You’re cancelled! No, you’re not. My experience is things always work themselves out for me.

I got a notice yesterday from my homeowners’ insurance saying they were not renewing due to lack of a required inspection a year ago. I knew it was an error, since I’m the queen of documentation.  I got my copies from the file and sent off to my insurance guy last night. This morning while I had an accountant friend on the phone, I asked for a referral to a homeowner’s insurance company. She told me “a lot of people are getting cancelled because no one wants to insure a home in Florida.” I hadn’t heard that, so I had no idea.  I also knew it did not have to be my experience. I don’t typically attract stuff like that. I wondered if her telling me that would make it play on my mind and make me attract a similar situation to myself.  I knew I was the one in charge of what thoughts I choose to think.  Maybe I couldn’t help what thoughts came to mind, but I could help what thoughts I chose to dwell on. I took a few moments to remind myself that my experience is things like that always work themselves out for me.  I pay attention to business and do what is required of me and I keep organized records.  I decided to call my insurance agent rather than wait for an email response.  As soon as I said my name, I was told they got the email and the inspection report and were looking into it.  I was assured me it would be rescinded. The one I spoke to was “Faith,” of course. See?  My experience is things always work themselves out for me.  I have no evidence anywhere otherwise.  Yay to me when I can remember that.