The First Day: Ban journalists, Break 34 of 36 promises

Wow — ban journalists from the press conference? Really? I see the First Amendment is the first to go. The First Amendment guarantees, among other things, freedom of expression by prohibiting restriction of the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely. “We’re going to be in the promise-keeping business” yet 34 out of 36 were broken the first day. “Get over it?” It would be easy to take score too soon, huh? Jesus in disguise, ya’llSee how this will never end? Don’t let what he does drive you crazy. Just be kind to your neighbors (and everyone) for the next 4 years and don’t worry about what people say he’s doing.  Pray he’ll have an awakening and will go on to do great things. There’s still time to turn it all around but we have to believe it’s possible. 4+5=9 and 9 is esoterically the number of initiation, initiation into a new way of being, initiation into a new way of perceiving and interacting with the world around you. Many of us will come thru the fire on the other side. We won’t get consumed by the fire if we don’t stand around watching it. That means keep your attention moving to ever better topics, and to people and things in your immediate environment. The best is yet to be. Yes, despite this.  Whatever is happening God is permitting to happen for a designed purpose even though we have no idea what that purpose is. Staying faithful no matter what craziness appears before me.

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