This is the face of OUR golden years

wild-woman-sisterhood crone womanThis is the face of OUR golden years. We’re not your grandma’s grandma. As elders we are the visionkeepers, holding your vision until you’re able to hold it on your own. We are the wayshowers; to make your path easier and save you steps, we share the way we’ve come and what the journey has taught us. We didn’t listen either so we learned our own way. This is the face of our golden years. We’re not your grandma’s grandma.

Image from Wild Woman Sisterhood: Radiant, luminous “crone” woman. During ancient times, the crones, hags and witches were frequently sages, leaders, midwives and healers in their communities and were revered for their wisdom and knowledge. As history evolved and a patriarchal society took hold, the definitions of the crone, (the crowned one) the hag, (the holy one), and the witch (the wise one) were distorted.  May we again respect all elders and honor their wisdom.

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