The cats need to shape up in 2015

Benny and Yinnie on whiteMy cats both weigh 11 pounds.  Benny is all muscle.  YinYang, alas, is not.  They can both benefit by setting meal boundaries. They won’t eat healthy Hill’s Science Diet dry food, so I give them their beloved Meow Mix.  I’ve overfed YinYang for 14 years and Benny for a year. Now they are balking that rations are cut. Benny used to get a 5.5 oz can of Little Friskies himself and Yinnie would get a 3 oz can of Sheba. The last week, both are boycotting the dry food altogether.  I tried a new cat feeding schedule of 1/2 cup each dry food morning and evening, plus 1/3 can Yinny, 2/3 can Benny in the afternoon. Both cats kept hounding me for more. So I put 1/2 cup of the Hill’s Science Diet dry food in each bowl, figuring that if they are really hungry, they will eat it. Sometimes they do. I can’t cave. The kitties need to shape up for 2015.  And BTW what planet am I on that I thought a cat needed a can in the morning and a can at night and dry food filling the bowl at all times?   The Fancy Feast website says “Feed an average size adult cat 1 can (3 oz) per 2 ½ pounds of body weight daily” which is 4-5 cans a day.  Holy hippo.