You May Be Doing a Lot Better Than You Think You Are

A friend wrote on Facebook last week, “Sometimes I worry that I am not accomplishing enough. That I am not growing into some unknown ideal, on a soul level, fast enough. It’s as if I am expecting, at any moment, for God to walk up to me and give me a ticket for soul-loitering. Now silly is that?” Through the years, so many friends have mentioned detailed ideas to me that I encouraged them to consider selling the design or producing it, but at the time they lacked the experience or the belief that what they had developed was good enough to sell.  I see these items on the market now 10 and 20 years later by other people.  When we’re not sure is when we have a lot of Power.  When we are in that uncertain place, that place of doubt, if we act as though the Power is completely behind us, It will be.

The best mother thinks she’s the worst mother and the worst mother thinks she’s the best mother. If you have an idea and are having doubts about it, that’s good news.  You might just be on to something.  And if you think your life is just doing okay, you’re probably doing a lot better than you think you are.

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