Tarot Card of the Day: 5 of Swords Reversed

Your Card for today.  Meditate upon the meaning this card might have for you since it showed up at this exact moment. Not everyone saw this.  Not everyone attracted this message onto their monitor.  YOU DID. There are no mistakes.
MEANING: You may be having an urge to prove that you are right about something to someone – and this could be a serious waste of time and energy. If you’re right, you’re right, and it doesn’t matter if people believe you. Put your energy into more productive efforts.  The reversed 5 of Swords indicates power struggles and conflicts.  Consider your priorities and the things that matter most to you. Be pleasant.

Work: In the context of work, the reversed 5 can show that you may be shooting your own self in the foot. Do not create conflict where none exists if you want to keep your job. Do not escalate conflicts. Accept situations as they are, unless something illegal or immoral is happening. If it’s the latter, consider making a report to the authorities. Some problems are too big to try to solve on your own.

Love:  You may be sacrificing your happiness because of a need to show/feel that you are “right.” People have sensibly asked “Do you want to be ‘right’ or do you want to be happy?” Sometimes you have to let go of your ego and simply accept things, whether you are looking for love or whether you are in in a long-term relationship.

Finances: If there is conflict because of money when the reversed 5 of Swords appears, keep a cool head and look at the basis of the problem. Have you made a mistake? If so, admit it. Are you or people close to you not pulling their weight, or putting too much influence on the importance of money? Work through problems, don’t try to run away from them. One thing at a time.

Health: The reversed 5 of Swords shows that you may be under tremendous stress now, however, some of this is stress you are causing for yourself. Back up and realize that you can control some of this. You don’t have to do everything. Make time for rest and relaxation, and realize that not everything must be perfect. Forgive yourself.

Spirituality: You may have removed yourself from a spiritual tradition from your past, or finally told your romantic partner that you no longer wish to attend services of your/their faith community. This may feel like a “win” and it is good that you stood up for your desires, however, your spiritual needs do not just stop or go away; how will you fill them? Don’t pretend that your spiritual needs no longer exist. Look for like-minded people, who see spirituality in the way that you do.

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