Yearly Archives: 2008

Cosmic Mass

I got an email from a local Florida Today reporter I know: Andrea, I was talking to some folks about this weekend’s Cosmic Mass and naturally your name came up. Can you call me when you get a chance so we can chat about it and how it fits in with Horizon Magazine’s readership? I want to run a story about it this weekend. Looking forward to speaking with you again. Breuse Hickman.”  I replied:  B – hi, good to hear from you, my friend.  Bad timing, I know it’s 4 days til the event, I have a mega headcold and laryngitis and am dashing madly to get ready for May Horizons delivery Friday, coordinating drivers, etc, all with barely a voice.  So I can’t do a call, I know you understand.  Elizabeth (Hess) Stamper’s phone number is 321-777-6216, she is the local contact, she’s a love, very helpful (not overly wordy and talky *smile*)  The Cosmic Mass fits in with Horizons’ readership in that it embodies what Horizons promotes:  nonsectarian interfaith unity, connecting those who seek purpose in life, using our combined power to encourage each other in our personal visions, and knowing that we participate in creation of the reality we experience.   The music, storytelling, chanting and ritual communion are all just how today’s awakening society dances with the cosmic creator of their understanding.  It’s a rave of a different sort 🙂  I hope this helps Breuse. Oh, off the record, I attended a rehearsal for the Cosmic Mass last week and took some orb photos *interesting*  There is a dress rehearsal Saturday 2pm that I am sure Elizabeth would invite you to.  Lemme know if you need anything else.”




You work things out when you write them down, whether you send the letter or not

A friend wrote that she had written me a very long email asking about a settling karmic debts and then lost the email. She said though that she had gotten an answer during the process of emailing to me. I wrote to her:  “Hi, I understand.  I used to think Spirit had me write things down so I could “illuminate’ someone else, then I learned most often what I write down is something I am learning myself and need a reminder in.  So Spirit must have known your writing of the email was the important thing, and the sending to me less important.  It took me a couple of decades to settle my ‘karmic debts’ and it was discouraging in the beginning when I owed so much to so many and saw no easy way out of it.   I think your release work is in full progress. I did a pranic healing session on you yesterday when I did another non-local friend. You do pranic healing on a person who is not present by projecting your intention and visualizing them before you, and working on the image.  Holding a vision and focusing attention are two things I’m good at.  It was mostly a clearing session, just untangling etheric cords, it can be emotionally painful when those are cut.  I didn’t see anything deeply rooted and wanting to hang on, just some more tangled than the others.  Basically a tangle to be smoothed out one by one is how it appeared to me.”


Michelle Whitedove and anagramming our names

An email with the publicist for new columnist Michelle Whitedove who wrote that people like us are “ always burning the midnight candle.  I keep telling myself I need to be more balanced…have more of a social life.  But it seems everything I get evolved with is work related.  I guess that’s when you know that you are on the right path…its not really work when you LOVE what you do!” I replied:  “Yes, you’re right, it’s all related and it’s not really work.  I feel blessed to live the life I live.  It may look as though I don’t have much of a social life, but I have such a rich inner life and behind-the-scenes life that I’m totallly fulfilled yet eager for more.  Every few years I try to have a boyfriend.  I’m glad to get one and glad to part.  I like mega time alone, partners tend to tire of that quickly 🙂   Most of the people I talk to are publicists and publishers, authors and speakers – I ghost for several writers and I love those gigs.  They fit my 12th house so well.  So most of my ‘friends” are those others who, like us, are behind the scenes, tending to our strands of the web.  I think it so brave when someone “real” like Whitedove jumps right into the fray of the public eye and says “I am real and there is hope for humanity.  You are more powerful than you ever imagined.”  I applaud her courage.    Continue reading

Helping a psychic medium friend create a mission statement

Emailing with a psychic medium friend helping him create a mission statement:  “Mission statements: I have mine shortened so far to:   To establish 3 facts:

  1. That we are all connected.
  2. That we participate in creation of the reality we experience (by our intentions, beliefs, expectations, thoughts and words.)
  3. That we survive in consciousness after the change called death (and to comprehend this, we promote the practice of daily separation of consciousness from the body via meditation.)

Your statement – as a psychic medium – might be something like:    Continue reading

A teacher friend asked how to increase his business with his existing customers

Another psychic friend emailed asking how to increase his business with his existing customers. I replied:  Send an email after every class or workshop they attend; make up a standard thank you for attending email.  Maybe something like: “It was a pleasure meeting you at Saturday night’s class.   It seemed everyone had an enjoyable time.  Let me know if I can do anything for you, I’m glad to help.  Thank you and keep in touch.”

And then 2 weeks later you might email them the next month’s calendar and newsletter, and say something like, “I wanted to give you a coupon for $5 off your next reading during the month of May.  It’s my Mother’s Day special!”

You will also email everyone on your list the following:
Then you have a June Father’s Day or summer equinox special,
then a July Independence Day special,
then an Almost End of Summer August special
then a September Labor Day or Autumn solstice special
Then a Samhain or Halloween special
Then a November Thanksgiving gratitude special since you’re grateful if you have any clients left after all these emails.”




You see those fat old cats people don’t know the harm to the animal little ball of fat that can’t do anything but eat and lie around? That’s not the kind of kitty I am talking about. I’m talking about, instead of thinking about “saving money” which might tend to move you into lackful consciousness, I think rather of saving $$ here and there to build up a nice fat kitty of savings to have fun with later.  A psychic reader friend said they had been receiving no calls despite advertising in several local papers. I emailed: “No calls yet?  Hmm why do you think you are attracting that right now?  Are you doing creative visualization a few times a day about people calling in and being excited about your work and being appreciative of their breakthroughs and telling all their friends about you and also in your visualization writing in an appointment book, filling your calendar and PayPal account?  I am not kidding in the least.  Know that voice who says “who would want to pay me? There are too many readers to choose from, I’ll never make a living doing this”?  Do your visualization twice as long as those thoughts last.  When you do your viz often enough, that voice will subside. The moment that voice drops, your phone will begin ringing.”



I went to the Yoga Shakti Mission last night, took Michael Everly to meet Mataji, he had hot flashes the whole time there. She asked if we were bed partners and I could have dropped through the floor. No, we’re not, but thanks for asking.  My day is going fine, got lots of work done, found a writer I liked and downloaded a bunch of his articles into my hard drive to use him.  His website is  I’m printing out some of his stuff to read at lunch.   A friend and I have been doing the Monroe Institute Gateway Voyage exercises on cd together. She had not had success yet in going out of body, but she takes a variety of medication and drinks about 6 sodas a day with Asparatame. I wrote to her:  Continue reading

My suggestions for any business

I love networking to put people together to make friends and make money.  I see it as doing community service.  I don’t do it because it gets me anything.  Well, ok, in the beginning I admit I did. I saw that was how it worked: you got more bees with honey than vinegar, and the more I gave the more I got.  But then I faked it til I made it and now I love to do it just for the thrill it gives me.   The sense of satisfaction of helping someone with a boost up the next step on the ladder.  A sense of having helped someone expand their world as they expanded their perception of themselves and their potential.  I love it.   Here is an excerpt I am going to include in the next Horizons.  In prior emails I gave everyone business tips on how to increase their business.  D is the only one who did anything about it.   Continue reading

Michael Everly and I attended Dennis Hollin’s table tipping séance Saturday night

Michael Everly and I attended Dennis Hollin’s table tipping séance Saturday night. He and I did talk about orbs a few days ago and I told him I’d try to get some in pics.  I told him how the more people who are focused on orbs at the time of the pic, the more appear, and the more you think about them the more you attract them.  I gave him a creative visualization exercise to do in the few days before last night’s session, to help attract them.  He said he’d forgotten about the orbs once the table got into action, the table amazed him, he’s never seen anything like it.  I’ve only so far been thru the 50 pics from my Sony Mavrika camera but I got several orbs right around Michael as he asked his questions, and one right at his lips.   I have 219 pics from my Canon Powershot to go thru yet.  I used my Sony Mavrika camera while my battery was recharging for the Canon.  It’s my favorite camera for orb pics, but it’s heavy and bulky and records onto 3″ diskettes.  I only had 5 diskettes with me.  But I was using the Sony near the end of the session, when I thought I’d get more orbs.  Let’s see what the Canon picked up.

May 23, 2017 If you got to this page by Googling Dennis’ name over a stupid tipsy post he made on Facebook, yes that was stupid but he’s apologized, admits it was completely inapproriate and that he never should have said it.  I’ve known Dennis 20 years. He can blurt out some dumb stuff, but he never means anyone harm.  If you’re drinking at midnight with a crude crowd, it’s easy to get caught up in their lingo. 


I went to Lois Fredick’s yesterday to pick up my taxes and got some good surprises. She made me an LLC and said my taxes should be half next year. Had I been an LLC for tax year 2007, I would have saved $5,000. That’s good to know. I am surprised at how little sending the IRS $10k bothers me but am also real delighted it doesn’t. Kind of like when mom’s body passed I wasn’t sad and didn’t miss her because now she feels closer than ever and part of me. I like getting used to the big numbers in income. I like not knowing just when and how spirit is going to gift me with opportunity and abundance. I like meeting with new people, that shakes my shakti up and makes my mind open to new thoughts. When I’m open to new thoughts, I get new ideas and inspirations for fun and income producing projects. I don’t need to search out income, I just need to get in the flow and income will find me.