Yearly Archives: 2013

Whoever digs a pit will fall into it, and a stone will come back on him who starts it rolling

rock rolling uphill sisyphusMy father and brother committed suicide, as have several friends through the years. None of them ever threatened to do it. So when a dramatic friend once again begins talking suicide, I know it’s just mental disorder that compels her to do it. She knows the reaction it gets. It happens after she’s “gotten in trouble” or her latest sugar daddy has found her out and is threatening to leave.  She is someone who hasn’t yet made amends with the past and doesn’t understand that everything she does comes back to her. With empty promises she attracts enabling partners and it takes them a year to figure it out.  In that year, everything in their life begins to unravel. Then she moves on and they are left on their own to rebuild their life.  Whoever digs a pit will fall into it, and a stone will come back on him who starts it rolling. One guy who knows the meaning of the word tired is Sisyphus, most famous for the punishment he received in the underworld: condemned to roll a rock up to the top of a mountain, only to have it roll back down for eternity. Stop digging the pit and stop rolling the stone. Aren’t you tired yet?

RELATED: Clear up the past so it doesn’t taint your new beginnings

I love helping friends identify and get what they want

I get a lot of email feedback. That’s how I know I’m in vibrational resonance with the ones who read what I write. I like the fact that in just the daily telling of my simple story, there is someone reading it who can relate. “I appreciate what you wrote at ___. Hearing how you handled the same situation I was in helped me become clear and make good decisions.” I get emails like that often enough to know that me talking about the little details of my life makes a difference in someone else’s life.  It’s not that I’m a good writer, it’s that I know we all go through the same things.  If we know each other, no matter how briefly or casually, we are somehow vibrating on the same level or we wouldn’t be aware of each other at all.   Continue reading

Heavy concepts take a while to brew before they are grokked

I love it when I read someone writing what I told them for years and they didn’t grok at the time. I think of the many ideas I was introduced to years before I ever understood or accepted them; lifestyle changes I could have made to improve my life decades earlier. But I didn’t want to listen to anyone telling me what they thought I should do. Pride and ego allowed me to learn the hard way. Now, I never push anything on anyone, any idea, any information they are not asking for.  But when you ask, the floodgates will open.

I don’t always eat healthy stuff

Tonight’s dinner was a tater tot sandwich on a white bread onion roll with mixed greens. And yesterday I ate half a Zero bar. See? I don’t always eat healthy stuff.  “Half a Zero bar?” a pal asked.  Yes, I took a few bites of the Zero bar, then had a friend hide it in their freezer. Then I nabbed it when they weren’t looking and had more bites. Then I gave them custody of it overnight and that was the last I saw of it… Now that’s a true friend.

How did he not see this coming?

Karma - what goes around, comes around

What goes around, comes around

A friend snuck into his mate’s email and is upset that she’s been sneaking around and lying to him. He did the same with his last five partners and never made amends with any of them. When I explained it’s a vibrational match, he hung up on me.  He called the wrong person to complain to, he knows how this stuff works.

A new week begins with a predawn meditation on the beach

Before work today, I took a pre-dawn trip to the beach for morning meditation. I sat on the steps awhile and then took my blanket out to the dunes for morning yoga in the cool air. It was low tide. No one else in sight nor needed to be; I was joined by the ever present Presence. No lights and no moon, yet the scene was lit from within by my own radiant heart.

RELATED: Meditation links

Amicable Partings: A follow up to A Universal Closure Letter

I wrote in A Universal Closure Letter, Working it out Energetically that two friends recently split and want to do it amicably. She wrote a letter seeking closure. He responded below.  This is a good example of how friends who respect each other communicate effectively, even in the midst of the fray.  It’s a good Universal senario and lesson.  He writes, “You asked what I would write to ____, how I feel.”
“Dear _____,
There are so many conflicted feelings and thoughts in me that I am having a hard time sorting them out. I hope that we can put the anger, the bad feelings, the fear behind us. For me, I don’t want to just be your friend one day, I want to be your boyfriend, your partner, your lover. I want to look at you in my bed, see your smile and have it fill my heart with joy as it did so many times. I don’t think that either one of is happy, I know I miss you something fierce. You are the first thing I think of every morning, and the last thing I think of before bed. I sit on my couch with the cats and tell them “I miss her too.” I look at the garden and see the plants I put in for you, and the things I wanted to plant for you. I look at the places where your things used to be and feel an emptiness that they and you are not there. Continue reading

Saw a rainbow at the beach today

imageSpent Saturday afternoon at Aquarian Dreams anniversary party, catching up with old friends, meeting new friends, Rayananda did a rocking closing kirtan session. Afterwards, Starbucks on the beach just in time for the most glorious rainbow.

Help me find my hair donut!

imageREWARD! BOLO Indialantic beachwalkers! I lost my hair donut walking the beach at high tide, be on the lookout for it!  I walked down stairs No. 11, then up stairs No. 10, then over behind Wendy’s to shower sand off, then back across to car parked between No. 10 and 11. This is what it will look like on the sand, Ok, it’s just a brown sock with the toe cut out and all rolled up like a donut, but it’s an important hair management device. A reward to the finder! — feeling hopeful.