Tell me outright if you have an issue with me, I still love you

You’re allowed to disagree with me.  You’re allowed to be angry with me.  I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything.  I’m just playing show and tell about my day and how things land on me and how I navigate life.  You don’t have to believe what I believe.  But if you have an issue with me and want to work it out, tell me exactly what it is and let’s resolve it once and for all.  A friend is angry with me for various and sundry and, besides arguing with me on Facebook, we are emailing. I can’t meet everyone’s expectations and I don’t talk with anyone who’s angry.  He asked why I did something.  I told him.  He wrote back several accusations and I asked him what specifically he was referring to.   He would not tell me.  I don’t have time for stuff like that.  Last month I wrote If someone asks for an exit interview or closure talk, show up for it and let them take the lead.   At the end, ask if they’ve addressed all concerns and are they complete.  Because I thought I did that once and apparently I did not.   I can be very oblivious and self centered.  I don’t do it on purpose.   I never mean to hurt the ones I love.  However, I recognize it’s their issue and not mine if they let me leave without being complete.

What’s it really about?
Why you don’t see warnings on my Facebook page