Yearly Archives: 2010

What do I do when I forget what I know?

Sheesh.  I have no one to blame but myself.  Imagine that.  Six days ago I mowed the yard and a few hours later got a scratchy throat and dry cough.  I went to bed and woke up in full blown sinus and chest congestion.  Ok, hay fever I thought, and I used my neti pot, upped my Vitamin C in case it was a cold and began drinking my Breathe Easy tea.  I didn’t think much more of it, it’ll pass in a day or two.  But it didn’t.  By day 3, I was coughing a lot with filled sinuses and a giant sinus pressure headache, as well as feeling I had broken ribs from the coughing.  I ran out of steam within 4-5 hours of getting up.  I’d slept 16 hours a day for the first 3 days.  But I was so wrapped up in the final layout of the July Horizons that I didn’t stop to think – now what do I know about this sinus/coughing thang?  On day 5 I asked on Facebook, “Ok, day 5 of a heavily congested chest – help! What REALLY works to clear it?” When the first person mentioned Mucinex, my first thought was – “I don’t know if I want to be putting chemicals in my body.”   When I researched to see what was in it and saw the word guaifenesin, something clicked in my brain.  It occurred to me to search my blog to see if I’d mentioned it before.  I was surprised to find I’d written just 4 months ago Guaifenesin – Generic Mucinex – to the Rescue. Continue reading

Visions of a Universal Humanity, a Barbara Marx Hubbard film at Unity of Melbourne June 17, June 27

SPIRITUAL CINEMA:  Visions of a Universal Humanity, a Barbara Marx Hubbard Film
Thursday, June 17th at  6:30 pm & Sunday, June 27th  at 1:30 pm
Unity of Melbourne, 1745 Trimble Road, Melbourne, FL 32935

In Visions, futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard brings together some of the finest minds of our time, presenting us with positive, future scenarios for humanity based on the latest scientific, social and spiritual realities. If you are tired of all the focus on what i bad and wrong with our world, come join us as we focus on that which is possible.  See the trailer at

I love Barbara Marx Hubbard and this is a vision of the future I’ve been waiting for!” ~ Elizabeth Stamper

I’m back at it after my festival of sleep

Saturday morning I moved the lawn and shortly after that my sinuses began draining, so I figured it for a touch of hay fever.  By noon I was coughing and sneezing and felt very low energy. I slept 18 hours both Saturday and Sunday.  Monday I woke up feeling fine, a little sniffly, but much rested.  My head was so stuffed yesterday that I sounded like a monster on the phone  By 3:00pm, the coughing came back with a vengence so I bit the bullet and took some Nyquil and ate some chicken soup.  By 5pm I was sound asleep and woke up 12 hours later.  For the most part it’s gone and I feel really good after all that sleep.  An added bonus is that when I have the sniffles, it’s a hassle to eat and breathe at the same time, so I basically skip eating except for fluids.  Today I’m 5 pounds lighter than I was Friday, which is 5 pounds lighter than I was last month.  Yay!  When I no longer care about losing weight, it starts slipping off by itself.  I can live with that.

The Magical Frittata and the Coast Guard Boarding

Mark Tietig 1983 aboard La Calma

Mark Tietig 1983 aboard La Calma

A friend emailed me a recipe for a frittata this week, and Cousin heard me laughing when it came in.  What’s so funny about a frittata? he asked.  A frittata is an unturned unfolded omelette, similar to a stovetop quiche, which is best served right off the stove.  It has a wonderful creamy texture when eaten within moments of being cooked.  If it sits too long, it is less tasty, kind of like cold scrambled eggs.  Ugh.  Why is that funny?  The email came from a good buddy of mine, whom I went on a three month sailing trip with in 1983.  Mark Tietig, now an attorney who handles civil rights cases, notably the “Topfree 10” in Florida, was blinded in a sailing accident in 1979.  We met in 1982 and become fast friends immediately.  An avid sailor before being blinded, Mark taught me how to sail and in 1983 we embarked upon what would be a three month sailing trip up the coast from Miami to Annapolis in his 33′ Cheoy Lee cutter rigged sailboat, La Calma. Continue reading

The body knows before I do – my mysterious tell-all stress indicator flares up

The body knows before I do.  I had another example of that this week.  Like before I get a hot flash, I will have the thought in my head “hot flash”.  I didn’t know that until I knew to look for it.  Or if I am going to get indigestion, I know it because I feel compelled to take my neckchain off several hours before.  When I get stressed, my body gets a hot red patch in a particular spot, which disappears as soon as the stress is gone.  I only get it every few years.  I get it even if I am not aware that I’m stressed.  The last time it happened, it was in October 2006 when I did the Gateway Voyage at the Monroe Institute .  I was not feeling any stress at the time and was on a happy road trip with galpal Rev. Beth Head. Suddenly the first night on the road, I notice it.  It let me know that there would be stress going on.  But I was on the week’s retreat for change, so I figured stress would be part of that.  A few days later I had a breakthrough experience and within an hour the red patch was gone.  It had done its part to convey its message.  Then last week I got the red patch again! Continue reading

A Prayer From Dr. Masaru Emoto

Dr. Masaru Emoto‘s research reveals that water physically responds to emotions and communications. He says “Now let’s give energy of love and gratitude to the waters and all the living creatures in Mexico Gulf by praying like this:  To the water, whales, dolphins, pelicans, fishes, shellfishes, planktons, corals, algae and all creatures in our Gulf of Mexico, I apologize.  Please forgive me.  Thank you.  I love you.*”

Masaru Emoto May, 9th 2010

*This is also the ho’oponopono process

I attract the denial of my mortgage refinance

The past week has been spent waiting to hear back about the mortgage refinance I applied for a week agoEverything had fallen magically into place for me, I had not even anticipated applying an hour before I did.  I just figured OK the Universe wants me to get a mortgage refinance, that’s why it’s all happening so easily. The inspector and appraiser came out within days, I got good reports back and an appraisal within $4K of my guess-stimate.  I did not need any repairs done – it was all good news!  But then I began to have second thoughts about having jumped in so quickly with such a major decision.  I’d also applied to include a $5500 loan for home improvements and thought – did I really want to finance that for 30 years?   That seemed mega-stoopid.  Continue reading

Astrology, the planet Mercury and Nervous System Disorders

In medical astrology, Mercury is the natural ruler of the nervous system. Its position in your horoscope is a significant indicator of the health and resilience of your nervous system and how you will cope with stress. The nervous system carries info regarding the condition of the body to the brain. It then processes it and carries back instructions from the brain to the rest of the body regarding function. Mercury oversees the sifting and synthesis of information, and is the common linking factor between the systems of the body. The mechanism of breathing is also ruled by Mercury.  Mercury disorders are the nervous disorders, both physical and mental, from neurological disorders where disease affects the brain and nervous system disturbing its normal function, to situations where the ill health is more of a mental nature, disrupting the nervous state of the individual.  Neurological disorders range from vertigo, convulsions, paralysis, sciatica, Parkinson’s and respiratory complaints. Nervous disorders tend toward communication and learning problems as well as to anxiety and nervousness. Obviously, Mercury being the planet of connections, there is frequently an overlap between nervous and neurological disturbances.
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Florida real estate for sale, inexpensive lots off I-95

Adjoining property

Adjoining property

I like to hang on to land that I own.  I learned that from my family.  But I’ve also learned to stay as debt free as I can be.  I have these properties for sale so I can eliminate a debt that comes due shortly.  I would love for them to go to someone I know!

You may read the original post below, however all updated info is contained here –> Florida Land for Sale just 30 Minutes South of Daytona.   Continue reading

My one week money saving experiment is an eye opener

money-in-hand-72I spent enough in 2007 on dining out that I could have paid off my car loan.  Of course, I didn’t think of it like that until afterward.  I asked on Facebook how much people spent on alcohol and cigarettes each week, and a lot of people said their own answers surprised them.  How much do you spend each week on cigarettes, alcohol, soda, snacks, the energy drink, the morning latte, nail care, hair care?  This week, for each day you go without buying those items, put that amount in your savings account.  If you read the newspaper online, put the amount of a subscription in your savings account. Skip going to the movies for a week and put that amount in your savings account.  Include popcorn and soda costs, too. I’m not saying stop pouring money into the economy, I’m saying take a break from incidental expenditures like these, so you can make sure it’s something that is important to you, not just a mindless daily routine that is eating up your dollars.  It’s the little things that add up to surprise you later in life. Make them good surprises.  Like paying off your car loan with the money you saved this year on things you didn’t realize you were spending it on.  Going to the movies once a week and having a latte each day has never been my thing.  But paying off a debt?  Now that turns me on.

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