Hallelueah: Joel Osteen has discovered Abraham-Hicks; be mindful of the words we use

I turned on the tv for a temperature check on the Weather Channel and, in scrolling through the stations, came across Joel Osteen doing his morning service. I’ve listened to a minute or two here and there through the years of Osteen’s talks, and he is a very likeable and charismatic personality, with a basic good common sense message. But this morning he was talking in a way I’d not heard him talk before and he was using familiar phrases about the importance of the words we speak.

Osteen spoke to “speaking favor to your future” which Abraham-Hicks calls “pre-paving your future”. He did not use the phrase “law of attraction” or the term “positive affirmations”, but that was the message he was giving. He’s a smart marketer, knowing and speaking the language his audience understands. “Positive confession” doesn’t sound nearly so, God forbid, new-agey.

Osteen talks of “how your words speak faith” and says “the moment you verbalize a thought, you give it the right to come to pass.” He says, “Learn to call things that are not as though they were.” He does not mention the movie the Secret, nor the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, but it’s clear he has had his perspective broadened, and that he is getting this message across to his audience. Yay! Because he’s got a really wide, big audience! And it’s an audience my Horizons Magazine is unlikely to reach.

Osteen says, “God-talk will bring God on the scene. Devil-talk will bring the devil on the scene.” He had scripture to illustrate when God gave these teachings. If that is the way someone has to hear the message, then so be it. If just a percentage of everyone in the evangelical Christian movement who hears Osteen’s message begins to criticize and complain less, to change their thoughts to more uplifted thoughts, and then acting as though those thoughts were really true, and then responding to life as though it were treating you the way you wanted to be treated, wow what a life that would be for us all.  That’s Utopia.

I think it’s genius when someone as powerful and charismatic as Joel Osteen – who’s out there in the mainstream population of fundamentalist mindset thinkers – can become illuminated on such a topic as “our thoughts create our reality” and “we attract what we talk about” and then be able, with his newly opened eyes, to find all sorts of relevant scripture to support the new revelation, in order to successfully convey it to his audience.

I love it when a large group gets a new message,or accepts a new teaching, because energetically it feels as though the fog were lifting, as though the air were clearing of the clouds and smoke.

And even though a lot of them will go back to their lazy ways of thinking (and creating by default), they will at least have gotten a kickstart, so the next time it cycles around, they will find it easier to accept.

Their system will have had proper time to assimilate the new concept and to see how it might be useful to hold the belief that “our thoughts create our reality” and ‘we can pre-pave our future experience.”

And from there on, the sky’s the limit.

In case the FTC is wondering, I am not endorsing anyone.

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