Wednesday evening marshmallow roast

Final layout for the April mag continues  Yesterday was busy with emails, ads, calls and errands. I didn’t leave the desk for lunch, heating a can of chicken noodle soup and throwing in a handful of spinach, a teaspoon each of vinegar, soy sauce and siriacha sauce.  It was surprisingly tasty.  I got my license tag renewal in the mail, yikes, they come in like two days! I made lots of progress doing computer work and it was after 5:00pm when I left the office.   I was ready for my evening fire!  I decided to use the chimenea on the back porch, so I could curl up in the big rocker. My fat Yinnie the Mini Cow was grooming herself on the chair across from me and we could hear “Pretty bird, pretty bird, kacheer, kacheer.” A fat, clumsy something walked past the porch, knocking against the side.  It was likely the armadillo, they are oblivious and crash into everything.  I crumpled too many pages of the magazine under the kindling, so for a few minutes it was snowing the paper ash out of the top of the chimenea.  I put one small piece of wood on and it settled right down.  I’d brought out 4 marshmallows and roasted them.  I like to let them catch fire, then spin them for full flame coverage, then blow them out before they get too black.  I love their yummy stickness but four is about three too many.  Dinner was a lazy tortilla filled with last night’s veggie picadillo with melted soy provolone cheese.  Another day in paradise



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