Today’s Fresh Veggie Score

produce It’s been a week of buying lots of fresh vegetables to make healthy meals and snacks, especially soups now that the weather is cooling down.  I like soup combinations like red pepper and winter squash with  sweet potato and kale, or winter squash with plaintain, zucchini and chickpeas. Today at the market I scored fresh celery, Rome apples, parsley, an almost ripe plaintain, 2 giant red peppers, 2 zucchini, 2 yellow summer squash, a fat eggplant, 2 limes and 3 lemons.  I’ll be roasting the veggies to use atop salads, rice, potatoes, in burritos, mashed into dips for pita points and tortilla chips.  Oh, and broccoli to make my fave Asian Spiced Lowfat Broccoli Salad.  Simple fresh foods can be such a feast when we appreciate them.