Yearly Archives: 2011

A friend asks me about the ending of the Mayan Calendar

A friend writes, “Andrea, I have been wanting your opinion on something as I believe that you may be the person who stands the greatest chance to be knowing the answer.  In December of next year there is supposed to be an alignment of the planets which is extremely remarkable, supposedly having a profound effect on all of us.  Can you tell me anything about it? ”  I responded with the below links and said, ” I know about the Mayan Calendar ending December 21, 2012 and some crazy fundamentalists equate that to the ending of the world which of course it is not going to be. It’s rather an evolution of consciousness. In this final cycle of the Mayan Calendar, it is said that time is compressed and large numbers of people will awaken to Unity consciousness sufficient to tip the balance and bring in the New Earth.  Here are some things others have said on the topic, others I feel in tune with.

Gregg Braden Clarifies Meaning of Apocalyptic 2012 Date
The year 2012  per Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Even the Maya are sick of Mayan Calendar 2012 hype

In Facebook, did you Hide All Comment Activity and lose your posts, too?

In Facebook, my Wall would show “Recent activity,”  reporting comments I left on other people’s pages. Today, when I clicked the little “x” next to one of the lines that reported a recent comment, I got an option to  “Hide all comment activity.”  I clicked it and ALL of the link posts disappeared from my wall.  If you did the same, here’s HOW TO FIX IT: From your profile page, scroll down to bottom and choose ‘Edit Options’ in the light blue bar.  Then you should see “Comment Activity,”  uncheck that and click save.

We’re either all One or we’re not

I saw Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra talking once and got a great lesson. Dyer says, “If we’re all One, how come I can move the finger on my hand and yet I cannot move the finger on your hand?” Because, Chopra says, “you think it’s my hand.”

The importance of having a muse

Fairy museI like having a secret crush on someone. It gives me fuel for visualization and floods me with endorphins, without the aggravation of interaction or feedback.   I see them as a muse and use the energy to fuel my passion for whatever projects I am involved in.  I find a muse is a powerful catalyst to my creativity.  Even more so if they don’t know they’re my muse.  Sometimes more so if they think they are, yet aren’t quite sure.  There’s such power in keeping it to myself, but also fun in the playful interaction with them when we both know we’re doing it.  I find it crucial to my creativity to have a muse, although it’s only every few years that someone comes along that really stokes my fire.  I mean, I have a lot of creative friends and they ALL inspire me but every so often one flame flares higher than the rest and the creative juices begin to flow.  What brews up can be very powerful and transformative.    Continue reading

There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground

Today like every other day, we wake up empty and frightened.  Don’t open the door to the study and begin reading.  Take down a musical instrument.  Let the beauty we love be what we do.  There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.  Rumi

Free e-book:  Rumi The Book of Love, translation by Coleman Barks

I have come to drag you out of yourself and take you in my heart.
I have come to bring out the beauty in you,
and lift you like a prayer to the sky. – Rumi

Allow people to give you their gifts

I was in a situation once where I had turned down several offers to help me, not wanting to get too tied and obligated to the ones who were offering it.  One night, I got the message “Allow people to give you their gifts.”  I was infused with the message that sometimes you ask for help just to give someone around you the chance to give it.  To give them a chance to serve.  Not so much that you need the help, rather that they so much need to have an opportunity to serve, and want to do it with you.   Like the concept of darshan, just seeing the one who so inspires you is an infusion of shakti to your system, and gives it a reboot.  So consider when you allow someone to help you, them being in your presence for a short time will give them a bit of an awakening, so you’re doing a service also.  It’s all just being in the flow of seva with whoever shows up in front of you.  And maximizes the potential for you both by recognizing that.

My Life is Like a Never Ending Box of Candies

A friend gave me a little box of candies last week and as I sat eating them, they seemed to be never ending.  It was like those circus Volkswagens with 20 clowns stuffed into it.  I’d look and it seemed there was only 1 or 2 left, but 1 and 2 bites later, I still had more in the box.  My life is like that, I thought.  It seems as though someone is always handing me a gift and when I think it can’t get any better, I discover more gifts, right in front of me.

When does the Kali Yug end?

On Facebook, a friend asked me “Do you know when the Kali Yuga ends, if we are indeed in the Kali Yuga?  I said that depends on who you ask and how they calculate the length of the yugs and the beginning of each yug.  There are so many people out there claiming they know so they can sell their wares, or claiming they are kalki themselves… the usual.

I spent a magical birthday yesterday

“Plant the seeds of Love in your hearts. Let them grow into trees of Service and shower the sweet fruit of Ananda. Share the Ananda with all. That is the proper way to celebrate the Birthday.” Sri Sathya Sai Baba.  This beautiful birthday wish came from Facebook friend Kimberly Anne Francois yesterday.  She must have seen by my altar photos that I’m a devotee.  I woke up not sure what I was going to spend Sunday doing.  I could go to church and see pals and hear good music or I could work on final layout of the May Horizons or I could — my fave — just let the day unfold moment by moment and do whatever I felt like during the unfolding. Continue reading