12 Easy Steps to Prepare Yourself for Handling Earth Changes

Drunvalo Melchizedek on preparing for Earth changes:  “We meditate to understand our connection to God and to all of life. When we know our connection to God and to all of life, we can view events like Earth changes without fear or worry.  If you really think that you are a little being inside a body and everything out there is totally out of your control and has no connection to you — that way of interpreting reality, which many people have, it’s going to be a very fearful situation. That kind of person needs to begin to do internal work. They need to begin to work on their emotional bodies, physical bodies and get into a spiritual path and begin to understand the nature of who they are, and that there is only One Spirit moving through everything.”  With the news and the talk about Earth changes, it can look out of control if you get wrapped up in it. It’s comforting knowing that with a little daily work we can get to a place of inner knowing, where we truly feel connected and safe and protected and loved. Here are twelve easy steps to prepare yourself for handling Earth changes.

1.  Daily Intention. Each morning, as you plan your day, set forth your intentions. Take a moment to note any challenges that may arise, and prepare for them in advance as best you can.

2.  Nightly Review. Begin to do your internal work, begin a nightly review of all that takes place each day and see if in retrospect there are any changes you’d like to make. Re-run the scene in your mind with the changes you’d like. Re-dedicate yourself to reacting consciously the next time.

3.  Clear the Slate.  Begin to make peace with everyone and everything. If there is anything or anyone to forgive or ask forgiveness from, do it. Ho’Oponopono, the Hawaiian healing process, in summary:  Bring them to mind. Forgive them.  Tell them you’re sorry for your part in their lack or limitation, and ask them to forgive you.  Thank them for their part in your life.  Tell them you love them and mean it. “I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, I forgive you, thank you.”.

4. Stop giving Your Power Away. How often do we give power, for instance: to a sacred site – “oh, feel the energy of this place here” – when in actuality it is we who, by virtue of our power, fuel the sites we visit and experience. I believe that and I believe that by virtue of our vibrational resonance, we feed our environment. I believe we all have much more power than we can possibly imagine. I believe that every time I say a prayer for someone, the Universe takes it up and offers it as nourishment for the one prayed for, at the moment of the prayer, as well as anyone else who could use an overflow prayer. The idea of prayer working scientifically is a relatively new concept. As I was growing up, it never occurred to me that it wouldn’t work, so I’m never surprised when it does. But I am continually amused at the form it chooses.

5. Exercise Your Power In Your World.  Begin to notice and feel the power within you. Use it every single day, exercise it. Say a little prayer whenever you see an opportunity for one. If you read the paper or watch the news, you’ll see many opportunities. Say some kind words to a stranger. Say some kind words to a friend. Say some kind words to your family. There is much more power in this than you can imagine. Exert your power in your world, use your power to comfort and uplift those around you. Everyone in your life right now is your multitude, each neighbor, each family member, each friend, each co-worker, and for each person that rubs you the wrong way, you are their multitude and they your greatest teacher. Pour your love and compassion out upon them as often as you can, and take nourishment from them as well. Hear what they have to say to you, and take it into account when making decisions about how to manage your life, but rely more on what comes forth from within you.

6.  Develop Your Inner Guidance. The less you rely on the opinions and guidance of others, the more your own guidance system develops. That’s what’s meant by “don’t give your power away.” If others are constantly giving you their ideas, your own can’t develop. Your own ideas and guidance develop in the silence of your own mind as you consciously give thought to whatever subject you seek guidance on.  All you need to ever know is locked within you. You don’t need others for answers, but others can be valuable for inspiration. Would you keep a cast on a leg that no longer needed it? Wouldn’t that eventually hold back the leg from healing on its own? Wouldn’t the muscle atrophy and thus hinder you? Have friends and listen to them for inspiration and, afterward, give twice as much quiet thought to the subject as you spent listening to their ideas. Reflect deeply on what you’re contemplating. Exercise your power to draw forth guidance from deep within yourself, and use it to better your life and hasten your evolution.

7.  It’s all about attitude. Earth changes? I believe that yes, there will be lots of changes through the coming years here on Earth. I personally don’t foresee in my lifetime any of the major catastrophes that have been predicted, and I also know that no matter what occurs where, it doesn’t have to be my experience. Through the years, I’ve learned that my experience is dependent upon my mindset and aspiration, and my quality of life is directly connected to my attitude. Period, end of story.

8. Take Control Of How You Perceive Life and How You React To It. When I took steps in my life years ago to check criticism, to speak only words that are true, kind and necessary, and to take conscious control of how I perceive life and how I react to it, my world changed. It got easier, magic began to happen, people got nicer, money came easier, my hay fever even stopped! You cannot imagine the change that will take place in your life if you cease all criticism for 30 days. This is a powerful exercise.

9. Develop A Sense of Purpose. I know that I am a powerful being, I feel a real dedication to my brothers and sisters in this Earthwalk. If we develop a sense of purpose, and align ourselves with others who hold similar interests, and with dedication throw ourselves into whatever our project may be, I guarantee that when that flood or that hurricane or that tornado or that earthquake comes, it will wash over you or around you or under you and you’ll just brush yourself off and continue on your merry way.

10. Strive Daily toward Your Goal. Maybe your project is raising your kids as a single mom, teaching them to speak only kind words, giving them helpful affirmations, teaching them to understand there are a variety of viewpoints. Maybe your project is a menial job in a miserable place, and you throw yourself into doing the very best you can there, and take pride in the wonderful service you are providing and wish happiness upon the people who’ll benefit from your work. Maybe your project is being a teacher or an artist or a tax accountant. If you have a sense of purpose, a sense of mission and strive daily to move forward toward your goal, if you take responsibility for the thoughts you feed to yourself and others, the Universe will absolutely arrange it so you avoid any catastrophes that may come your way.

11. Don’t Anticipate or Talk About Catastrophes.  I hear some lament that Social Security won’t be around when we need it. So? So what? Unplug from the idea that the only income you might have is Social Security and know that by the time you’re ready for it, some system will be in place and providing for you. Know that if your husband never made another child support payment, if your mom didn’t make your car payments, if your daughter didn’t repay her loan, you’d have income from somewhere. You’d have a roof over your head, you’d have food to eat. If you’ve read this far, you’re at the stage that you can direct your own destiny by the power of your thoughts, and that certainly includes financial sufficiency.

12. Steer Clear Of The Path Of Destruction. What can you do in advance to make sure you survive Earth changes?  Become at peace with whatever is in your life right now. Strive each day to uplift others. Seek happiness in all that you do. Do your job cheerfully, with gratitude and humility. Speak kind words to everyone. Pour your love onto others. Seek no recognition for good deeds. Initiate a project and throw yourself into it. Make a difference. Work daily to get yourself into a mindset of abundance and happiness and purpose right now, starting today, right where you are, so by the time the earthquake or hurricane hits, you’ll be miles away on a camping trip and miss all the action. You’ll have worked up enough momentum by the power of your purposeful, guided thought, that the Universe will see to it that you’re spared from whatever might be going on around you that you might not want to participate in.

My experience is it’s as easy as that. I’ve had it happen way too many times to not believe it.

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