Tarot Card of the Day: Eight of Coins

Your Card for today.  Meditate upon the meaning this card might have for you since it showed up at this exact moment. Not everyone saw this.  Not everyone attracted this message.  YOU DID. There are no mistakes.
MEANING:  The 8 of Coins can indicate a period of very hard work. This does not have to be a negative thing, but you must be prepared for it. Think about what it is that you are working for. This work can be personal or professional. Be prepared to ask for help if needed.  This card points to necessary efforts. You will have a lot on your plate that you must accomplish. Dedication to the tasks at hand is important. Be clear on what you want to accomplish. Strive for balance. 

Work: If you are seeking employment, this card can indicate that you will be hired into a new position that tests your skills and is demanding. Have faith in yourself, that you can do what is needed to be successful in the position. If you are currently working, you may be saddled with more responsibility and tasks than can be accomplished well. Don’t hesitate to request assistance from supervisors with prioritizing. You can only do so much; be realistic.

Love: If you are currently committed, your workload or that of your partner may be interfering with the relationship. Make time and space for the relationship or things will suffer. If you are looking for love, the appearance of this card often tells us that you are actually too focused on money and what you do for a living to really create space in your life for a new relationship. Consider your priorities and where your time and energy goes. If you want love, make sure you have room for it.

Finances: The 8 of Coins says you may receive financial assistance that you have been hoping for. However, don’t squander these resources. Be cautious and circumspect. Think long-term. This is not a time to gamble. Money coming to you now comes as a result of work, not luck.

Health: You may need to take action in order to improve your health status. There are things that you can actively do to help yourself, think about what these things might be, and then follow through. Every action makes a difference. Think positively.

Spirituality: Consider the spiritual aspect of life with regard to your working life whether or not you work at a traditional job. Why are you doing what  you are doing? What growth are you creating? You will benefit from actively reading more about spirituality and talking with those who come from belief systems other than your own. Be open, and you will benefit.

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