could have gone to a half dozen other oil change places yet was guided to hers.   Continue reading

You have to leave a vacancy for “the right one” to find you

To friends who are breaking up and calling their exes “because it feels familiar…” remember: If you’re with one who’s not right for you, the one who IS right for you cannot find you.  You will be invisible to them. It’s ok to be alone. When you stop trying to fill the gap, Spirit will fill it for you. Move forward, not backward.  We’ve got all the time in the world and not a moment to lose.