Yearly Archives: 2010

Talking about it: My Kimberly-Clark Poise Pad Experiment

A friend on Facebook posted a link to Whoopie Goldberg’s LBL video about Great Women in History It’s a cute and funny presentation about LBL, light bladder leakage.  She posted it the week I had my giant coughing going on, so I could totally relate.  I reposted the video and wrote: “A good post from a friend. And yes kegels exercises work if you work them. If your winter coughing makes you nervous in public, protect yourself.”  Then I decided I’d try an experiment. Continue reading

Cats Use Special Purr to Manipulate Humans

Jennifer Viegas, Discovery News, wrote on  July 13, 2009 — Cat owners who think their cats control them now have some scientific confirmation: Animal vocalization experts have just identified a special manipulative purr that felines have evolved, in part, to get what they want from people.  The newly identified vocalization, called “solicitation purring,” has never been acknowledged or studied before, although cat fanciers, such as the study’s lead author Karen McComb, are quite familiar with it.  “In the case of my cat, if he sees you stirring from sleep at all in the early morning he will immediately switch into giving this solicitation purring and position himself next to your head so you get the full impact,” McComb, a reader in Behavioral Ecology at the University of Sussex, told Discovery News. Continue reading

Stock Market Psychic Sean David Morton Charged With Duping Investors

At Stock Market ‘Psychic’ Charged With Duping Investors, David Solin writes: “You have to give Sean David Morton, the head of Delphi Associates Investment Group, high marks for self-promotion. According to a complaint filed Thursday in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York (Securities and Exchange Commission v. Sean David Morton, et. al.), Morton solicited investors by falsely claiming he had “… called ALL the highs and lows of the market giving EXACT DATES for rises and crashes over the last 14 years.” He issued a monthly newsletter, had a nationally syndicated radio show, and made appearances at public events, touting his psychic abilities.  He dedicated one issue of his newsletter to his stepfather, who he claimed “… raised me to know what is right and I would not be the person I am without him.” The SEC complaint raises serious questions about exactly what kind of person he is.  According to George S. Canellos, director of the SEC’s New York Regional Office, “Morton’s self-proclaimed psychic powers were nothing more than a scam to attract investors and steal their money.” Continue reading

A Vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary in my Garden, Part Deux

A friend kept forgetting she has her speaker system hooked up to her lap top, turned low, and the other day she was looking around to see where the voices were coming from, thinking… is that someone outside of the house?  No…perhaps the spirits are just being louder than normal.  It reminded me of an interesting story I have about seeing the Blessed Virgin Mary in my east garden a few years ago.  Seeing a vision of the Blessed Mother?  Am I crazy?  Not at all.  Through the years I’ve had my share of visions and one on one experiences.  I have a daily meditation and prayer practice, so I figure the visions are the natural result of that.  Just another way for the Universe to get my attention and communicate with me.  I’d first seen the Blessed Mother in the mid 90’s at a particular spot in my east garden, and afterward I cleared a small space there for her.  I even had my bedroom window removed and a sliding glass door installed afterward, so I could use that area as a daily contemplation focus.  During the vision, she spoke with me and we interacted in a very real way.  I had no doubt who she was, and the sense of peace and comfort she brought has never left me.    Continue reading

How can you expect a $$ windfall when you are on a fixed income?

dollars flying blue sky2After yesterday’s post A Creative Visualization to Attract Dollars, my friend Domino wrote me: I know this might sound ridiculous, but I feel loads of resistance to visualizing checks payable to me in a mailbox coming from “out of the blue.” I get paid the same amounts from the same sources and they’re all direct deposited. I find my analytical mind getting in the way of my visualizing. And I can literally FEEL the resistance. How can I get past that? I would definitely appreciate any tips you might have toward getting past this. My mind gets in my way. HELP! Continue reading

A Creative Visualization to Attract Money in the Mailbox

mailbox-money-redOne thing I really like about my life is that it is an ongoing research project.  I like seeing scientific proof that if I do A, B and C, then D is the natural result. I talk with a lot of people during the course of a week and I love seeing patterns emerge in their topics of interest.  One topic of universal interest is attracting more dollars, and the easiest way I know to do that is using creative visualization.  Here’s a creative visualization tip to practice for 2 minutes each five times a day:

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The Mailbox: A Creative Visualization to Attract Dollars

mailbox moneyOne thing I really like about my life is that it is an ongoing research project.  I like seeing scientific proof that if I do A, B and C, then D is the natural result. The study and research fulfills the 12th house Aries Sun, Jupiter, Mars, Venus in me.  I talk with a lot of people during the course of a week and I love seeing patterns emerge in their topics of interest.  One topic of universal interest is attracting more dollars, and the easiest way I know to do that is using creative visualization.  Here’s a creative visualization tip to practice for 2 minutes each five times a day:  THE MAILBOX VISUALIZATION:  You’re walking out to your mailbox, and you’re excited because you know good things are in the works for you.  You’re opening your mailbox, and you see an unexpected big check payable to you.  You’re thrilled, you’re excited, and you know there’s more where this came from.  Yes!    Continue reading

Visiting with Friends at the Cocoa Village Spring Festival

I had a busy day yesterday.  There were four events going on at the same time, 40 miles from each other at different ends of the county.  Two I felt obligated to attend.  One I wanted to attend but it had to be low priority.  I wanted to be out in the sunshine walking around, so that made my choice for me.  I used to agonize over decisions like that, not wanting to hurt anyone’s feelings by not showing up to say hello and pay my respects.  But years later I realized that if I was only going to be somewhere out of obligation, that was not the vibrational stance that would ensure I had a good time.  And I’m all about having a good time. Continue reading

I may not need to change my life, I may just need to change my perception of my life

Is it still a rut if you’re happy in it? I may have just answered my own question.  I Googled the phrase “in a rut” and saw the definition “to do the same things all the time so that you become bored, or to be in a situation where it is impossible to make progress.”  And since I’m not bored, I’ve answered my own question.  Maybe I’m not in a rut, since I’m content in it.  I’m not bored with it and I don’t feel I need to make progress.  And I don’t even agree that progress isn’t being made anyway. It all boils down to perception, doesn’t it?  (Doesn’t everything?)  I may not be in a rut at all, if I’m content with it.  Maybe I don’t need to do new things, maybe I just need to change my perception about the things I do now. Continue reading

Creative Visualization and the 51% rule

My friend Domino wrote and asked me for some input about a situation she’s going through.  We’ve spoken about the matter before, so I wrote back: “I need to ask how much creative visualization you are doing about this.  When we spoke in January, I suggested you spending five minutes 3 or 4 times a day visualizing people coming to take you to the next level, visualizing donations coming in thru Paypal and visualizing checks coming in the mail.  I also suggested you cut contact with and release to the Universe anyone who brings you down and does not contribute to the vision you hold.”  She had a copy of my Sleepytime Recharge  cd.  I wrote:  “Believe it or not, just listening to the cd a few times a week, or having it play on repeat as you sleep, will cause a shift in perception.  You’re directing your unconscious mind to begin particular processes for you, which will initiate changes in perception, which will change how you respond to external input, which will change what you attract to you.  So listen to it and entertain the notion that the words you hear may become true for you.  That will begin to trigger your own mind to find the creative solutions you want.” Continue reading