Which is really more beneficial? Dig deeply and get to the bottom of it, or let it go by ignoring it and happily focusing elsewhere?

Domino has been having anxiety issues due to recent life changes.  Can you dig it?  She’s at the age where elders are beginning to pass, and some sooner than expected.  Like me, she prefers natural methods over drugs but knows when she has an acute situation that needs addressing, she can call in the big guns if needed.  Her physician prescribed a mild Rx and told her she would benefit from grief counseling, from digging into the source of the anxiety.  Like me, she is a fan of theEsther Abraham-Hicks work.  The dilemma then becomes: which is really more beneficial?  Dig deeply into something that seems to have an obvious answer and cause (multiple unexpected deaths in a few months’ time) or simply turn her focus to something more pleasant as soon as possible, thus giving little or no attention to the other?  

Abraham does remind that our thoughts on any topic remain where we last left them.  To me, that means before I move onto a different topic of thought, make sure I have made peace with the last topic.  I can say, “Yes, I understand, because I, too, have just unexpectedly lost several close to me. I will feel sad.  I will miss them. I will get over it. Everyone dies.  You get used to it.  The reality is that we survive in consciousness after the change called death. To comprehend this, I promote the practice of daily separation of consciousness from the body via meditation.  Once you experience your existence beyond physical circumstances, the fear of death is removed. The less fear of death you have, the more you see the world from the higher perspective and the more we recognize how powerful we really are. This frees us to begin to live more fully, in every moment, now.  Anxiety free.  Until we hit a blip in the road and momentarily forget.” THAT, for me, is the way to leave that topic, and to be ready to move onto a happier topic.  I’m spending my spare time playing in my yard and brushing YinYang, who is enjoying being the only kitty for a change.

In the meantime, my favorite natural sleep aids, which also reduce anxiety, are typically Valerian Root Extract along with Melatonin, L-theanine, and Hyland’s Calm’s Forte.  See link below for My Experiment for my dosages.

Holy Basil Extract (My Experiment) for stress, insomnia, depression
Holy basil may be used as a treatment aid for depression.
Holy Basil for Anxiety and Insomnia
L-theanine as a unique anxiety reliever
Vitamin D3 Reduces Risk of Common Health Concerns


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