Yearly Archives: 2010

Would you let a misquito control your life?

It’s so beautiful outside, nice and balmy in the evenings now that we’ve been getting the rain during the day. Yesterday, I asked a galpal who lives around the corner if she wanted to go for a walk around the ‘hood. She said there are misquitoes. I said there is insect repellent. She said that’s poison. Hmmmm.  And I think “poison” is thinking I have to stay indoors for 4 months complaining until the misquitoes leave.

How I Get So Much Done, Letting an Alter Ego Be the Assistant

I was talking to a friend earlier this week and sharing how I manage to get along without an assistant.  I’ve had them in the past and learned a lot from it.  I’m one of those people that like for everyone to “have it in writing.”  Whatever our agreement is, whatever I expect from you, that way there are no misunderstandings.  So I created a list of duties for the assistant to do.  It tells what gets filed where.  It tells the step by step process for logging in a new client or getting someone on the subscription list.  That way, anyone can sit at that desk in that back office – the assistant’s office – and they can pick up the list of duties and go to the in-box and know just what to do and how to do it.   It’s been helpful when a friend volunteers to help, or when I can talk my cousin into giving a hand.  And it even helps me, when I have a free hour and think, let me go do the assistant’s filing real quick, since it’s all in one place for me.  It helps me a lot. Continue reading

I had a big shift in consciousness about food this week

I had a new shift in consciousness about food and nutrition this week and learned some interesting things about my body.  In trying to identify how particular foods acted in my system, I’ve been having small 6-bite meals every 8 hours.  So far, so good, no adverse reactions.  Since I’ve been doing that, I’ve naturally dropped 6 pounds, since I’m not taking in many calories.  Since my focus was on discovering how individual foods behaved in my digestive system, I didn’t think of it as depriving myself of food. I have sufficient body reserves, so even though I’ve dropped to maybe 300 calories and 5 grams of fat a day, it’s way ok for me to do this.  It’s been several years since I fasted, so perhaps this is a prelude to a fast. Continue reading

How do I attract a good life if I don’t know what I want to attract?

I was talking with a galpal yesterday who has had several long term careers in several fields the past 30 years and is again ready for change.  “I know the attraction process, ” she said, “now if I just knew what I wanted to attract.” That’s a good question, isn’t it?  What if I don’t know what I want to attract? My experience is: you don’t need to know the specifics – I want to be a fireman, I want to be a CEO, I want to travel the world – you just need to know that you want to attract a good life, with plenty of friends, good health, plenty of dollars and fun times for all.  You want to spend time thinking thoughts like:

I want to attract circumstances and events that show me what I enjoy doing.
I want to attract information about people who have careers that interest me.
I want to attract multiple streams of income.
I want to attract ideas that are compelling to me, that fire my curiosity in satisfying new directions.

I will keep myself alert and watchful for opportunities with every person I meet and every circumstance I find myself in. One way to keep myself alert and watchful in the moment is to find things to appreciate about every person and circumstance I encounter. Continue reading

Art and Psychism both train you to look at things a different way

I’ve got a renewed interest in art and last night pulled out my Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards (a good review of it is here).  I haven’t opened it in a decade, but I remembered it gave a good explanation of the mental confusion I feel when looking at my first blank page in months, and how to overcome it.  I’ve never taken an art class, and never thought I’d want to paint realism, but I wanted to learn the basics. I love internet search engines!  The last time I “studied” art, was with books from the public library, pre-internet days. I quickly found some cool sites online to teach me the basics – for free! – and last night I studied drawing shadows, light and dark values, and one point perspective. Continue reading

Using drawing and painting to bring me into the Now, and into the vortex

I spent Sunday sketching and drawing, something I haven’t sat to do since last year.  The night before, I pulled my big art bag out and looked through some spiral sketch books to see what I had.  I usually keep a couple going at once, a 6×9 and a 9×12.  I’ll sketch images that come to me, or images that I see in front of me.  I may do just a rough sketch and then skip a page and begin another.  I leave every other page blank on purpose.  I will go back and forth through the sketches later and add more detail.  So I always have dozens of drawings in various stages of completion.  If I do anything I particularly like, I’ll watercolor it or maybe use some pastels to finish it. Continue reading

What would your advice be to a friend? Block it or face it?

Someone I know wrote on Facebook that friends have insulted his new wife of two weeks, whom he met a month ago. I don’t know the details other than JP met her through work and Spanish is her native language, which he speaks so all is well.  There were comments about her “getting a green card” and driving out of state to pick up her children whom no one knew about before. She has moved in with JP, age 40+, who lives with his parents.  I wrote to him:  “I take it some well meaning friends projected a hidden agenda for marrying before knowing each other? They are likely just fearful for your heart (and $$) and didn’t express themselves diplomatically.”  His response was to unfriend me, as I figured it would be.  Continue reading

Fine-tuning myself to be more intuitive about what my body needs

Every so often I get indigestion and don’t know the reason for it.  This doesn’t count any time I get indigestion because I’ve knowingly eaten the wrong thing or overeaten.  I don’t do that too often these days, but there are times that I just feel like I need to have that bread or those noodles and I overdo.  Bread and noodles are for me what pastries and chocolate are for other people.  I believe that in moderation anything is fine, but when I eat bread or noodles, I am not in a moderate state of mind; I’m in my emotional eating state of mind.  After a big bout of indigestion last year, I began keeping a food journal: writing down everything I ate and what time I ate it.  If I got indigestion, I wrote it down and then looked back over the previous few days to see what might have caused it.  Keeping a food journal has been real instrumental in letting me fine-tune myself to be more intuitive about what my body needs and how it reacts to certain foods. Continue reading

I’m loving what is, yet eager for more

It’s been a whirlwind week and for the first time in years actually feels like a holiday weekend.  Working for myself the past 18 years, I am outside the Monday thru Friday. 9 to 5 schedule.  Late night, weekends and holidays are my busiest times for psychic readings, so it’s easy to lose track of holidays.  Last Monday, I applied to refinance my mortgage and everything fell into place magically.  As of yesterday, I’d already heard from the appraiser and gotten a wind mitigation inpection which will lower my homeowner’s insurance by hundreds of dollars for the next five years. I used Phil White at White House Inspections 321-427-2080 who charged just $100.  Nice guy, it took about 25 minutes and he told me the results before he left.  He emailed me a pdf file of his report, along with the photos, and I’ll email it to my insurance company.  In fact, I am going to use it to shop around for a better homeowner’s rate.  I love modern technology. Continue reading

Did you know it’s easy to unsubscribe from junk mail catalogs online?

I just got 3 new catalogs in the mail.  Did you know for every junk catalog you get, there’s a website listed on the back cover, and you can go online and unsubscribe?  You’ll need the mailing label in front of you when you do it.  You may need to scroll down to the bottom of the page and look for words like Unsubscribe.  We can save lots of trees this way.  The trees thank you, and the birds thank you also.  And the squirrels. The raccoons don’t care.  They are going to live in your roof either way.