Yearly Archives: 2010

If you’ve sent money to someone thru Paypal the last week, follow up with them to make sure they got it

I’ve used Paypal for a dozen years and never had a problem.  But I know how it works. There are two kind of accounts: one to send money, so you can buy things or make donations online, and one to receive money.  If you want to send someone a payment or a donation, you would tell Paypal to send it to their email address.  If your Paypal was set up at first with a credit card attached to it (like to buy things online), then you might think Paypal would just credit the card with the amount sent to Paypal.  They don’t do that.

My experience with Paypal in the past is there has to be a bank account attached to the email address before anyone sends money to you.  Otherwise it gets mis-routed in cyber limbo and the people who sent the money have to be the ones to contact Paypal to find it and make sure it gets to you. Continue reading

Do you give your partner your password and ATM card?

I have 3 sets of friends who are in brand new relationships with people they just met.  In relationship to the point of having joint bank accounts and sharing passwords. (Two things I never do, by the way – ever.)  Now suddenly there are issues about passwords being changed and money possibly missing.  This has been going on for over a week now and at this point it seems something else is at play also. If there is a misunderstanding and you think a friend has stolen money from you, you confront them.  You ask them about it before you start speculating to other people. Then you simply call the bank and the same day they will email you your account activity report and you will know. And as soon as you know, if you have wrongfully accused your partner to a friend, go to that friend and let them know you were wrong. Do not let them think for a moment that someone has stolen from you when they have not.  Reputations are ruined on false accusations like that.  You don’t want that karma.  Continue reading

Restful sleep and increasing melatonin levels naturally

I’ve been experimenting with melatonin supplements as a natural sleep aid.  When I have enough melatonin being naturally produced in my system, it’s because I get a good half hour of morning sunshine each day, and because I put myself in quiet and darkness for sleeping each night.  When I’m stressed, my melatonin is sucked away and that affects my ability to achieve restful sleep.  Not good.  Sleep is crucial and affects all aspects of health. Reasons to get enough sleep include improving learning and memory, balancing metabolism and weight, preventing mistakes, enhancing mood, promoting cardiovascular health and supporting stronger immune function. Continue reading

Brain Chemicals: The effect of reduced serotonin, melatonin, dopamine levels

Brain Chemicals and Modern Life:  It all comes down to our chemistry.  Fidgeting, concentration, sleep, energy levels, mood swings, even the ability to sweat are controlled by the chemicals lurking about our bodies.  Serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, melatonin, insulin, and prostaglandins are some of the more important ones… and these in turn are influenced strongly by stress, diet, exercise, sunlight, sleep and other life style factors.  Of course the life style of today is radically different than it was 20,000 years ago.  Continue reading

Applying to refinance my mortgage, everything falls into place magically

I spent yesterday getting documents together to refinance my home mortgage at a better interest rate. That wasn’t what I set out to do when I woke up. I was due at the downtown Melbourne post office at 8:30am Monday for the mailing of the June Horizons Magazine.  Then I was going to drive north to Cassadaga.  As I was packing the car, I thought, I should make up a deposit since I’ll pass right by the bank.  As I made up the deposit, I thought, I should ask what the balance is on my mortgage while I’m there.  As I grabbed my bank file so I’d have my account number in the car with me, I thought let me take my homeowner’s insurance file also, to ask what my $283 increase was for.  I saw my tax returns and thought, maybe I should see if I prequalify for a refinance while I’m at the bank, but didn’t take them.  I had a busy few days ahead and would think about that later. Continue reading

A Healing Night Alone in Nature

I’ve experienced a lot of death in my life, many family and husbands and friends passing, and I talk to many people as they are helping loved ones journey through their own process. As our Mission Statement reads, I promote the reality that we survive in consciousness after the change called death. To comprehend this, I promote the practice of daily separation of consciousness from the body via meditation. Once we experience our existence beyond physical circumstances, the fear of death is removed. Continue reading

People are born, people die. It’s two sides of one coin.

angel-pink-150x150When I was a kid, we raised rabbits, a few of which were pets, as well as a dog and a few cats through the years.  I don’t recall the first pet to die and be buried on the west side of the yard, but I recall we did a little ceremony of wrapping it up in a shoe box and burying it and putting a stick up with its name, saying prayers and throwing flowers over it.  My dad would say, “Animals are born and animals die.”  When we happened upon a deceased bird or frog, they’d get a ceremony too.  “Frogs are born and frogs die,” my brother would say, “Birds live and birds die.”    Then one day Ricky DeFeo’s dad across the street died, and when my dad heard, he looked sad and said, “People are born and people die.  When you die, you get to have anything you want.”  That was my first personal people death. Continue reading

If You Could See Where I Have Gone

This is a poem my mom faxed me a few weeks before she passed, Author Unknown

If you could see where I have gone, the beauty of this place,
and how it feels to know you’re home, to see the Savior’s face.

To wake in peace and know no fear, just joy beyond compare,
while still on Earth you miss me yet, you wouldn’t want me there,
if you could see where I have gone.

If you could see where I have gone, had made the trip with me,
you’d know I didn’t go alone, the Savior came with me.

When I awoke, He was by my side and reached down His hand
He said “Hurry now, you’re going Home, to a grand and glorious land,
don’t worry over those you love, for I’m not just with you,
and don’t you know with you at Home, they’ll long to be here, too?”

If you could see where I have gone and see what I’ve been shown.
You’d never know another fear or ever feel alone.
You’d marvel at the care of God, His hand on every life.
And realize that He really cares and bears with us each strife,
and that He weeps when one is lost, His heart is filled with pain;
but oh, the joy when one comes Home; a child is Home again.

If you could see where I have gone, could stay awhile with me;
could share the things that God has made to grace eternity.

the-flood-72-300x194But no, you couldn’t ever leave, once Heaven’s joy you’ve known,
you couldn’t bear to walk Earth’s paths, once Heaven was your Home.

If you could see where I have gone, you’d know we’ll meet someday
And though I’m parted from you now, that I am just away.

And now that I’m Home with Him, secure in every way,
I’m waiting here at Heaven’s door to greet you some sweet day.

The End of Death As We Know It.  What the crossing over
experience is like as reported by those who have passed

Meet Betty L. Kelley, author of A Mouse with a Brain and a Heart

Betty L. Kelley

Betty L. Kelley

Meet Betty L. Kelley.  She is the mother of my friend, Dennis Hollin. He is so proud of her.  At age 76 she decided to start writing children’s books.  Her first book A Mouse with a Brain and a Heart is now available, and she already has a second underway about a Frog and Miller’s Pond.   Learn more about A Mouse with a Brain and a Heart at .  She also did a CD of her reading the book for younger children.  Please share this with your friends who have children.