It’s not just about Tropical Storm Sean, what’s it really about?

Earlier this week, Domino called and asked if I could ask a mutual friend to not delete the post he made on her Facebook wall.  His post said, “Hi Weather warriors, it’s that time again. There’s a huge storm about 700 miles off of Miami. We need all to pray/visualize/ meditate and send energy to this storm.  Firstly, to keep it on a trajectory heading straight to the Atlantic in a northeast direction.  Secondly, we can send loving/compassionate energy to it so it can break up and become a smaller storm.  We need to get to work.”   He made the same post on my wall.  I left it for 24 hours then deleted it.  I didn’t know there was a storm until I saw his post.  When I went to delete it, I didn’t get the sense there was anything to worry about.  I checked the National Hurricane Center site satellite radar and saw the projection and forecast, noted the moon cycle and still got the sense it was nothing to worry about.  I told him so and told him I understood our mutual friend not wanting him to post on her wall.  I was surprised when Domino lashed out at me, sounding really angry.

He was  basically arguing that I have an obligation as a spiritual messenger to let everyone on my Facebook wall know there’s a tropical depression forming off Bermuda and that we should all pray for it to move northeast.   He said he was being a divine warrior and asked “are you telling me you don’t believe in the power of prayer and that the more people we can get to pray about something, the better chance we have of moving it?”  I didn’t think that was the issue.  I do believe prayer works.  To me, the issue was:  I didn’t know there was a storm until I saw his post.  When I went to delete it, I didn’t get the sense there was anything to worry about.  I checked the National Hurricane Center site satellite radar and saw the projection and forecast, and still got the sense it was nothing to worry about.  To me that meant, no need to share this.  For past storms, some came to my attention and gave me the impression we could use some prayers to calm the fears of the people and for those I made blog posts.

I don’t think people need to be scared to death over something they may not otherwise know about.  I didn’t know about it until he put it on my FB wall.  He was divinely guided to do so.  I was divinely guided to remove it.  He was guided to call me  and tell me what a slacker I was being.

To me, the issue was:   It’s something I intuitively feel is of no threat and  I don’t want to ask my thousands of Facebook friends to give their attention to a storm and get all worried about it when it will be over before we know it if we leave it alone, and leave it to God and Nature.

Letting everyone know there was a storm out there may tend to scare a lot more people than not, so they would be adding their fearful thoughts into the mix.  Not meaning to, of course, wanting to help, but not having that place in consciousness that lets them add a healing thought of the storm dissipating and moving offshore.  If the thoughts they’d add would be fearful thoughts, why bring it to their attention?

It’s like with most healing, we see someone has something wrong with them and they need fixing.   We pray for their limb to mend, their pain to subside and their eye to see.  We pray to heal what we see as lack and limitation.   And yes there is much healing power in prayer, although we don’t understand the mechanism behind it.

But what I know from experience is that the healing consciousness is the consciousness that sees the lack and limitation as transitory and not of much consequence given the overall picture.  That is the healing thought. And 3 people able to hold that thought are more powerful than 3,000 with unfocused thought and drifting emotions.

So no, it’s not that I didn’t support Domino in his campaign to pray away a storm, it’s that he’s a passionate man and he has bigger fish to fry than a storm that holds no threat according to my spidey sense and brief knowledge of weather systems and how the moon cycles relate to storm patterns.

It’s not that I don’t believe prayer helps heal a situation, my issue was thinking the situation did not need healing in the form of me posting on my Facebook wall about it. Domino proceeded to call me out for not doing my spiritual duty, sounding angry but I can’t say if he was, I’ve never heard him angry before.   He made a remark about how I thought it was more important to sleep than rally my Facebook friends for his cause.  I thought that was odd since I’ve known him 20 years and he knows my afternoon sleep is my main sleep since I work overnight.  He made an angry remark that I’m only focused on business, which, again, he’s known me 20 years.  At this point he was just saying things to be mean, so we ended the conversation and cancelled plans we had for the next day.  He’s usually a reasonable and tuned in guy that I count as a soul mate in this lifetime.  Yep, and we don’t always get along with our soul mates if we move it out of Facebook.  LOL   Domino right after the phone call posted on my page for me to don’t worry, be happy and breathe.   Ya gotta laugh.   We teach what we need to learn.

Hurricanes and Personal Storms