Yearly Archives: 2010

Mondays 7pm Sound Vibration Healing for the Waters – Bicentennial Beach, Indialantic, FL

We meet each Monday, come join us. Sound Vibration Healing for the Waters.   “In the beginning was the Word.”  Could this word have been a sound?  Most definitely it was vibration.  Everything has a vibration.  When we create vibration with intention, we can effect changes.  Imagine co-creating a change from an intention using sound vibration as we unite in collective consciousness.  And then imagine doing this by the water, the ocean.  Sound travels well in water…..about 4x faster in water than in air. Continue reading

How did I attract yesterday’s comedy of errors?

Yesterday was one goofy mix up after another.  In the morning, they delivered the September Horizons Magazine. I usually have help getting the mailing portion of the job to the post office, and yesterday my helpers were out of town.  The mailing went from them doing the job for me, to me helping them get the job done, to them helping me do the job, and now we’re down to me doing the whole job.  I can’t complain though, because it’s still a quick task to do, and I appreciate having their workspace to do it in.  This is the first time I missed having my van or SUV, but I managed to fit into my Toyota Prius everything I needed for the post office.  I’d simply have to make a separate trip back to pick up the carful of magazines I usually take.  I got started early and the job went quickly.  I stuffed the singles into envelopes, I stuffed the 5’s, the 10’s, the 25’s, the 50’s.  But wait, instead of stacks of 50, this time they were bundled in stacks of 49.  Which is no big deal, but it did mean I’d have to re-do all the paperwork to show the correct weights.  I did not have my postal scale with me, since it’s always the same weight.  I’d have to take an extra 10 minutes at the post office and refigure all the numbers.  Oh LOL if I only knew that was the least of my concerns. Continue reading

Why I like Facebook

I love search engines.  If a thought comes to me that I want to know more about, I Google it. A movie coming on that I want to know more about?  I Google it.  When someone on Facebook posts an interesting quote, I Google the author’s name and see what else they’ve written that might interest me.  I love to research and learn, and Facebook lets me keep up with whatever my friends are interested in.  Facebook, that’s another reason I spend more time on the computer.  Since 2008, Facebook has been my social life and that’s one reason I spend so much time on it.  I can take a few moments here and there during my work day, to pop in and say hi and see what my Facebook friends are doing.  Several dozen are my real life friends who live locally, and if I had more free time, I’d hang out with them in person.  Facebook helps me feel connected even when my schedule doesn’t allow me to attend many events. Continue reading

Furniture arranging and re-routing neural pathways

I wrote the other day that I was Creating room to breathe here at my home and office, clearing things out and rearranging furniture.  I like to change it up often, because I never want to get too set in my ways.  Like last night I rearranged everything in the master suite, and put things where they’d never been before. That means I had to remember where the clock was and where did I put the standing coat rack I place my wet towels on after a shower?  When the phone rings I have to look for it.  In the office, I look for the calendar and it’s on a different wall, my appointment book is on top of a wire shelf space saver under which is the adding machine and pens, all on the opposite side where they’ve been for years.  I know that it’s doing things like this (crossword puzzles, too) that keep my brain active.  I know that re-routing my neural pathways helps keep my mind young and flexible. Neuron pathways are the channels through which information travels between the brain and body, and they can be trained and used to perform actions like chores of daily living, sports and emotional expression. Continue reading

Creating room to breathe

I’ve been busy the past few days finishing final layout on the September issue of Horizons Magazine and haven’t had time for too much else.  That seems like a fib when I check the nonsense I’ve written on my Facebook wall all day long, but it only takes a moment to make a post while working in other programs.  I over-moused my starboard paw, so every few hours I had to come up with something else to do to keep my wrist in another position.  I looked around the office and began organizing and rearranging, then decided I’d paint the two tables I just brought in there.  I went to Walmart for white paint, then came back and rolled the tables out onto the driveway.  I quickly gave a first and second coat, and while they dried, I checked the files I had stacked on the shelves in the five bookcases in the office.  Much of it I needed to keep, a third of it I tossed.  One bookcase had a makeshift shelf laid across the top, and I remembered I had another shelf the correct size in the garage.  It took me just 10 minutes to put the proper top piece on, a job that I could have done two years ago.  It’s interesting I think how organized and uncluttered I am, then I find 50 lbs of paperwork I can toss.  One big downside of even a little clutter is that it takes valuable time maintaining all this paperwork and stuff, time I could be spending doing fun things. Continue reading

Another beach sunrise: the planets are like our friends around us

I went out to the beach before sunrise again this morning.  I really enjoy sitting at the beach watching the night sky.  I get a real expansive feeling and it’s easy to leave worldly thoughts behind.  Last night was a conjunction of Venus, Saturn, Mars and the moon, and the Perseid meteor shower this morning. Sitting and watching the stars, I thought how the planets moving around the sky are like our friends moving around us.  We are affected by coming in contact with the planets just as we are affected by the personalities of our friends.  Mars (or Jane) comes in and we feel energized, we feel motivated to action.  Venus (or Sharon) comes by making an aspect, and we feel appreciation, we are agreeable and cooperative.  Mercury (or Larry) comes in and communication occurs, we are objective and rational.  If combined with Mars, we are able to formulate and communicate our ideas.  If Venus is making aspects, we are able, or unable to appreciate the value and beauty of the idea.  If one planet moves away, it lessens the effect on the other planets as well, just as if a friend had left the meeting and his influence fades.  Interesting.

This morning’s trip to the beach at sunrise

I went down to the beach at sunrise this morning and watched the waves lap the shore.  A lot of seaweed had washed up during the night and formed an embankment on the beach.  I thought, the waves are like the people and events in our lives, washing over us and leaving behind their own unique residue.  Many people think they have to acept what washes up on their beach as something to be held onto forever but we always have a choice.  We can weed through what Life gives is and keep only what’s wanted and useful, or we can spend our lives grumbling to others about what trash washes up on our shore.

Why We See The World Changing

Our personal reality is always changing because it changes to reflect our shifts in consciousness.  We see the world around us change as we change.  As the Talmud and Anais Nin said, “We do not see the world as it is, we see it as we are.

Project Husband? Little Girls Dream Of The Perfect Wedding, Not The Perfect Husband

Put it there, pardner

I read an article today Project Husband – She’s Got the Gown, Now She Needs the Groom. Silly me, but I thought getting married was about finding someone to love, not just having vacant slots that any possible partner could fill.  I wrote a year ago that I’d been talking to a male friend who is on the single and dating circuit.  I’d written earlier at Online Dating Scams and Online dating: E-Harmony vs. about the insincere types who are on the dating scene simply looking for a meal ticket.  Dave is a handsome, successful guy and the situation he encounters often is that after two dates, all the gals want him to meet their folks.  Dave is the complete package.  I told him I guess these gals are so darned smart that they figure that out by the second date. I am always surprised at the number of women I speak with, friends and clients I counsel, who still seek a man to support them.  It’s like when most chicks are kids they are trained to play games where they are the bride and they plan their wedding, and they spend the next 18 years doing just that. They go over every single detail in their mind, the dress, their bridesmaids, all that stuff. That’s why they look at every date as a prospective groom.  They’ve been playing that game all their life, and the next step is a face to paste into the groom’s photo.  It doesn’t matter what face gets pasted in for the groom, that can be just about anyone.  The important thing is the wedding itself.  That’s what they grow up dreaming about and planning on.  So if the men feel targeted, that’s because they are.

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