Tarot Card of the Day: Hierophant Reversed

Your Card for today.  Meditate upon the meaning this card might have for you since it showed up at this exact moment. Not everyone saw this.  Not everyone attracted this message onto their monitor.  YOU DID. There are no mistakes.
MEANING: When reversed, the Hierophant is still very much about “doing the right thing.” In reversal, however, it indicates a more-than-normal level of confusion about what exactly the right thing is. The answers are within you… if, that is, you have enough info about the situations at hand. This reversal suggests that you may need to dig a little deeper to find out what’s what. Remember that the right thing is what is right for you also.  Others may not understand where you are coming from or why you think a certain course of action is the right one. It is not always necessary that your nearest and dearest get it or agree, once you have made a solid decision.

Work: Although you may be surrounded by and/or receiving advice from some very solid and savvy mentors, when the Hierophant appears reversed you may need to agree to disagree with at least one of them on at least one point. To thine own self be true. That is crucial now.

Love: When the reversed Hierophant appears, you may be getting weary of the same-old same-old in relationships and may have a longing to step outside of your usual and accepted roles and routines. Honor that, but tread lightly, if so. The Hierophant has a relationship to the traditional and established way of doing things. Push too far too fast and you could well alienate or even lose your relationship. So caution is needed.

Finances: As with the upright meaning of this card, this is a time to play by the rules and to use down-to-earth, normal, traditional ways to handle your money. Gambling is not likely to pay off now. Seek the advice of people with experience dealing with money.  This is a good time for investments, provided they are conservative and stable. This is not a good time for taking chances with money or going for “unusual” stocks, bonds, etc.

Health: You may need to make some changes to your typical health regime. It’s good to have rituals and positive habits when this card appears, it is not, however, good to be completely inflexible. If you have a long-standing health challenge which has not seemed to get any better, this is a good time to perhaps seek a second opinion or try a more esoteric healing method—anything from massage to careful attention to diet and substance intake may make a big difference now.

Spirituality:  You are likely very much concerned with spirituality now, even if you don’t have anything approximating a traditional religious belief. You will benefit from making a point to take regular time, even if you don’t attend a traditional house of worship – to quiet yourself and allow your spirit some space to expand. What matters here is the regularity of it – whether it’s daily, weekly; whatever you can make time for. You will see changes in your life and outlook as a result of making this effort. If you haven’t the faintest idea of where or how to begin, reach out to others, read, experiment with different approaches.

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