You are the author and writer of your own story. Begin telling the new story today, stop telling the old story now

Begin telling the new story today, the way you want it to be.  That means STOP telling the old story now. When friends ask for an update, you tell them you’re excited and hopeful for the future, that many opportunities will be finding you and you’ll explore them all. You tell them what new projects you’re doing and you get involved in many of them. You tell them you are excited to be exposed to new people and new ideas.  It may even be that your next job or mate will be discovered then, too.  Your new story is that it’s all exciting and you look forward to having the time of your life. And the old story?  Bah!  That’s old news.  You’d so much more rather talk about what’s coming next!  Then you re-read this each day until you realize that it’s true.  You’ll see it the moment you believe it.

Stop making excuses.  Stop telling the old story.  Stop giving conversation to anything  you see happening that you don’t want.  Tell the story that brings you the greater relief.  Get hooked on feeling in alignment with the Universal source energy.  Complaining is out of the vortex, whether your complaint is valid or not. Think the better feeling thought. That’s the way into the vortex. That’s where everything you want is.  You can accomplish alignment every time you decide to.  “No matter what I’m doing, I have the ability to reach for alignment factors within it.  I can choose to focus myself into alignment, now, no matter what.”  You are the author and writer of your own story.  Turn the page, start anew and make sure it’s a story worth telling.

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