Tuesday is Mars’ Day – A Day to Crank Out the Donuts

Tuesday is for the busy bees

Tuesday is Mars’ day, a day to take action to achieve goals. Mars is the planet of action and the expression of will through activity.  Mars represents strength, determination and achievement. People born on this day show the qualities of Mars, Aries, Scorpio, and Pluto. This ties Tuesday with ideas of strife, battles to be won, pressing issues and jobs to be done.  Tuesday is a good day to settle long-standing issues with authority figures. It’s a good day to pay attention to your physical body: working out, getting bodywork done, taking a long walk, dancing in your nightgown under the moon.  Statistics show that more work gets done on Tuesday than any other day of the week.  Buckle down and crank out the donuts, because after Tuesday, even the calendar says WTF.

Sessions with Andrea
Spiritual Astrology Reports – 3 Months Future Prediction

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