The February 2014 Smoothiefest Debacle

smoothiesWe decided to make smoothies the other day. Our friend Vicki Murfin always has delicious vegan treats on hand and one fave is her frozen fruit smoothie snacks. She keeps them in little glass jars in the freezer, so we were going to make a batch. We go to the store, we buy orange juice, organic fruit and a dozen 4 oz jars with lids. I decide it’s too big a job for the Magic Bullet, which is my mini blender, so I pull out the regular Osterizer blender. I check make sure I got all the parts, I put everything together, blender disasterput in my fruit, the juice, I plug it in and push the button… and orange juice splatters everywhere. Somehow the base has swirled itself loose from the glass jar part of it. My hero saves the day, we transfer the fruit and juice into a large pitcher while I clean the  kitchen. I know anything with one drop of orange juice on it can attract an ant, so I wiped down every surface. Ten minutes later, we pull out the Magic Bullet as we were going to do in the first place and begin again.  Now we’ve got a freezer full!  Basic recipe for a dozen 4 oz snacks, we used 3 bananas (because he ATE the 4th one!) a cup of frozen blueberries, a quart/4 cups orange juice.  Fill jars 2/3 full, screw top on lightly and put in freezer. A healthy frozen snack!