Yearly Archives: 2010

Florida Record Low Temps Changing My Perception of Cold

The past couple of weeks we’ve had record low temperatures here in east coast central Florida; in the 30’s, with 28 degrees two nights ago.  We native Floridians are not used to temps below 40 and seldom for more than a few days each year.  I saw snow in Paonia, CO on my birthday in 1996 for several hours.  When I woke up and looked outside, I saw it snowing and so I ran outside to be in it.  I was wearing sweats but was barefoot.  I knew it would be cold, but as soon as it touched my body, it melted and I was surprised it was wet.   I saw snow again as we drove across Donner’s Pass, where it was waist deep.  Other than those two days, that’s the coldest I’d been.  Until this week, here at home in Florida. Continue reading

Are You Starring in the Right Movie? Are You in a Horror Movie or a Success Story?

The other evening I was finishing up work and turned on the tv to see what was showing.  Since it was after midnight, I turned to the Showtime channels so I wouldn’t have to mute the commercials every 11 minutes.  I use the mute button a lot on my remote control.  I often watch entire shows with the sound muted.  For work, I have to hear so much that I like a break from sound as often as I can get it.  On my personal time, I am vigilant over what I allow to come into my consciousness.  That’s why I always look at the preview guide, to see what’s coming up and see if it’s something I want to watch.  I’m not into violent movies or gore or gratuitous sex.  I don’t even care for tear jerker sentimentalism. I like suspenseful stories and funny movies, although I’m not into slapstick comedies.  It’s not just that I’m not into the emotional roller coaster rides many movies take you on, it’s that the less of that input I get, the better I am at my job.  Period. Continue reading

Feeling Used

Yinny head scratch 0072YinYang won’t even look me in the eye tonight, she will only acknowledge my hand.  I feel so used.  Welcome to cat ownership, huh?

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The Truth about Hair and Why Indians Would Keep Their Hair Long

hair from the backDid you know that hair is an extension of the nervous system and transmits vast amounts of information to the brain, including enhanced intuition and precognition?  When my long haired cousins would get too rowdy as kids, my aunt cut their hair saying their antennae were too sensitive.  I found this article interesting about hair and why Indians would keep their hair long.

The Truth About Hair and why Indians would keep their hair long.  This information about hair has been hidden from the public since the Viet Nam War.   Our culture leads people to believe that hair style is a matter of personal preference, that hair style is a matter of fashion and/or convenience, and that how people wear their hair is simply a cosmetic issue.  Back in the Viet Nam war however, an entirely different picture emerged, one that has been carefully covered up and hidden from public view.  Hair is an extension of the nervous system and transmits vast amounts of information to the brain, including enhanced intuition and  precognition. Continue reading

As a Journalist, How Do I Spin My Stories and Why? Why Do I Choose to Focus on What’s Right With the World?

Everyone has their own agenda for how they want the world around them to work.  The media knows the best way to get people to think and act a particular way is to proclaim publicly that people already think and act that way.  Have you noticed that?  The media is smart.  They know if they can draw enough attention to a particular thoughtform, that thoughtform becomes strengthened and takes on a life of its own.  What this amounts to is self fulfilling prophecy.  The weatherman talks about gloomy skies and rain and we all get bummed out and attract more gloomy skies.  The news anchor talks about everyone pulling out of the stock market, so everyone starts pulling out of the stock market.  Someone publicly proclaims a certain ethnic group as terrorists and… you get my drift.  When people hear it and see it often enough in print that they begin to believe it’s true. An amazing number of voters believe that what they see in the media is accurate.  And that’s what they count on, “they” being the big dollar wielding buyers of advertising, who have their own agenda of what they want you to believe.  And they always want you to believe you need what they are trying to sell you, whether it’s a product or a politician. Continue reading

Meditation Twice a Day Keeps the Outside World at Bay

Sit twice a day

Sit twice a day

At 4:00 each morning and afternoon, I sit for meditation.  For me, an hour twice a day keeps the outside world at bay.  That doesn’t mean I deny the existence of the outside, physical, material 3D world, simply that I keep a safe distance from it.  No matter what is going on around me, every 12 hours I take time to sit and re-connect with that deep, peaceful place within me.  I have a place of deep inner peace because I take daily time to cultivate it each time I sit to meditate.  Meditation can be likened to the fog that you walk in and then are surprised to arrive home soaking wet.

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Keeping Your Brain Young and Working Well Into Your Golden Years By Making Yourself Experience New Viewpoints

How to Train the Aging Brain asks “can an old brain learn, and then remember what it learns?  As it happens, yes. Over the past several years, scientists have looked deeper into how brains age and confirmed that they continue to develop beyond middle age.  The brain, as it traverses middle age, gets better at recognizing the central idea, the big picture. If kept in good shape, the brain can continue to build pathways.  The trick is finding ways to keep brain connections in good condition and to grow more of them.  “The brain is plastic and continues to change, allowing for greater complexity and deeper understanding.”   Educators say that, for adults, one way to nudge neurons in the right direction is to challenge the very assumptions they have worked so hard to accumulate while young. With a brain already full of well-connected pathways, adult learners should “jiggle their synapses a bit” by confronting thoughts that are contrary to their own, says Dr. Kathleen Taylor, 66, a professor at St. Mary’s College of California. Continue reading

Like in Joan of Arcadia – Everyone I See Could Be God

The other day I turned the tv on and a rerun of Joan of Arcadia was on the SciFi channel. I loved that show where God talks to this teenage girl (played by Amber Tamblyn) through all these wacky folks around her. I can relate.  A favorite quote:  Joan says: I’m nobody important, just somebody digging around in the garbage trying to find something that matters.

I loved that show. Because of it, I now look at everyone in front of me to see what message they might have for me since they are really God in disguise.

I’m never disappointed.

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LISTEN FREE: You Are Not The Body
What the Crossing Over Experience Was Like
as Reported by Those Who Made the Transition

Back to Work and Happy Birthday Daddy

Daddy and Sabby the ocelot

January 4, 2010.  On this date last year, I wrote Today Is Our Father’s Birthday.  January 4th, for me, has always signalled the end of the holidays, more so than the day after New Year’s.  It signalled for me the end of any forced smiles and required card giving since it was Daddy’s birthday.  I’ve never been a fan of conventional commercial holidays where you were expected to exchange gifts and cards.  I saw so much thoughtless giving and insincere Hallmark sentiments early on that I’d had enough.  As soon as I was able to escape that routine, I did.

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Who John Edward Refers Callers to for Psychic Readings

john_edward_psychicWhen I get calls for referrals to psychic readers, I only refer from personal experience.  About 10 years ago I met John Edward, psychic medium of Crossing Over fame, and immediately he was giving me information and details that no one knew.  This is who John Edward refers people to:

For contact with the Other Side  (Mediumship readings):
Robert Brown  516-867-0433
Jonathan Louis  1-888-368-1242
Char Margolis Continue reading