Tummy bug; I can control my perception

Well, it seems like more than 2 days since I last wrote. After my post Sunday morning, I came down with a little tummy bug that had me down for the count until just a few hours ago. Usually the Universe times it so that I don’t get sick during final layout week, so I knew it would pass quickly. In fact, the theme of the day was “passing quickly” and I lost 8 pounds in 12 hours. Fortunately, I am a big healthy amazon; for a tiny bite-sized person, 8 pounds in 12 hours would be startling.

As usual, I got some good lessons from the experience. Although while in the midst of it, I was fully engaged in the process and not doing much ruminating about it. I was glad that in the week before, I had done some comfort upgrades such as installing the new water heater and the blackout drapes. I also did a mega cleaning of the house, and rearranged the furniture in my master suite. So when I ended up spending 2 days in there, it was a nice comfortable environment. I typically fall asleep on my couch proofreading and I may not sleep in my bed more than once a week, if that. So it’s easy to forget I have a huge, cushy bed until I need to crash in it for a couple of days.

My friend Neesey brought me some Gatorade and a whole little goodie bag of tangerines, fruit, soup, oatmeal… I began sipping the Gatorade and within 6 hours had gotten an entire 20 oz bottle down and felt myself reviving. I knew the glucose would animate the neurochemistry in my brain, although it was a way more sugary drink that I was used to. I mostly drink water, sometimes herbal teas, and the taste of the Gatorade was almost overpowering, like a cola. When you’re not used to drinking anything processed, the taste takes some getting used to. It was sugary, salty, chemically. But it worked! I’ve learned if I can wake up my brain, I can start having the thoughts that make it all work out for me.

Overnight I drink a second bottle of Gatorade, a few sips each time I awoke sweating and freezing. I took a hot bath when the chills really got to me and was glad for the new water heater and a full tub of hot bubbly water. Nothing warms like being submerged in warm water, and my achey muscles thanked me. You know how you feel after even the common cold, your muscles ache like you’ve been beaten up. The hot water was soothing and relaxing. And I hadn’t been sick for hours – I was excited to think it was over with.

I got out of my coconut lime bubbly bath and wrapped up in my giant mens’ 2XXL velour bathrobe and put on my fluffy booties and climbed back into my giant bed. Izzy and YinYang came in and out constantly, checking in, maybe hopping in the bed for a short nap. Well, YinYang would nap, Izzy would just begin grooming. Him being the size of a dog makes for a very noisy and active nap partner. But he never stays anywhere for long, then he’s on his way.

I used to get very afraid when I would be sick, when I was in that helpless feeling place, vulnerable, having to ask others to do for me. I have for the most part lost that fear. I guess because I have learned that my body is going to go through all kinds of experiences, and while I can’t always control the experience, I can control my perception of the experience. After my night of being depleted, I felt so weak that I had to take several naps before I had enough energy to make a phone call.

Maybe I’m less fearful because I’ve come to realize that my thoughts in the Now do really affect my future experiences. That I have a say today in how happy and easy my tomorrow will be. I’ve learned that I typically attract good things into my life, and when I’m down, it’s not for very long.

There’s a real empowerment in knowing that we have a hand in creating the reality we experience. That means when I see things begin to go not quite so well, then I’ve got some work to do. I’ve got some thinking and pre-paving to do, a little goal setting, a little prioritizing, then I’ll be back on top once again. It never fails.

And right now my priority is to have a big nap so I can wake up in a few hours feeling fully recovered and ready to jump back into final layout of the January Horizons. Yes, deadline is still the 10th, which is tomorrow.

RELATED:  Speaking too soon… bug was not gone!

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